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Budget 2007 - 19 Mar 07 1600

Navalsnipr said:
I've heard talk of this for a number of years and it sounds like it is finally a reality.

I'm in the Navy and get Sea Pay while posted to a Ship.... It's about time that our Army comrades are entitled to a similar benefit while posted to a field unit.

Okay just playing with ideas here.. so don't kill me. But a soldier posted to Halifax would not get it then? Due to him/her not in a "Field unit"? Do they have to be posted to Petawawa then? What about a school in Gagetown? What about personal on FASF? Land/Sea/Air for them.

Just firing some ideas off..
Makes you think..

In Budget 2006, Canada’s New Government committed to invest $5.3 billion over five years in the Canadian Forces to implement the Canada First defence plan. The Government will continue to support the development of Canada’s multi-role, combat-capable defence force and improve compensation to military personnel. Canada’s New Government will:

    * Accelerate the implementation of the Canada First defence plan, under which the Canadian Forces will receive $3.1 billion over the next three years.

    * Provide $60 million a year to ensure the environmental allowances provided to soldiers serving in Army field units are in line with those provided to Navy and Air Force personnel.

    * Appoint a Veterans’ Ombudsman to ensure that services for veterans meet the standards they deserve.

    * Provide $19 million in 2007–08 and $20 million per year thereafter to help the Department of Veterans Affairs improve services to veterans.

    * Invest $10 million a year to establish five new Operational Stress Injury Clinics across Canada to help military personnel and their families deal with stress injuries.


Link to budget plan: http://www.budget.gc.ca/2007/bp/bptoce.html
TN2IC said:
Okay just playing with ideas here.. so don't kill me. But a soldier posted to Halifax would not get it then? Due to him/her not in a "Field unit"? Do they have to be posted to Petawawa then? What about a school in Gagetown? What about personal on FASF? Land/Sea/Air for them.

Just firing some ideas off..
Makes you think..

If it is similar to the Naval guidelines, then the following would apply:

- To get the monthly allowance, you must be posted to a Ship/Submarine (Or possibly a Unit that regularly trains in the field for more than 24hrs);
- If you are away from the ship for more than 180 days, then the allowance will cease (In the case that you are medically restricted from working on ship or in the field)
- If you are attach posted to a Ship/Submarine, you will get the "casual sea duty allowance" (possible casual field allowance or the current FOA rate)
- Increments at 5, 9, 12, 15 and 18 years

Okay, I"m not really sure what type of "Air Force" allowance I am apparently receiving since I am not aircrew.  Last time I checked I was getting paid and receiving PLD, but no allowance.  This has problem written all over it.  For instance, how would this allowance work for Tac Hel?  They are Air Force but are on an Army base and are capable of deploying.  Man, I can really see how more people will now want to go back to an operational unit, but this is not always possible.  This is especially true for my trade.  I hope that spec pay is not being confused with allowances.  In the Air Force, allowances are only typically paid to the aircrew.  FOA is paid to Air Force pers when they deploy to the field.  The rest of the time, a large percentage of the AF does not receive any allowance at all.
For Tac Hel wouldn't they double dip?  Field Allowance (monthly) and Aircrew Allowance?  Sort of like the MH community.
May be they are thinking of combining all of these allowances to one even number, for CF wide of all members...

Okay going to run away now.
This thread is going to sprial out of control in a bad way, I can feel it.  The rumours and speculation will be interesting to read though.

I am off to finish this Rubix Cube.

Either way the budget was good to us.

Budget impressions and commentary, please...

Army.ca staff
The mention of "posted to an Air Force base" will get media attention and undoutebly be corrected within the next 2 days as it was an inaccurate and misleading statement.

Dissident said:
I have to ask myself what will hapen for the reservist field allowances. Not that its a big issue, but I have to wonder.
Field Operation Allowance would simply be administered in a simlar way as is Sea Duty Allowance or Aircrew Allowance, on a m onthly basis or 1/30th for each day of a partial month. This proposal had been tabled and under consideration for years now.

Again, no difference for TacHel as it will be administered in the same fashion as the MH. Meaning if part of an Aircrew embarked as part of a Ship's Company etc etc. It will simply be tailored to meet land requirements.

To get back on topic, I am more curious about the long term commitments of these figures to enable a continuous procurement (vice one time lump sum) process. But very little by first accounts (if any) has been mentioned in this regard and am curious if the days to come will shed more light in this respect.
Navalsnipr said:
If it is similar to the Naval guidelines, then the following would apply:
- Increments at 5, 9, 12, 15 and 18 years

That last one sure smacks of retention for the combat arms trade.
From the Budget.gc.ca site linked to above:

Implementing the Canada First Defence Plan

Over the past year, the Department of National Defence has made significant progress towards the implementation of the Canada First defence plan to strengthen Canada’s independent capacity to defend our national sovereignty and security. The transformation and expansion of the Canadian Forces are underway. The procurement of major equipment has progressed with the approval and announcement of the acquisition of joint support ships, a medium-sized logistics truck fleet, medium- to heavy-lift helicopters, as well as enhanced strategic and tactical airlift capability.

Budget 2007 accelerates the implementation of the $5.3-billion, five-year Canada First defence plan. Through this plan, the Canadian Forces will receive $3.1 billion over the next three years.

Well, those are a few projects which seem to have received the nod...some signed already, others, one would assume, to follow suit.

They forgot the Maritime Patrol Aircraft Replacement Project  :-\
Would that not be under the DND budget?
I was slightly upset that the income-splitting thingy wasn't tabled in this budget.  Of course, it goes against everything to bring it in, for it encourages women to stay at home, after all, their place is in the work force, and the kids belong in a federally run institution raised by the Birkenstock brigade

(Sorry, just a bit bitter.  My wife and I have both decided that one of us be at home to run the household.  Since I make a ton of case (HA!), my wife manages the house and affairs.  Trust me, with two kids and 4 acres, it's a full time affair, which includes me doing my part when not in the Queen's Green.  Still, were I to earn 1/2 of what I get now, and she the same, we would actually come out with much more than we currently earn as a family.)

Add to this what my daughter (10 years old) said the other day: her teacher told her class that we "aren't at war in Afghanistan, we are rebuilding the cities).  I sat my daughter down, and asked her what she thought we were doing there.  She simply said "I know we're at war dad."  I did remind her that "war" doesn't just mean killing people, but in this war it also means making the country able to stand on its own two feet.  And I reminded her that in this war, yes, we are killing people, and we are very good at it.  I'm so proud of her. 

Anyway, this teacher is but one example of the state-run Kibbutzim trying to implement a set of values on our kids.

OK, rant off. 

The budget will be adopted, the Bloc is supporting it "because it's good for Quebec", and the Liberals and the NDP look like fools.  After all, the "new government" in NB just raised taxes!  ;D  And what for?  To make government bigger, naturally!

Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Add to this what my daughter (10 years old) said the other day: her teacher told her class that we "aren't at war in Afghanistan, we are rebuilding the cities).  I sat my daughter down, and asked her what she thought we were doing there.  She simply said "I know we're at war dad."  I did remind her that "war" doesn't just mean killing people, but in this war it also means making the country able to stand on its own two feet.  And I reminded her that in this war, yes, we are killing people, and we are very good at it.  I'm so proud of her. 

Anyway, this teacher is but one example of the state-run Kibbutzim trying to implement a set of values on our kids.

OK, rant off. 

The budget will be adopted, the Bloc is supporting it "because it's good for Quebec", and the Liberals and the NDP look like fools.  After all, the "new government" in NB just raised taxes!  ;D  And what for?  To make government bigger, naturally!

Couple of thoughts.

Odds on a grade five teacher fully understanding what Canada is doing in Afghanistan, slim, very slim!

"And what for?  To make government bigger, naturally!"  Oh my gawd, a for real Conservative.

TN2IC said:
May be they are thinking of combining all of these allowances to one even number, for CF wide of all members...

Okay going to run away now.
From the looks of it; it will be a good thing to be operational no matter what trade or element you are, coming or going. They may as well have just given us all another pay raise. BUT, being operational will provide motivation NOT to DAG red for numpty reasons.  And we've all seen these types of people get out of an Op for assinine excuses. 
Before the flames start: I mean for stupid "I can't handle the stress of being overseas" or "My ______ hurts", reasons.
Having sick kids or wife is a good reason.  :salute:

This is the second budget by the federal tories and it gives everyone something, unlike the liberal budgets which kept the rich, rich and the poor, poor.

As for the military spending, its finally nice to see some common sense for once has taken presidence over retardation.

Even if an election is sparked, Harper is still the front runner. As for Dion and Leyton, well people see Dion for what he really is, a meek individual and Leyton is stuck back in the 60's somewhere in the hippie movement. I can even see a PC majority.
I have to say I am NOT happy about this budget, since it is really about buying votes and continues the inexorable increases in government spending we have come to dread for over a generation.

I suppose we have to include the tactical considerations of a minority government (who do you buy for support), but I would have been much happier if the Conservatives had stuck to principles when drafting their budget and delivered a real tax and spending cut, rather than a 7% spending INCREASE!

The entire issue of "fiscal Imbalance" is really provincial politicians attempting to tax people out of their areas of jurisdiction (As an Ontario taxpayer I am supporting social programs in Quebec) and Federal intrusion into areas of provincial responsibility. By pandering to these demands, Prime Minister Harper has effectively cut himself off at the knees; even if he were to return to the tough talking form of opposition days or even the early days of government when he pledged that the Federal government would concentrate on Federal issues, the precedent has been set; how do you tell the premiers to "suck it up" next year?

If the Feds had indeed based their budget on concentrating on Federal responsibilities (they are listed in the BNA; look them up) then a huge tax and spending cut could have been instituted while STILL increasing the budgets of the relevant Federal departments. Gentlemen, it is time to roll up the sleeves and do the real work.
a_majoor said:
The entire issue of "fiscal Imbalance" is really provincial politicians attempting to tax people out of their areas of jurisdiction (As an Ontario taxpayer I am supporting social programs in Quebec) and Federal intrusion into areas of provincial responsibility. By pandering to these demands, Prime Minister Harper has effectively cut himself off at the knees; even if he were to return to the tough talking form of opposition days or even the early days of government when he pledged that the Federal government would concentrate on Federal issues, the precedent has been set; how do you tell the premiers to "suck it up" next year?

My time on this planet has been just shy of a generation, but haven't the liberals always been about strong centralized government and the Tories about more power to the provinces. I see the whole "fiscal imbalance" thing being French nationalist Quebecois going "I am so great! I am so special! I deserve more! Give me more I will separate!". Didn't Boisclair boast yesterday that he coined the term, "Fiscal imbalance"?

for a politically active person I'm not into the budget this time around as it will pass. I'm in for the entertainment value this time; watching the opposition try to refute the budget. Dion was trying to argue with Beverly this morning on Canada AM (ctv) and Layton is speaking in tongs... as usual.  ;D