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Camp X Military Display - Whitby, Ontario - 7-8 June 2008


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Ontario Regiment (DND), the Camp X Historical Society and the Royal Canadian Legion, will again return to the original site of Camp X to participate in a weekend Military Display. Displaying a variety of original Camp X and World War II artifacts including weapons, uniforms, insignia and other camp related articles. Veteran agents and communication experts will also be on hand to discuss the history and purpose of these rare artifacts.  Mrs. Minivers famous period Canteen will also return offering beverage and light snacks.

Parade, Service and Wreath Laying will take place at 1300 hrs on Sunday!


Send any enquires to webmaster @ campxhistoricalsociety.ca


About the Society:
The Camp X Historical Society was established in recognition of the courageous men and women who served in the British Security Coordination (BSC), Special Operations Executive (SOE), and the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) - those men and women who were trained in subversive warfare and covert techniques, those who fought behind enemy lines, who lived in the shadows, or who served at Camp X. The Society, established in November 1998, is a registered not-for-profit (charitable) Historical Society within the Province of Ontario, Canada. The Society’s primary mandate is conducting research for the purpose of documenting the Camp’s history, the conservation of artifacts, and community education. The Society spends a considerable amount of time and resources working with veteran agents and former Camp X staff and instructors in an effort to document and catalogue properly their experiences for historical research purposes and to preserve the memory of the Camp for future generations.
Ive been to the Camp X display (old building)at Oshawa ,as Im about 20 minutes walking away, before the gentleman died. Very humble and one of a kind. As we left we a donation for him and he said "It goes to the needy not the greedy". Never forgot that.