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British Military Current Events

UK floods: Army ready to get trains running

Armed Forces may help get train services running after Cornwall railway washed into sea

Army engineers could be mobilised to restore train services after Cornwall’s rail link to the rest of the country was swept into the sea.

The Transport Secretary has offered rail chiefs the help of the Armed Forces after a 30-yard stretch of the London-to-Penzance railway collapsed and washed away at Dawlish in Devon during heavy seas.

The Patrol: a British look at modern warfare

A former officer has written and directed an independent film about the realities of life for British troops in Afghanistan. But making The Patrol was a battle in itself

Dissident republican campaign feared as letter bombs sent to military recruiting offices

Armed Forces recruiting centres and the Post Office are put on high alert after seven crude letter bombs are linked to Northern Irish terrorism

Public school funding for military cadet forces diverted to state sector

Head teachers at leading public schools accuse Government of 'robbing Peter to pay Paul' with reforms, which represent first cut in funding for existing cadet forces since Second World War

The great British garage sale as troops leave Afghanistan

Millions of pounds of desks, tents and vehicle spares go on sale in Helmand as British drawdown from Camp Bastion accelerates

Health and Safety chiefs force SAS to soften entry test after deaths of three soldiers on training march
Gruelling entry tests for UK's elite Special Forces have been made easier
Troops provided with extra water and food rations, and given time to rest
Endurance marches will also be shorter - with marshals to help stragglers
Follows report by Health and Safety Executive into deaths of three soldiers
Servicemen collapsed during 20-mile march over Brecon Beacons last year
Move has sparked fears that calibre of soldiers winning places will decline
Officers claim lives will be put at risk and forces' reputation undermined

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2565717/Health-Safety-chiefs-force-SAS-soften-entry-test-deaths-three-soldiers-training-march.html#ixzz2u7SHrj9N
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Family of real life 'Saving Private Ryan' soldier speak of pride and sorrow

In a story that strongly echoes famous war film 'Saving Private Ryan', Private Wilfred Smith was pulled from fighting in France during the First World War to be reunited with his mother Margaret

Army Team Plans Everest Assault to Raise Awareness of Combat Stress

daftandbarmy said:
Health and Safety chiefs force SAS to soften entry test after deaths of three soldiers on training march
Gruelling entry tests for UK's elite Special Forces have been made easier
Troops provided with extra water and food rations, and given time to rest
Endurance marches will also be shorter - with marshals to help stragglers
Follows report by Health and Safety Executive into deaths of three soldiers
Servicemen collapsed during 20-mile march over Brecon Beacons last year
Move has sparked fears that calibre of soldiers winning places will decline
Officers claim lives will be put at risk and forces' reputation undermined

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2565717/Health-Safety-chiefs-force-SAS-soften-entry-test-deaths-three-soldiers-training-march.html#ixzz2u7SHrj9N
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What an f'ing joke! Next they wont fail anyone on selection so that they don't feel bad about themselves!

I remember this incident well, unfortunately. A sad and disastrous day for British justice....

Victims of IRA bomb cheated out of justice by a 'monumental blunder'

Four soldiers murdered in one of Britain’s most notorious IRA bombings been denied justice because of a “monumental” police blunder

Four soldiers murdered in one of Britain’s most notorious IRA bombings have been denied justice after a key suspect walked free from court because of a “monumental” police blunder that has granted him effective immunity.

John Downey, 62, had been wanted for more than 30 years for his alleged role in the 1982 Hyde Park bombings, which saw a nail bomb tear through the ranks of the Household Cavalry on a Changing of the Guard procession.

The aftermath of the Hyde Park Bombing outrage that killed four soldiers and seven horses

He was finally caught last year but today learnt he will never be prosecuted after it emerged he was wrongly given a “get out of jail free” card in a deal brokered as part of the Northern Ireland peace settlement.

The collapse of the case — and the passing of more than three decades — means it is unlikely that anyone will ever be prosecuted over the atrocity.

British troops less likely to get PTSD than Americans

British troops have been "relatively resilient" compared to US troops when dealing with the strains of Iraq and Afghanistan

British combat veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are up to four times less likely to suffer PTSD than their American counterparts, but are more likely to drink to dangerous levels, a new study reports.

British troops’ shorter tours of war zones and better health care are partly responsible for a significant difference in the number of troops reporting the disorder.

A review of research into troops mental health found around seven per cent of British combat troops suffered PTSD, whereas some US studies have put the figure at 29 per cent for American troops.

Researchers at the King’s Centre for Military Health Research at King’s College London, blamed the difference on American troops serving abroad for 12 months, rather than the six months of the British forces.

America’s armed forces also contain more younger troops from poorer backgrounds and use more reservists, who are more prone to suffer mental health problems than their regular comrades.

NI Back in the News:

B-Sunday-Billboards in Londonderry!

A convicted robber who is alleged to have close links to dissident Republicans and to have been involved in a murder failed in a bid to get an injunction banning the Sunday World newspaper from writing about him.

Can there be justice for those who fought the IRA-Tim Collins

Alleged Hyde Park bomber homecoming party cancelled

MI6 advertises for "diverse" spooks

Becoming a Gurkha
Hundreds of young Nepalese are put through their paces as they bid to joining the prestigious Brigade of Gurkhas

Soldier suspected of murdering fellow soldier

The body of 32-year-old Corporal Geoffrey McNeill was found at his Shropshire barracks on Saturday and a 23-year-old soldier was arrested

This story from the Daily Telegraph site is reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act.

This had to be a major screw up somewhere on the gun position and should never have occurred had the drills and independent checks been carried out properly. Sorry to sound preachy, but when I was in Germany we had very stringent safety restrictions placed on us because of the large number of these type of incidents by the Brits. The original reason we got was wide rounds by the Commonwealth artillery in BAOR, but when pressed on the matter, admitted none of the incidents had been done by Canadian gunners.

Army suspends live fire on Salisbury Plain after stray shell fired over Wiltshire villages

A Ministry of Defence investigation is under way into how the artillery round was fired five miles off course by soldiers on a military exercise

By Bill Gardner10:38AM GMT 11 Mar 2014

The Army has suspended all live firing on Salisbury Plain after a stray shell was fired over two Wiltshire villages and exploded in a cornfield just yards away from a busy railway line.
A Ministry of Defence investigation is under way into how the artillery round was fired five miles off course by soldiers on a military exercise.
The round landed at Patney, near Devizes, only 3330 yards from the Paddington-Penzance railway, leaving a crater 6ft in diameter and 2ft deep.
Military chiefs are still investigating where the stray shell came from but a source said it was probably fired by a self-propelled artillery piece or a light gun.
Andrew Snook, a farmer, described how he heard a tremendous bang far louder than the usual sound of distant firing practice on Salisbury Plain.
"There was a lot of heavy firing going on and this one blast did really make me wince. I wouldn't have heard it if I'd been in a tractor.
"I thought, that's close and people in the village said they thought it landed right next to the farm."
The incident happened last Wednesday, but Mr Snook and his son did not find the spot until Friday and then alerted the MoD.
Mr Snook, 55, said he was putting up a building on his farm at about 10am on Wednesday when he heard the explosion.
"A chap in the village said he'd heard the shell whistling over.
"The MoD came and took away all the bits at the weekend," he said.
"There was nothing in that field, it's been too wet, but an apology from the MoD might be nice.
"Earth had been thrown 40 feet. It could have been serious if it had landed in the village, and it is only 300 metres from the railway line.”
The shell flew five miles off course and after whizzing low over two villages, it blew a large hole in the cornfield just 980 feet from the main Paddington to Penzance railway line, used by inter-city expresses often carrying hundreds of passengers.
It left a 6ft-wide crater in the field and scattered earth and rock up to 40ft.
Mr Snook, who farms on the edge of Salisbury Plain at Patney, near Devizes, said it was lucky that nobody was killed.
He says the "friendly fire" rogue shell must have travelled at least five miles over the A342 and the village of Chirton, which has a population of 250, before reaching his farm.
"We live about three miles from the edge of the firing range and around five miles from where they are usually training, so it's come quite a way.
"It must have come over a couple of villages to get here. If it had landed in a village it would have been a very different story.
"We found it on the Friday and we called the MoD. They came out on Saturday and started investigating - what type of shell it was and where it has come from.
"They tried to find out exactly what it was but I don't think they really know - if they did they didn't tell me."
Both 4 and 19 Regiments Royal Artillery, 7 Parachute Regiment Royal House Artillery, Kings Royal Hussars Challenger 2 squadron and a CVRT squadron were using the Plain on March 5.
They were on a week-long training session taking part in a number of live firing exercises across the plain.
An Army source said: “It was an artillery shell but we don’t know what size. There were a number of units firing on that day.
“There was some 105mm stuff being fired and some heavier 155 too. They’re normally fired from the southern end of the Salisbury Plains.
“If it’s a 105mm those come from light guns that tend to be towed by Land Rovers.
“But if it was 155mm, that would be fired from an armoured self-propelled artillery piece.
“I have to say this happens extremely rarely. It could be that something’s gone horribly wrong with the grid coordinates that they use to plot the trajectory. It can be quite a complex calculation.
“Or it could be that something’s gone wrong with the charge and the shell has simply been fired too far.
“We take live firing in the UK very seriously - so this is certainly not good.”
Despite the round exploding close to the Paddington to Penzance railway line, a spokeswoman for Network Rail said they had not been alerted "before or after" the incident and had not shut the line.
"Normally we're alerted so we can brief drivers but we haven't been told," she said.
Salisbury Plain is the UK's largest training area, with live firing taking place an average of 340 days a year. It covers 300 square miles and is used extensively by the Army for ground, air and tank training.
A spokesman for the MoD said: "We can confirm that during live firing on Salisbury Plain Training Area last week an artillery shell landed outside the range boundary.
"No one was injured and no property was damaged but all live firing has been suspended while this is investigated."
I heard a lot about this guy; should have got a VC (or two) apparently:

Paras march on Downing Street to demand a medal for 'Corporal Bulletproof', their forgotten hero of the Falklands War

Stewart McLaughlin, 27, was killed during the Battle of Mount Longdon 

After the battle, his commanding officer put him forward for a medal

But the soldier's family claim the handwritten citation was lost before it could be typed and sent to London for approval

500 Paras set to march on No10 to demand posthumous award

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2576426/Paras-march-Downing-Street-demand-medal-Corporal-Bulletproof-forgotten-hero-Falklands-War.html#ixzz2vhRNut6j
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daftandbarmy said:
I heard a lot about this guy; should have got a VC (or two) apparently:

Paras march on Downing Street to demand a medal for 'Corporal Bulletproof', their forgotten hero of the Falklands War

Stewart McLaughlin, 27, was killed during the Battle of Mount Longdon 

After the battle, his commanding officer put him forward for a medal

But the soldier's family claim the handwritten citation was lost before it could be typed and sent to London for approval

500 Paras set to march on No10 to demand posthumous award

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2576426/Paras-march-Downing-Street-demand-medal-Corporal-Bulletproof-forgotten-hero-Falklands-War.html#ixzz2vhRNut6j
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I read the story.  If ever someone was truly deserving.  I wish the Para's all the success.  :salute:
jollyjacktar said:
I read the story.  If ever someone was truly deserving.  I wish the Para's all the success.  :salute:

interesting to read about the battle from both sides of the LD:

Enemies of West will exploit reluctance to engage in conflict, head of army warns
General Sir Peter Wall warns a "moral disarmament" in a war weary West sends a message to future adversaries

Daily Telegraph