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I've been mulling that over.It would make sense to put them near the armoured units. Unless we intend to de-consolidate the tanks, Edmonton or Wainwright make the most sense. Next would be Valcartier and Petawawa.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that I think we need a lot more tanks than we have and that, because we use very few of them operationally at any given time, that they should be manned in large measure by reservists. And yes, I know that reduces the readiness level but that becomes a risk that can be mitigated.
What's more, most of our reservists live in areas that are not natural armour training facilities. I think its time we acknowledged that fewer and fewer people want to live in Wainwright or Gagetown.
What's needed is: a training system that trains young reservists to a proper crewman standard at the DP1 level; an appropriate annual-at armouries-training cycle using simulators, sim-munitions and annual live-fire, collective training exercises; a sufficient infusion of regular force leadership across the board to handle the roles part-timers can't; an adequate predeployment training cycle.
I harken back to GATES in Shilo, where draftees with a 9 month service cycle were operating Leopards and Marders on live fire battle runs. And then there were all those 1950s armoured regiments with Shermans in places like Toronto and Montreal and Winnipeg. Nope they're not up to LdSH standards perhaps but as we keep saying - perfect is the enemy of good. Yes, we need a centre of excellence somewhere to develop, teach and perfect the high end skills but in order to build mass at a reasonable cost, we can't carry on with the status quo. We need to go where the people are.