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Cadpat AR Flak Vest Makes It‘s Debut?


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It appears the Arid Region flak vest has made its debut. Or atleast the shoulder flaps.


Very spiffy :)
We had the AR Flack jacket covers on roto 0 in Kabul,this is old news.It is not a new jacket but just a cover that you can take off and change the camo,or clean it. Once again the lack of knowledge here just strikes me as amazing.
Aw, jeez - you beat me to it, MG34 (chuckle - although I don‘t remember covers for the shoulder pads - just the main vest)
Hmm now that you mention it,of copurse I never did take mine out of the packaging as us in AAP were not "high speed" enough to wear the AR Combats or be allowed to paint our Iltis tan.Not that you would ever want to camoflage your anti-armour assests anyways. :rolleyes:
Are there not supposed to be AR TVs, or are they still being manufactured?
The arid pattern vests will probably be ready for the next time we deploy to the Arctic ...
Originally posted by bossi:
[qb] The arid pattern vests will probably be ready for the next time we deploy to the Arctic ... [/qb]
No no Bossi read the memo.

Arid pattern is for the next deployment to an Urban Area. The green relish stuff is for the Arctic and they‘re already hard at work on a winter white set for the next time we‘re sent to the Congo.
:D :D
Ya I seen that, I find it makes them look a **** of alot more professional and they can actually blend in with the desert surroundings. Even though I heard that the green was pretty good for up in the mountains.

-Nordiwnd :cdn: