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Can you spot the problem in the picture?


Army.ca Veteran
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Actually, there are several problems in the picture, but one fairly obvious one  ::)

well the obvious, i'd like to know how she got the mag in backwards....
MP 811 said:
well the obvious, i'd like to know how she got the mag in backwards....
It's not backwards: the photo was taken through the mirror :rofl:

I wonder if she was even trained on that thing? A backwards mag? Still scratching my head on that one. But after looking at the picture a bit more it seems (to me anyways) that she's holding that thing in a very uncomfortable way with her arm out like that. Maybe she finds it comfortable, I don't know, but she definitely doesn't look like she's experienced with the weapon she has been trusted to use, and I now question that departments training..

i really hope her Superiors noticed her mistakes and forces her to get some proper training. what if she was forced to use that weapon? what if her mistake in properly using that weapon got someone or herself hurt or killed.
RCDtpr said:
I wonder if she was even trained on that thing? A backwards mag? Still scratching my head on that one. But after looking at the picture a bit more it seems (to me anyways) that she's holding that thing in a very uncomfortable way with her arm out like that. Maybe she finds it comfortable, I don't know, but she definitely doesn't look like she's experienced with the weapon she has been trusted to use, and I now question that departments training..

When we were taught to shoot offhand, having elbow out like that actually stabilized the arm.....I guess some still teach it that way......oh, BTW, what do they do with that elbow now?
I wonder too if she is still alive after facing bad guys with her weapon like that  ???
If I were a bad guy, I'd like to meet her during a stand-off.....fur sure  ::)
And the fact that she is well exposed and not behind the vehicle for 1) protection and 2) to steady her aim.    8)
BYT Driver said:
I wonder too if she is still alive after facing bad guys with her weapon like that  ???
If I were a bad guy, I'd like to meet her during a stand-off.....fur sure  ::)
And the fact that she is well exposed and not behind the vehicle for 1) protection and 2) to steady her aim.

Contrary to what you see in the movies, cars do not stop bullets and provide very little in the way of cover/protection. Go to this link where you see where some guys down in the States actually test how much protection a vehicle provides (a Buick in this case). BTW, this website "The Box O' Truth" is kind of like the "Mythbusters" except they explore various firearm myths. Go to the homepage to check out various other experiments.


I'll leave it up to the experts who know more about firearms than me, as to whether the experiments are accurate or not.
If you take a REALLY close look at the photo (see cropped version below), although the mag you see is backwards, it's not impossible that it's a second mag connected to the other one which we can't see (and is likely to be inserted properly). 

Also, I've never used any of the M-16 series of weapons, so I dare ask a dopey question - can the mag stay in the well if you put it in backwards or upside down?
So what you're saying is that it is a "flip-flash" ?
Interesting theory    :-\
But I cannot see and tape or anything to connect it to the other.   ::)

And I also note that her triger finger is strangely longer but about 1 inch    :o
BYT Driver said:
But I cannot see and tape or anything to connect it to the other.  ::)

Yeah, that's confusing me, too - still, just sayin' it's not impossible (although it would be nice to have a clearer picture)...

Aaah, "Once we remove the impossible.  Whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the answer"
Sherlock Holmes
BYT Driver said:
Aaah, "Once we remove the impossible.  Whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the answer"
Sherlock Holmes

Zackly, Watson....  ;)

I see we're not the only ones who've been debating the scanned, third-gen photo:

The newspaper's web page doesn't have archives going back far enough to get a better photo, though.

Also the dust cover is open...could be poor weapons dicipline or just the way that department does things. 
Be hard to fire a round out the spout anyways.      :-\
milnewstbay said:
If you take a REALLY close look at the photo (see cropped version below), although the mag you see is backwards, it's not impossible that it's a second mag connected to the other one which we can't see (and is likely to be inserted properly). 

Also, I've never used any of the M-16 series of weapons, so I dare ask a dopey question - can the mag stay in the well if you put it in backwards or upside down?

The mag wont fit at all if you put it in backwards, it wouldn't fit the shape of the mag housing. I would venture to say it would just fall right out if you put it in upside down, as there is no groove for the mag release to catch in.

  I personally think, that she may be using a mag coupler, and just has the other mag upside down? I would like to think that ALL police forces have sufficient weapons training, but we all know that necessarily true in other countries.
Oldiersay said:
The mag wont fit at all if you put it in backwards, it wouldn't fit the shape of the mag housing. I would venture to say it would just fall right out if you put it in upside down, as there is no groove for the mag release to catch in.

  I personally think, that she may be using a mag coupler, and just has the other mag upside down? I would like to think that ALL police forces have sufficient weapons training, but we all know that necessarily true in other countries.

Edit: I am convinced it is just an upside down mag on a mag coupler, the mag seems a smidgen longer then it normally would be.
I did a tweaking using Corel Paint Shop Pro and I think I've sharped the photo a little better. To me it looks like the mag is in upside down.  And maybe my eyes are going on me but doesn't it look like there's a 'scope on the rifle?
I figured it it was a mag coupler, we would see the curve of the properly inserted mag in behind the backwards mag. I don't detect that.
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
It's not backwards: the photo was taken through the mirror :rofl:

So in Texas they spell backwards?    ;D

I'll go with the Mag Coupler.  That is too long to be a single mag.  For the most part, the front mag hids the curvature of the rear mag.

As for the open Dust Cover; well obviously she has loaded and readied the wpn, and didn't have the muscle memory of a CF soldier to close it in a hostile situation.   ::)