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British Military Current Events

Sounds a bit far fetched based on the quality of medical care I've experienced in the past on events such as these. Medics are always keen to make sure their patients don't die, even if others aren't, and have no problems telling senior people to 'stuff it' if they feel the right treatment isn't being offered.

SAS inquest: Soldier says he was not allowed to go to hospital

Reservist on Brecon Beacons selection test says there was an 'outright failure of common sense' during his treatment for heat illness.

As I recall they are always being offered the easy way out as part of the test to see if they were able to keep going. I think the biggest change you will see is that the medics on scene will have the final say if a soldier can continue.
At least Brits somewhat honest about trying to identify required--and detailed--capabilities and match them with shrinking money:

Fallon: Expect UK Defense Review Late 2015

Britain's defense secretary has given the timescale for delivery of a new strategic defense and security review (SDSR) that will dictate the armed forces' capabilities and posture for the next five years.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon told Parliament on June 8 that the SDSR will report "towards the end of this year."

Fallon also said that the £500 million (US $763.1 million) in defense cuts announced last week as part of a wider move by the new Conservative government to repair public finances was "way below the original demands of the Treasury."

Media speculation suggested the Treasury was originally looking at a nearly £1 billion reduction in defense spending.

There had been fears that the SDSR could run on into 2016, causing delays to progress on equipment programs,restructuring the military and other issues.

The defense review is being undertaken in parallel with a government spending review for the three years starting 2016-17 that is expected to result in spending cuts for departments other than health, education and overseas aid, which have been ring-fenced.

Fallon rejected suggestions that the SDSR would be dictated by budget considerations, a feature of the the previous review in 2010.

"This is a strategic defense review, not a Treasury-led review, a review across the whole of government to assess the threats to the country and the future threats that may emerge to our country, the capabilities needed to address those threats and, of course, the resources we need to finance those capabilities," he said.

Fallon warned, though, that the SDSR "will be properly aligned with the spending review because defense, to be deliverable, has to be affordable."..

daftandbarmy said:
Sounds a bit far fetched based on the quality of medical care I've experienced in the past on events such as these. Medics are always keen to make sure their patients don't die, even if others aren't, and have no problems telling senior people to 'stuff it' if they feel the right treatment isn't being offered.

SAS inquest: Soldier says he was not allowed to go to hospital

Reservist on Brecon Beacons selection test says there was an 'outright failure of common sense' during his treatment for heat illness.


I'd have to say there is more here than meets the eye... :nod:

The jihadis on our streets: A record number of highly trained extremists plotting attacks, MI5 warns
Britain facing 'unprecedented' threats from Islamists trained overseas
Includes Brits who travelled to Iraq and Syria, half of whom are back in UK
Also 'significant number' of fanatics in UK who trained in Pakistan, East Africa, Yemen and Afghanistan, Whitehall officials say
This is a major factor behind the current threat level standing at severe

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3120751/MI5-warns-record-number-jihadis-plotting-terror-attacks-Britain.html#ixzz3cop1SoWX
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daftandbarmy said:
The jihadis on our streets: A record number of highly trained extremists plotting attacks, MI5 warns
Britain facing 'unprecedented' threats from Islamists trained overseas
Includes Brits who travelled to Iraq and Syria, half of whom are back in UK
Also 'significant number' of fanatics in UK who trained in Pakistan, East Africa, Yemen and Afghanistan, Whitehall officials say
This is a major factor behind the current threat level standing at severe

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3120751/MI5-warns-record-number-jihadis-plotting-terror-attacks-Britain.html#ixzz3cop1SoWX
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It's not "if" but "when" here as well.
Prince Harry wins support for bringing back National Service

The reintroduction of National Service is most popular among the older generations, but many young people are also in favour

More than one-third of young people aged 18-24 support Prince Harry’s call to bring back National Service.

One quarter of those aged 25-34 are also in favour of its reintroduction, according to a survey.

The Prince, who is looking for a new job after a 10-year military career, said in an interview last month: “I dread to think where I’d be without the Army. Bring back National Service.”


Great. Waste a huge fraction of the junior leadership as staff for a revolving battleschool, most of the graduates of which will release as soon as their initial, probably low, obligatory service ends. And whose numbers will include a considerable portion who don't want to be there in the first place.

How about a detailed cost analysis instead, then using that cost to establish new positions in the army so that those actually interested in military service, as the prince presumably was, my have an opportunity to serve?
Brasidas said:
Great. Waste a huge fraction of the junior leadership as staff for a revolving battleschool, most of the graduates of which will release as soon as their initial, probably low, obligatory service ends. And whose numbers will include a considerable portion who don't want to be there in the first place.

How about a detailed cost analysis instead, then using that cost to establish new positions in the army so that those actually interested in military service, as the prince presumably was, my have an opportunity to serve?

The irony is, of course, that Harry had a very positive experience in a 'professional' British Army. I am sure that his experiences as part of a conscripted British Army would have been markedly different....
daftandbarmy said:
The Prince, who is looking for a new job after a 10-year military career, said in an interview last month: “I dread to think where I’d be without the Army. Bring back National Service.”


Yes, without the military his employment prospects would have been severely limited.
daftandbarmy said:
The irony is, of course, that Harry had a very positive experience in a 'professional' British Army. I am sure that his experiences as part of a conscripted British Army would have been markedly different....
And we know how the public opinion surveys could go ....
Sir Humphrey Appleby: Mr. Woolley, are you worried about the rise in crime among teenagers?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Do you think there is lack of discipline and vigorous training in our Comprehensive Schools?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Do you think young people welcome some structure and leadership in their lives?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Do they respond to a challenge?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Might you be in favour of reintroducing National Service?

Bernard Woolley: Er, I might be.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Yes or no?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Of course, after all you've said you can't say no to that. On the other hand, the surveys can reach opposite conclusions.

[survey two]

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Mr. Woolley, are you worried about the danger of war?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Are you unhappy about the growth of armaments?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Do you think there's a danger in giving young people guns and teaching them how to kill?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Do you think it's wrong to force people to take arms against their will?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

Sir Humphrey Appleby: Would you oppose the reintroduction of conscription?

Bernard Woolley: Yes.

[does a double-take]

Sir Humphrey Appleby: There you are, Bernard. The perfectly balanced sample.


LONDON (AP) — A British military stunt team member whose chute failed to open properly owes a big thank you to a teammate who grabbed his parachute and got them both to a safe landing.

The Red Devils display team was performing Friday at the Whitehaven Airshow in northwestern England. Eyewitness Lucy Milne told the BBC on Saturday that spectators watched aghast as one of the men frantically kicking before his teammate rescued him.

A message posted on the show's Facebook page assured spectators that both were fine after "one team member caught his teammate and brought him into Queens Dock."

The parachutists landed in water and were plucked to safety.

The Red Devils, comprised of members of the Parachute Regiment, carry out some 60 displays every year.

tomahawk6 said:


LONDON (AP) — A British military stunt team member whose chute failed to open properly owes a big thank you to a teammate who grabbed his parachute and got them both to a safe landing.

The Red Devils display team was performing Friday at the Whitehaven Airshow in northwestern England. Eyewitness Lucy Milne told the BBC on Saturday that spectators watched aghast as one of the men frantically kicking before his teammate rescued him.

A message posted on the show's Facebook page assured spectators that both were fine after "one team member caught his teammate and brought him into Queens Dock."

The parachutists landed in water and were plucked to safety.

The Red Devils, comprised of members of the Parachute Regiment, carry out some 60 displays every year.

Typical Red Freds.... showing off for the ladies yet again. ;D
And the beat goes on....

Three men arrested over bomb under Northern Ireland police officers' car

Trio detained in connection with plot by New IRA to kill two PSNI officers – a married couple – with a bomb under their car at their home near Derry City airport

HMS Bulwark picks up hundreds more in latest migrant rescue

Latest: HMS Bulwark is picking up 500 more migrants after plucking 747 people from overcrowded boats crossing the Mediterranean last week

Col Tim Collins: The Tunisia attack was not an act of war, but a mass murder by a religious cult

The most significant reaction to the massacre must be from our law enforcement, assisted by the intelligence agencies

Cameron threatens RAF bombing raids against Islamic State in Syria: PM says response in wake of Tunisian beach massacre must involve 'military solutions'

PM tells MPs that Islamic State must be 'crushed' in Iraq and Syria
Sets out response to the 'generational struggle' against extremists
Minute's silence this Friday to commemorate victims seven days on
Plans for permanent memorial to those who died could be drawn up

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3143840/Cameron-threatens-RAF-bombing-raids-against-Islamic-State-Syria-PM-says-response-involve-military-solutions.html#ixzz3eWBf1n4E
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Scarper, it's the (SWAT) Filth...

Scotland Yard creates an elite SAS-style unit of armed police trained to respond to a Mumbai-style terror attack in Britain

Police want to be able to respond to terror attacks on their own
They have reportedly trained officers to drop out of helicopters
New squad is designed to deal with a 'marauding gunman' like in Tunisia
Unit's existence emerges on day of huge exercise in dealing with terror

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3144271/Scotland-Yard-created-elite-SAS-style-unit-armed-police.html#ixzz3eZSIOYIr

"They have reportedly trained officers to drop out of helicopters"

The first thing that came to mind was this;
