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Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

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hmmmmmm i dunno maybe ill talk to him again and suggest this site to him  ;D thnx guys
hmmm im not sure maybe ill talk to him again and suggest this site to him  ;D  thnx guys
Docherty said:
I am still in Cadets as well as my Affiliated Unit. It's a good situation because one night I am at the top, the next night I am at the bottom.

I could do that too without being in cadets..
or the military for that fact...  ;D ;D ;D
So was your post.

Lets bring it back on topic please.
I think that it is more of a suggestion to quit cadets because your training for cadets interferes with your training for the reserves.. A girl who used to be in my section was in the reserves, and she ended up quitting because it was too much work to have to juggle cadets, the reserves, and school all at once.
Lost_52 said:
Whats all this?? The recruiter at my unit told me that it is mandatory to quit cadets in order to even join the reserves?? is he lying bcuz i doubt he would be misinformed since that is his job   ???

Are You Just posting this on a few different topics to get your post count up? Because I could have swore I saw this on another topic?
Yeah heres the thing. I don't care.  Don't fill the forums with the same question.

Nuff Said.
Lost_52 said:
is this true?? because the recruiter at my unit for reserves told me it woud be mandatory for me to quit cadets to be able to join the reserves. So is he lying becuz i doublt he would be misinformed becuz that is indeed his job, he is a recruiter. thnx

Cheers   :salute:
Your recruiter is wrong as per CATO 1307, CFAO 49-10 and 49-11 and Chapter 4 QR(Cadets).
Might as well say why the recruiter might be right though. If either the Cadet unit CO or the Res unit CO says you must make your choice and be in one not the other, then it isn't possible to do both.

Burrows/any directing staff member, can we sticky this or put in the FAQ? It seems to come up a lot. Or at least every couple months.
The question is army cadet or the reserves? A relative of mine is in the reserves as an infantry and I told him about me wanting to join cadets instead and he told me that army cadets dont even do half of what the actual military does. Is this true? for those of you with cadet and reserve exp. can you please tell me the big diff.? thanks alot  :salute:
We don't run around and shoot blanks at the enemy force on exercises, but we do learn drill, bushcraft, and leadership skills.
tang72 said:
The question is army cadet or the reserves? A relative of mine is in the reserves as an infantry and I told him about me wanting to join cadets instead and he told me that army cadets dont even do half of what the actual military does. Is this true? for those of you with cadet and reserve exp. can you please tell me the big diff.? thanks alot   :salute:

it is true that we dont do half the stuff they do. we just do different things. the reserves is filled with soldiers, the army cadets is filled with cadets. soldiers are trained to fight for there country, cadets are trained to be better leaders of tommorow
Ok, I have a buddy in the GGFG who's also in my cadet core, and he says he cannot come anymore  (he wasnt a cadet, he was just coming to help out)
His buddy in his unit asked him about it, his warrant heard this and then started to verbally kick the shit out of him about it, saying that the real army and cadets don't mix.
So, now my buddy refuses to come, claiming if he comes again and his Warrant hears about it then he will be kicked out of the army.
So can anyone help me out? I've tried countless times to coax him into coming, but he still will not. Is there any rule in the CF saying that you cannot help out a cadet core and be in the army? If theres not, does a Warrant have any right whatsoever to control my friends life outside the army, and limit his extracirricular activities???

Confused Sergeant
I don't think that the warrent can control his outside life, off the base. but cadets and the Army don't mix to good, you can only really be in one or the other, as by being the in Army, even at the lowest rank you still outrank every single person/office in cadets, so it may go to a persons head and start ordering everyone around and such, so they try to stop people being in both.
I beg to differ. One can easily 'be' in both. PRes/Reg F  support is an integral part of the CCM. Every summer at Cadet Summer Training Centre's across the country, Res F/Reg F NCMs and occasionally officers are signed on as instructors/advisors for the duration of the camp. All the way from Pte's to CWO's.

The 3rd aim of the CCM is to "stimulate an interest in the 3 elements of the CF"..It's a lot easier to accomplish that aim with actual troops from the forces stopping by now an again, which is very common in cadet units across the country.

And no Canadian Physco, an NCM volunteering at a cadet unit does not outrank "every person/office" in cadets. If by office, you meant to say officer, even though CIC training is completey different than any training in the forces, they still hold a commision from the Queen, and therefore 'outrank' any NCO if that's how you want to look at it.

If I were the soldier in the GGFG, I would politley tell the WO that my time off duty is my own, and none of his business.
Even though a large majority of ppl in the forces thinks cadets is a waste of money, and a bunch of 'pansies', here at RMC, at least 45% of my flight alone has previous cadet experience.
Cadets is fulfilling its role at a recruiting tool....there aren't exactly hoards of ppl lined up outside recruiting centres.