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Canadian AFG War "Resister"

The Librarian said:
All that PLUS the fact that the media who is so relishing in interviewing this fraudulant "war resistor" has yet to nail him during one of these interviews that as a Reservist he would have had to physicaly volunteer on paper to deploy into an operational theatre. And they know that to be the case. They've read this this thread...they've even posted in other threads.

Wait. You mean the media actually WANTS to nail this guy ???

During my second suitability interview (out of three, see story here if you're interested: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/39587/post-369005.html#msg369005), there was a point where the Captain interviewing me became extra serious, and told me that I could quite possibly be put in situations where I would be expected to employ deadly force to help achieve objectives I personally may not agree with.  He then asked if I was willing to continue on with my application knowing this.  I of course replied "Yes, I am", and felt very relieved that the CF was finally doing some BS screening with this seemingly obvious question. 

The way he spoke, it seemed as if it were a standard worded question they were now asking all applicants.  It was almost like the famous Miranda the police read off when placing people under arrest (I wish I could remember better what he said, as it was dead clear, no nonsense, and left no doubt in your mind what he was getting at). 

Anyways, fast forward another year to my third and final suitability interview.  It went well, as did the others, but this question, or any other dealing with this subject, was nowhere to be found.  While I enjoyed the interview, and felt a bit happy when the Captain told me the process was moving quicker now, the lack of discussion on this crucial subject left me a bit disappointed.


Btw, if anybody here is connected to the personnel selection staff at CFRC Toronto during 2003-2005, could they PM me as this lowly newbie OCdt feels that everyone applying to the CF needs to be grilled with this question, and they way it was said was just amazing.  I'm not sure if posting that Captain's name is OPSEC/PERSEC, so I'm playing it safe.
By the end of his first week of training this spring at Gagetown, where he carried a rifle all day long and learned about handling grenades, Juarez knew he wanted out. 


My god, that's shocking: soldiers forced to use rifles AND grenades, there needs to be an inquiry.  ::)

I'm sure being in the Army would be just the cushiest job in the world if it weren't for all the "military" stuff.
cobbler said:

My god, that's shocking: soldiers forced to use rifles AND grenades, there needs to be an inquiry.  ::)

I'm sure being in the Army would be just the cushiest job in the world if it weren't for all the "military" stuff.
                                Mom said I had to join to Leanne how to make my bed !
"The NDP invited Juarez to its policy convention this weekend, its members proud to meet a veritable "war-resister" on the same day their party voted to pull Canadian troops out of Afghanistan."

Perfect MP candidate for Jack Layton's party.
Okay...locked.  I'm sicking of having to ref this one and I think the point has been made.

Oh, and for the gentleman who complained about censorship, stating that someone should be summarily executed is a tad unprofessional.  We try to avoid that here, but have fun on your own forums.
Please keep your tone in mind and avoid personal attacks & ad hominem.


Watched CTV today. They did an interview with that ocdt that quit the mo cause he said he was getting deployed to Afghan...he is right out of it. He made himself out to look like a tool. Plus anyone with half a brain could tell he is just full of bs...not even worth going down to waste your day defending the forces.
Bobbyoreo said:
He made himself out to look like a tool. Plus anyone with half a brain could tell he is just full of bs...
Will civilians that do not understand the inner workings of the CF see this, or will he be able to pull the wool over their eyes?

It is too easy to write him off just because we can see the holes in his position.
Bobbyoreo said:
Watched CTV today. They did an interview with that ocdt that quit the mo cause he said he was getting deployed to Afghan...he is right out of it.

Oh and let me guess...CTV still did absolutely nothing to call him on the fact that he would have had to physically volunteer for that Afghanistan deployment in order to go there as a Reserve. Correct?
No CTV just asked questions...didnt bring up the fact he had to volunteer...

I know civs eat the stuff he talks about...thats why its so sad.
Mr Juarez speaks:
""With minimum debate, the Harper government has taken Canadians into an American model of warmaking in Afghanistan which I believe to be counter productive to the stated goals of humanitarian assistance and meaningful democratic reform".

OK, holes.
1st: "minimum debate".  This has been debated and is still being debated.  There were several debates in the House, as I recall
2nd: "The Harper government has taken Canadians into an American model of warmaking in Afghanistan "  Where to begin?  First of all, the incumbent PM when we deployed to Khandahar was Mr Paul Martin (Lib).  Nex, "American model" of "warmaking".  Well, we don't follow an American model of fighting for starters.  Next, what does "warmaking" mean?  To make war?  I thought we were involved in war fighting.  But, I digres....
The last part he says "I believe", so I cannot counter it.  If he believes it, then so be it.

Source of this quote:
the debate he wants is that one that says ok..ok you win we'll leave...
Bobbyoreo said:
No CTV just asked questions...didnt bring up the fact he had to volunteer...
Interesting what they didn't ask isn't it? Seeing as how at least one of their reporters frequents this site and has posted here. It's not like they are not "privy" to this little factoid...they seem, instead, to be choosing to ignore it. There's the balanced, fair and 'impartial' news coverage they preach for you.
They did post at the bottom of the screen that he was a OCDT and that he was mo/reserve/what ever you want to call us now adays...
They keep going back and talking to people..think they got the organizer in there as well...they also said something about Jakie talking for abit...should be good..he never has a clue what he is talking about..
As I understand it, Mr. Juarez ceased training because the Commandant of the Infantry School decided so.  I mean, that's policy.  Regardless of the person or what causes them to come in from of him, the final say is the commandant's.  What brought him to his office, I don't know, and I refuse to speculate.  I highly doubt, however, that Mr. Juarez ended up in his office to protest the CF's involvement in Afghanistan, and even in WW2, VERY FEW service personnel went overseas against their wishes, if any at all.  So, Mr Juarez, a member of the Primary Reserve, would have as much chance at  being forced into going to A'stan as my dog has.

But, we all know this.


Check THAT site out.
I have been reading about Mr. Juarez for the last month and I have just about had enough.  I felt that I finally had something to say on this guy.  I sailed with this guy on HMCS Algonquin for a period of about two years (I left the unit last year).  During that time he was an ordinary seaman and I think he finally made it to able seaman.  Juarez was always a competent operator and seemed to fit in well with the rest of the crew.  While we were at sea, I distinctly remember some conversations I had with him in the main cafeteria on things such as Afghanistan and Iraq.  He always had that distinct slant away from service in either of these two theatres, but what I have seen of him in the media lately is amazing.  I am shocked that he has pimped himself out to the media and the political anti-war lobby in this country.  In the entire time I knew him on ship, never could I have imagined that he would be on national TV talking about 'resisting' being sent to Afghanistan, especially when as a reservist he had to volunteer to go anyways. 

The Francisco Juarez I know is a very principled and intelligent person, but what I have seen lately and some of the backstory on him that I have gotten has me shaking my head.  I guess it just goes to show you that you really don't know that much about the people you serve with sometimes.  I just wish that the media would report some of the true back story instead of that he is resisting a war he had no chance of being forced into in the first place.  That's my two cents, the extra nickel is free.
Mr. Juarez, your 15 minutes are almost over. You have proved once again, that those of little talent or intestinal fortitude can be famous (for a time) in our great nation. You are welcome for the freedom to make a fool of yourself, paid for by true soldiers. You too will be quickly forgotten.

Those who carry on will ensure your rights are protected in the future.