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can you join the infanty reserve and also take medication for mild anxiety


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if not would they find out if you were prescribed to it? im not some nervous wreck I just have mild anxiety that wouldn't even affect how I could do the job. if I have to choose I choose the reserves but id rather have both.
If you don't tell them, and they find out, you would be released as an "irregular" enrolment.  You can also be charged with fraud.

Not to mention, IMO, I don't think being dishonest is the best way to start out....
Go see your doctor and ask about being weaned off the meds (don't do it yourself).

While you're at it, try using proper capitalization, punctuation, etc.
I've never been on meds but I know I should be. Its not that bad though. I will try to use better punctuation and what not. thanks for the reply
matthew709 said:
I've never been on meds but I know I should be. Its not that bad though.

Well, if you think you should be, then that indicates that it does affect you.  Only the CF medical system can deem whether or not it's bad enough to allow/deny you.

If/when you do apply, be honest about everything.
Yea its really not that bad though. Noone can even tell. My doctor probably wouldn't even recommend I take meds.
That's your opinion.  The CF's may differ.  :dunno:

Anyway, you'll find out when/if you apply.
If you're anxious now, just imagine what it would be like having signed on the dotted line having not told the whole truth.

Just saying.

matthew709 said:
Yea its really not that bad though. Noone can even tell. My doctor probably wouldn't even recommend I take meds.

If life as you know it now causes anxiety, some of the situations in which you could, potentially, find yourself could be anything but "not that bad".

You could become a danger to yourself, or, worse, to others.

That is not acceptable.
matthew709 said:
My doctor probably wouldn't even recommend I take meds.
Then why were they prescribed?

You know, other than the "all the cool kids are on meds" factor.....      :pop:
matthew709 said:
Yea its really not that bad though. Noone can even tell. My doctor probably wouldn't even recommend I take meds.

Just like other one liners:

I love you, honest.........

The cheque is in the mail...........

The third one you already know............... ::)
its really ok. its such a insignificant problem that im willing to choose the reserves over medication. Id just be more comfortable socially if I had anxiety medication. I have no panic attacks,fast heart rate etc. nothing I cant suck up and deal with.
its such a insignificant problem that im willing to choose the reserves over medication.

No, what they're saying is that if you have to take medication then the CF may not hire you, and it will do you no good hiding it.
Just speaking as someone who deals with "mild" forms of everything for a living, I find it funny that you think it's mild, but in the same breath you say you'd be better with medication...I think it's not as mild as you think it is then.  If you really think it's just mild, then why haven't you sorted yourself out with any of the gazillion DIY books that are out there (and often actually helpful) to help you confront and deal with your anxiety - meds only deal with some of the physical symptoms,  they actually don't deal with the issue at hand.

And if you think you're having social anxiety issues, I don't think being forcibly confined with other people is going to help you unless you're using this as therapy to deal with your social demons...and are in fact prepared for that. 


I understand if some people maybe don't fully take my word for it. or have skeptical opinions about how I feel about it. But I do know myself and I know I can do it. Maybe the CF will feel differently about that but I will cross that bridge or get turned around from it when I get there haha. thank you for the replys.