And that's the controversial thinking that stalls things, pisses people off and ends up causing retaliatory actions.
There that wasn't hard was it?

It appears you're advocating for what I've been saying since the beginning. We have to sit down and talk. There's some good ideas there for integration that might spark some interest from the US. if we can find a wedge we both like, to pry things open, All Trumpside deals can be worked out. Joint participation is where trust between us and them gets started.
A lot of this is semantics. However, someone has to step in and short circuit trudeau. I watched him today being inflammatory and causing ill will. Basically, spoiling for a fight. He knows he's toast and is trying to make things as difficult as possible for the Conservatives from what I can fathom. It looks like PP doesn't want to be involved, until officially in charge. I think that's a mistake. I think he aught get down to Mar-a- Lago and at least introduce himself. The relationship between Trump and our liberals is poisoned beyond salvage. Trudeau is going to continue being a dick and Trump is going to continue taunting him, but I think it's more a personal thing between them than a country thing.