I have several questions, some will be determining factors others will just be benefits (if its true) on my part.
I'm 17 years old and I've been wanting to join the reserves for well over a year now. I broke my arm, distal fracture of the radius, and chipped my wrist May 27th of this year, I ended up having to get surgery and had a metal plate placed across the fracture to keep the bone in place. I had a cast on for 5 weeks, the doc checked everything out and he said it all seemed to be ok. 5 months later, October 26th my arm re-broke
and the plate shifted. The fracture specialist to a look at everything and said for some odd reason, which he could not determine, my arm was not healing, but my wrist had healed (yes, very odd). I ended up having 2 options, getting a bone graft which would be very painful and mean time off school or if my mother mother's insurance would cover it I would get a Bone Stimulation machine. My mother's insurance covered the machine and I've been using it for the past month, there is still a small possibility my arm won't heal and I will have no choice but to have a bone graft. I will be going back to the doctor's for some more check ups to make sure my arm is healing and to see if I will needing the bone graft, but as of yet we are all uncertain.
Now that you guys have some background info on me, I have a few questions.
1. If I were to apply now, would there be a possibility of me taking my CFAT and doing my interview but holding off my physical until a later date?
2. Would my fractured arm (and the metal plate) be a determining factor by my recruiting officer and should this be mentioned under medical conditions?
Other questions
3. For basic training, do you go off for a whole month or is it done during you weekends away?
4. I am still looking very forward to going to university next year and will hopefully be studying film production at York or Ryerson university, will joining the reserves interfere with my university eductation?
5. My mother has spoken with a reservist that she works with, he was telling her something about being able to studying and/or help with filming/photography in the army. Where can I find more information about this?
For arguments sake:
6. A friend of mine was telling me that you receive your PAL (Position and Acquisition Licence) after training, is this true? and if so how is it possible for 16 and 17 year olds to receive this if by law you have to be 18 or older.
I'm sorry for the long post and all the questions. I just thought I should know what I'm doing before I join the army, and make sure it will not only accept me but its the right thing for me. I apologize if these questions have been asked thousands of times, but I have been all over the Reserve site (
http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/army_reserve.asp) I've also read all the pamphlets my school has had on the reserves and I've done several searches on the site. The only problem is the search engine seems to take every single word a search it differently instead of searching for all the words in each post. So if I put "film and video" it returns all posts that have the words "film", "and" and "video". Its quite a process to go through all those pages.
Again sorry for the lengthy post, but thanks for any bits of help provided! It's highly appreciated.