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Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

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I had a staff cadet who was a reservist when I was in CL. Apparently he had done all his initial training so he was allowed to staff at Blackdown for the summer.
Piper said:
Because you should be fullfilling your military commitments?...once you join, playtime is over.

Probably not.  That doesn't sounds like the basis of a military policy to me.  Concurrent service in cadets and the reserves is subject to the approval of both COs involved, and that's where a cadet/reservist who wasn't doing his bit for the reserves would be picked up.

It wasn't too many years ago that staff cadets were enrolled in the reserve force for the duration of their contracts.  My suspicion is the policy against reservists working as staff cadets is a carry-over from then -- you can't be in the reserves in two different units at the same time, obviously.
Neill McKay said:
you can't be in the reserves in two different units at the same time, obviously.

Did i miss something.......?

A cadet....even a staff one.....is not a reservist !!
I believe what was meant is that staff cadets were at one time enrolled in the reserves for the duration of the summer. First I've heard of this as well....
From what I understand its because you can't have two service numbers. You have a service number as a staff cadet (they use it for the pay system).
cdnaviator said:
Did i miss something.......?

Yes.  What I said was:

"It wasn't too many years ago that staff cadets were enrolled in the reserve force for the duration of their contracts.  My suspicion is the policy against reservists working as staff cadets is a carry-over from then -- you can't be in the reserves in two different units at the same time, obviously."
Your cadet time carries over and benefits 6 months towards your pension, providing you don't get charged while serving in the Reg Force, just ask me b/c I did both...
I was debating on getting into CIC while still serving Reg force full time and they wouldn't even consider it... at best all I could do was show up in my cadpat and offer up what I could.  I did that for just over 3 years in Belleville... lots of fun times.
CIC is both an occupation and a sub-component of the Reserve Force.  As you can't be simultaneously in more than one of the three CF components, (nor simutaneously in more than one Reserve sub-component), you can't be both CIC and Reg Force, or CIC and Primary Reserve.
Homer you are wrong...

you cannot be CIC and Pres.

two different trade.

you can give time to a cadet unit...but you cannot be a CIC and say a log officer.
Homer_Simpson said:
it can be both, but Pres has priority.

dapaterson said:
CIC is both an occupation and a sub-component of the Reserve Force.  As you can't be simultaneously in more than one of the three CF components, (nor simutaneously in more than one Reserve sub-component), you can't be both CIC and Reg Force, or CIC and Primary Reserve.

Homer you are wrong read what dapaterson wrote.

YOU CAN VOLUNTEER WITH SAID CADET UNIT WHILE YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE PRIMARY RESERVES. As long as the Cadet Units parade night does not interfere with your Reserve Units Parade night.
I'm not a CIC I'm just a cadet,my CO said I can join,but Pres has priority.

PS: I wish I was qualified to be a CIC.
homer I looked at your profile...and I understand...

you meant being a cadet and in reserve....

yes you can do it...but from pas expereince have seen that it did not work often.
mysteriousmind said:
homer I looked at your profile...and I understand...

you meant being a cadet and in reserve....

yes you can do it...but from pas expereince have seen that it did not work often.

it probaly won't work, especially if i'm doing weekend BMQ.
mysteriousmind said:
homer I looked at your profile...and I understand...

you meant being a cadet and in reserve....

yes you can do it...but from pas expereince have seen that it did not work often.


You are wrong in telling someone that he can be officialy in both organisations at the same time.

As a reservist (or reg) you can volunteer your time to the cadets but you cannot belong to both establishments at the same time.

Once you have some time in the reserves, your unit CO may permit you to provide instruction to the cadets (scheduled paid work) in the scope of his supporting an affiliated cadet corp BUT,  you are not authorized to "parade" / train as a cadet and as a reservist.
[quote author=CATO 1307]


1. The purpose of this order is to clarify the
status of cadet versus reservist. It supersedes
Canadian Forces Cadet Policies and Procedures,
Article 355, dated 01 August 1988.


2. The provisions for eligibility for
membership in a cadet unit are outlined in
Chapter 4 of the Queen’s Regulations and Orders
(Cadets) (QR(Cadets)). The provisions for
enrolment in the Primary Reserve are outlined in
CFAO 49-10 and 49-11. Membership in a cadet
unit does not legally bar enrolment in the
Primary Reserve.

3. Membership in Cadets or the Primary
Reserve should be re-evaluated, however, if the
cadet/reservist is unable to deal with the
increased responsibility. The cadet unit CO shall
determine whether continued involvement as a
cadet is appropriate.

4. A person may not be a cadet and a member
of the CIC concurrently.


5. A reservist is subject to the Code of
Service Discipline under sub-section
55(1)(c)(viii) of the National Defence Act when
“in or on any vessel, vehicle or aircraft of the
Canadian Forces or in any defence establishment
or work for the Defence”. Hence, a cadet who is
also a reservist could be charged with a service
offence and could be required to appear before a
service tribunal.

OPI: D Cdts 5
Date: May 98
Amendment: Original

Possible, yes. Smart, I don't think so.
Think there is a bit of a disconnect with the Reserves & Regs.

I note that the CATO stipulates that the cadet CO will determine the individual's availability to the cadet corp (second)

Am positive that there is something in the CFAO/LFCO/DOADs that says something about this.... and it ain't anything positive........... BBL
geo said:
Think there is a bit of a disconnect with the Reserves & Regs.
But is this not a discussion about the possibility of being a reservist and cadet at the same time? I didn't see anyone claiming it was possible to be a cadet and a reg, just a cadet and a res.
geo said:
I note that the CATO stipulates that the cadet CO will determine the individual's availability to the cadet corp (second)
That it does, seems like a smart idea as the cadet CO is likely to be able to have a quick grasp of whether or not the cadet will in fact be able to succeed.

geo said:
Am positive that there is something in the CFAO/LFCO/DOADs that says something about this.... and it ain't anything positive........... BBL
Good luck, hopefully you find something that sheds a bit more light.
Is is possible to still complete a advanced training course as a cadet while being part of a reserve unit?
If a cadet wanted to do para, after recently becoming an member of the reserves as a school co-op program, are they still eligible for an advanced course?
King88 said:
Is is possible to still complete a advanced training course as a cadet while being part of a reserve unit?
If a cadet wanted to do para, after recently becoming an member of the reserves as a school co-op program, are they still eligible for an advanced course?

I can't imagine why not.  A cadet can be a reservist at the same time, and there's nothing to restrict the training opportunities of a cadet as a result of his also being a reservist.

The only barrier I could see is if the cadet were taking a cadet course at the expense of taking a reserve course; the reserve unit might be concerned about how well he was using his time.