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Can someone help me?

Kid_Recruit, I do not know how old you are, but I did ask my almost 12 year old son why he wants to join army cadets.
He told me because he wants to go camping and meet new people.

He does want to join the CF when he gets older, but that is not his reason for him wanting to join cadets.

Well dude you have proven that cadets is a more extra curricular activity rather than a military defence but isn't it that if the reg forces need re enforcements they call reserves and if the reserves need help they call the cadets, well i know back in the day cadets were expected to be called in in times of war im not sure the current status on that though and i mean i would find it more sensible to have us the kids who volunteer under our own free will to cadets that swear the oath to the queen are trained enough to be able to show our country proud in times of need, but thats just me :cdn:  :salute:
Kid_Recruit said:
Well dude you have proven that cadets is a more extra curricular activity rather than a military defence but isn't it that if the reg forces need re enforcements they call reserves and if the reserves need help they call the cadets, well i know back in the day cadets were expected to be called in in times of war im not sure the current status on that though

Well sicne 1990 at least, cadets have NEVER been relied on for the national defence of this country. To trust a bunch of 12 year olds with our national defence is a little ridiculous

Kid_Recruit said:
and i mean i would find it more sensible to have us the kids who volunteer under our own free will to cadets that swear the oath to the queen are trained enough to be able to show our country proud in times of need, but thats just me :cdn:  :salute:

What oath did you swear in cadets, because I never swore an oath....EVER!

btw, how old are you Kid_Recuit?
NM, I see you filled in your profile.

If I were you I'd be careful about what you are saying on this board. I know for a fact that there is a former RSM and a current RSM from your cadet corps who visit this forum. I also know that the GGFG are an amazing corps who have produced some amazing cadets. I don't know how long you have been around but your last few RSMs have had really good reputations. Lau-Chap was the only cadet I knew of with 5 medals and his wings, Potvin was the winner of Walsh Memorial Sword for best cadet in Canada, the other Lau Chap was the top NSCE candidate in Ontario last year. 2784 is a good corps, and I don't know why you say differently. They always send a lot of seniors on exchanges and advanced training, and they also have a large number of cadets regularly parading I believe.
excuse me i never said i was in the cadet corps of the ggfg i am in 2958 1st anti-tank, dude. I am in the ggfg reserve unit but my course hasn't yet started and it doesnt begin until this summer so i will stay in my corp because, hey i love the military its great  :). I know the guards are an excellent unit because i have met them and they pretty much excel at everything atleast against my corp,lol. I'm just saying that in general if there were a step up in the training it would be quite beneficial, Sincerely your, 
:threat: THE KID  :threat:
Hey, I'm 16 but w/e i know there are the kids who wish to go to cadets for a good time and I'm not saying to be properly trained would ruin the fun its not like they would know the difference, in fact it would make the youth a lot better at what they do in their civilian life as well not that it already does but training us to know more about the forces,ranks,respect, and combat would make the youth a lot more efficient in life and more co-operative. I'm not saying make us teen terminators or nothing but i don't think we are being taught as much as we should be to survive in a real life situation. If your son wishes to join the military then he should be put through the paces of the forces so he know he likes it, sure he will meet friends when you are stuck with a corp for a year it feels like a family, and camping can be done on exercises yet we don't get enough to actually teach us much. I'm sure not all 12 year olds are up to the challenge but i know the ones who are will strive a lot further with a stricter unit then with the way the units are run now. Thank you for hearing me out  ;)
Kid_Recruit said:
excuse me i never said i was in the cadet corps of the ggfg i am in 2958 1st anti-tank, dude. I am in the ggfg reserve unit but my course hasn't yet started and it doesnt begin until this summer so i will stay in my corp because, hey i love the military its great  :). I know the guards are an excellent unit because i have met them and they pretty much excel at everything atleast against my corp,lol. I'm just saying that in general if there were a step up in the training it would be quite beneficial, Sincerely your, 
:threat: THE KID  :threat:

My bad, sorry about that. Saw that it said you were a GGFG in your profile, but you explained that.
Kid_Recruit said:
Well dude you have proven that cadets is a more extra curricular activity rather than a military defence but isn't it that if the reg forces need re enforcements they call reserves and if the reserves need help they call the cadets, well i know back in the day cadets were expected to be called in in times of war im not sure the current status on that though and i mean i would find it more sensible to have us the kids who volunteer under our own free will to cadets that swear the oath to the queen are trained enough to be able to show our country proud in times of need, but thats just me

Hasn't happened since the 1800s....nor will it ever since Canada signed the above mentioned agreement. You are now well outside your lane of expertice on this one.

Besides, the last thing I need in my troop is some 15 years old who I have to worry about constantly in theater...instead of the mission.

So you are now serving and waiting in the wings to start your course....congrats. Try not to confuse the cadet world and the world in which you are about to enter.    ;)

[quote author=Kid_Recruit]
excuse me i never said i was in the cadet corps of the ggfg i am in 2958 1st anti-tank, dude. I am in the ggfg reserve unit but my course hasn't yet started and it doesnt begin until this summer so i will stay in my corp because, hey i love the military its great  I know the guards are an excellent unit because i have met them and they pretty much excel at everything atleast against my corp,lol. I'm just saying that in general if there were a step up in the training it would be quite beneficial[/quote]

I suggest that you drop out of cadets completely so you can concentrate on your upcoming training with the Reserves if you are so unhappy there.

Now that you have named what corps you are in I'm sure that there are a few CIC Officers here (and there are many) that are taking down some pertinate points.

I'm not saying make us teen terminators or nothing but i don't think we are being taught as much as we should be to survive in a real life situation.

Again, you will never be trained as such in the cadet world...sorry that's the way it is and there is nothing anyone can do to change it.

If your son wishes to join the military then he should be put through the paces of the forces so he know he likes it, sure he will meet friends when you are stuck with a corp for a year it feels like a family, and camping can be done on exercises yet we don't get enough to actually teach us much.

If they want to find out what it's like they join the reserves. If they like it they can always move on to the Regs....or stay in the reserves and participate as much as they like to.

Just to re-iterate....the cadets will never be trained to the standards you want. There is no need of it whatsoever.

If you feel that you were gyped in someway by your corps and the training standards that are there...that's your problem. I suggest that you try to focus yourself on your future with the reserves instead of the past with a youth organisation.

Back on topic

Alright, Alright man i know i've bin outspoken but i'm just stating that from my personal experience in the cadets it is way to easy and my corp is not as organized as i would like it to be, of course im probably better off in the reserves but i'm gonna try to help my corp get it together there are a couple of the seniors that wish to help make the corp more organized so well i'm gonna stay in for another year to make sure my corp is good and is able to place good in some of the competitions with the other corps, but thanks for educating me in this subject dude  ;)

:threat: THE KID  :threat:
No problem.  ;)

I'm sure your corps will gladly take the help.

Kid_Recruit said:
corpcorp corp corp corps

1/5 - Only if we count the time you spelled it right when you tried to make it plural.

For someone who knows a lot about the army. ::)