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BOTC training session in the SPRING??


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Does anyone in Recruiting have knowlegde of a course at Val or St Jean, that will be run in April, as was done last year? 

(tried a thorough search; if you know of a link that I've missed, please advise)

Though qualified to enter ROTP for the late Jan 07' course, I won't be able to attend due to current contractual obligations with an employer. The September program will be available, but I'll be "off contract" for seven months vs three.

Any help would be most appreciated.


Not entirely sure what you're asking here but hope this is answer enough:

CFLRS runs IAP/BOT courses throughout the year for ROTP and other officer development programs (such as DEO and CEOTP).  This includes summers and springs.
I suggest you speak to a recruiter, he/she will probably know what option is best for you once you tell them your entire story.
This question was posted as a direct result of speaking with a CF recruiter this aft. He told me to "get my application in right away", and he would "do what he could to get me on the Jan 15 2007 course".

He informed me that the next "window" for Armoured was in September 2007.

At this point, I'm confused as to my options. Was he merely quoting application cut-off dates? 

1.  What is your entry plan?
2.  Which courses are you taking?

Armoured progression is as fols:
Phase 1:
     1.  IAP
     2.  BOTP
     3.  SLT
Phase 2: CAP
Phase 3: DP 1.1
Phase 4: DP 1.2

Phase 1 are common to all elements; your coursemates will be of any trade and from any element.
Phase 2 is the common army phase; coursemates will be from any army trade.1
Phases 3 and 4 are armoured specific; coursemates will be armoured.
Shamrock said:
1.  What is your entry plan?
2.  Which courses are you taking?

Armoured progression is as fols:
Phase 1:
     1.  IAP
     2.  BOTC
     3.  SLT
Phase 2: CAP
Phase 3: DP 1.1
Phase 4: DP 1.2

Phase 1 are common to all elements; your coursemates will be of any trade and from any element.
Phase 2 is the common army phase; coursemates will be from any army trade.1
Phases 3 and 4 are armoured specific; coursemates will be armoured.

Not to pick fly shite out of pepper...but its IAP and then BOTP.  BOTC is the IAP and BOTP oui?  ;D

FWIW I believe there is another serial(s) of IAP starting in St-Jean in April 07...I am not there yet (CFLRS) but can confirm when I RFD in Jan...
Thanks, that's the answer I was looking for. I'll touch base with you late Jan for date confirmation, if you don't mind.
Mud Recce Man said:
Not to pick fly shite out of pepper...but its IAP and then BOTP.  BOTC is the IAP and BOTP oui?   ;D

FWIW I believe there is another serial(s) of IAP starting in St-Jean in April 07...I am not there yet (CFLRS) but can confirm when I RFD in Jan...

Phase I. Basic Officer Training: Upon selection into the Pilot occupation, you will be enrolled in the Canadian Forces as an Officer Cadet and will then proceed to the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, for a six week Initial Assessment Period (IAP) and then a seven week Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC).


As an RMC cadet, military training begins with Phase I with the Initial Assessment Period (IAP) at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School Saint-Jean. During this nine-week period prior to the first academic year, the cadets take the first half of the Basic Officer Training Course (BOTC). The second half of BOTC, called the Basic Officer Training Period (BOTP), is a six week course held during the summer period between first and second years. After the completion of BOTP, those cadets who are not yet bilingual are usually enrolled in a seven week period of Second Language Training (SLT) at Canadian Forces Language School Detachment Saint-Jean.


So which one is correct? :)
Shamrock said:

First clue you're wrong: you cited Wikipedia.

...as opposed to a Sgt who has a S/O who just graduated from IAP/BOTP last week... :-*
Shamrock said:

First clue you're wrong: you cited Wikipedia.

Actually wiki is right, the link from recruiting.forces.gc.ca is not...by the way thanks for clarification.
ark said:
Actually wiki is right, the link from recruiting.forces.gc.ca is not...by the way thanks for clarification.

Wiki is not 100% correct.

SLT is not 7 weeks.  It is "up to" 33 weeks, depending on the class you end up in after the initial testing.  But I am cheating...I have someone "on the inside".

FWIW...currently the SLT students are quartered at The Fort...trng for SLT is at The Mega.  So is your rations.  Students are not permitted to use the facilities (read Mess...Gym...etc) at The Fort.  Don't have a POMV?  Sucks to be you.

Hungry on the weekend?  You can then get on the bus runs ( for 140+ students) to go eat at the Recruits mess (Yes.  At this time...until Jan perhaps...not the Officers Mess) to ensure you get your $500 worth of rations. 

Oh.  And if you liked having your own room in the Blue Sector in the Mega during IAP/BOTP...and you aren't a Lt...get used to living 3 to a room at The Fort. 

Thats the current state of affairs.  :o
Mud Recce Man said:
SLT is not 7 weeks.  It is "up to" 33 weeks, depending on the class you end up in after the initial testing.  But I am cheating...I have someone "on the inside".

Out of curiosity since you have an ear on the inside, have you heard if anything from the new language model is being implemented? Is your S/O getting SLT because of her trade or is everyone being put through it?
xmarcx said:
Out of curiosity since you have an ear on the inside, have you heard if anything from the new language model is being implemented? Is your S/O getting SLT because of her trade or is everyone being put through it?

I have no info on the new Lang Model.

My S/O is a DEO 00195 type (Nursing O).  AFAIK...everyone EXCEPT the PAFFO from her BOTC is doing SLT, exempt the ones who made profile during BOTC.  There was a testing weekend for those who were "bi-lingual" during IAP/BOTP and those who passed are not on SLT.  Of the 200'ish OCdts that grad'd last week, approx. 140 are now on SLT..with the current SLT serial having 7 weeks IIRC left after Block Lve.

I will be in St-Jean for marriage maintenance this weekend and can ask "the mob" about this new lang model but I am betting they are more interested in Pizza Richeleau and that Irish Pub than they are some stupid ol Sgt asking them about Lang Models.  If I get the chance I will ask..and send the ambulance bill to...what's your mailing address?   ;D
All officers are required to have both French and English language profiles; these are the famous BBB's (as in B's in reading comprehension, writing comprehension, and oral interaction).
I knew that new language model was too good to be true!

Lesson learned: anything too beautiful to be real is likely a mirage  :P
old man neri said:
Is the SLT testing the same as what civil servants do in the federal government?

As far as I have been told...yes.  I may be wrong but...my S/O CM said in an email that she has to achieve a "BAB" profile in SLT to continue on with the journey...