Just some a wee bit of advice here folks...on timings, Cdn Aviator and some of the folks with TI have covered the admin aspect.
Keep in mind, in the military, when you are going from "Point A" (in this case, your home/hometown) to "Point B" (in the case, the Mega in St-Jean) that...the unit that is sending you (in this case, unless you are a CFR type, that would be your CFRC) sends what is called an ETA Message to the unit you are heading to.
Different CFRCs/units may or will or have given out different RFD Dates (Report for Duty) on courses...just because you are told to show up Saturday and someone else is told Sunday doesn't mean you still don't have to be there Sunday. Now, every course is different but I can tell you my 9'r, their course had to RFD NLT 1400 on the Saturday...that was the instructions passed on to them. Some people tried the "oh I thought it was Sunday" game. The course is rough, but stupid stuff can make it rougher.
And this "the course doesn't start until Monday" stuff is for the birds. The course starts the second you drive in St-Jean Garrison.
Time to start getting the "shut mouth up brain" drills down!
For those of your completely new to the military...one more point...getting there Saturday will give you a little bit of extra time to get used to the place, to get to know the people you are going to be on course with, and give some of your "new to the CF" types the chance to be nervous together...and realize that "hey I am NOT the only one who feels like I have 2 left feet!" and stuff like that.
Remeber your are doing BMOQ with consists of IAP (Initial
Assessment Period). Assume you are being assessed the second you get the wave to "go head" from the Commissionaire at the Main Gate on your way to the Green Desk.
Step off on the right foot and do yourself a favour...if your paperwork says you have to be there at such and such a date at such and such a time...be there. Get used to the fact that TIMINGS and FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS are day to day facts of life in the military.
"Before you can be a good leader, you have to be a good follower".
Anyways...its up to you but if it were ME...I would be there when my paperwork said to be there...unless I had arrangements and approval otherwise. You will see some of your coursemates on here that already have served in the CF for years...they know how the system works and how to get this approval thru their CoC and will no doubt have their CYA ticket in hand. ;D