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Boot cleaning / polishing / care of

Hi, everyone. Now, PLEASE don't flame me, but I'm Navy JROTC, and got a pair of low-quarters reissued from another person. Apparently, they put one of those huge things of Kiwi on the stove and then poured it on the shoes. I have to strip a @%#!load of wax off, and I'm kind of peeved, but am wondering the fastest way to strip the shoe entirely, then get a good flat base coat. Thanks!
I was wondering if anybody had any tips on how to get that brilliant shine on their oxfords.  I've put about 10 hours into my oxfords and it's half decent but could be better.  I normally put a bit of cold water on my kiwi cloth and then apply polish in little circles.  I then let it dry for a minute and then vigorously brush the toe with the kiwi cloth.  I have even tried spit on the cloth instead of water.  Any suggestions?
Ummmmm I wouldn't recommend spit, as the acids from your saliva will kill the polish as besides it's illegal to do so.  I can only tell you what I had done to get a brilliant shine, but then again it's just for show because I will never wear them.

I do a wet coat (polish applied with a semi wet cloth) put them in the freezer for about 5 minutes then take the wet (clean) cloth and rub it off.  I then use extra soft nylons (the cheap ones at the dollar store work well) and buff it until you can count your teeth in the reflection.  don't use parade gloss, its too soft a polish and the nylons will scratch it.  Use just plain old Kiwi.

I don't wear them, i don't think I will ever have an occasion to.  If I did the polish would probably come off due to the freezing, but it sure makes one hell of a shine.
lostlittle1 said:
Ummmmm I wouldn't recommend spit, as the acids from your saliva will kill the polish as besides it's illegal to do so. I can only tell you what I had done to get a brilliant shine, but then again it's just for show because I will never wear them.

Illegal? Where do you guys come up with this nonsense? Spit shining your shoes is not illegal, no matter what some Cadet Cpl told you.


Don't let the polish dry. Is that how you do your ankle boots? You'll never get a mirror finish like that. There are a million threads on here about polishing techniques, but to sum them up.... Wet your cloth, put a little tiny bit of polish on the cloth and then make little circles on the shoe until it comes clear. DO NOT buff them, that just ruins the shine that you just spent hours doing.
And when he says a tiny amount of polish, he means it.. You can make twenty times more work for yourself with just a touch too much..
No one answered Pte. Gagnon question.  What are Oxford's.  Isn't that some kind of prestigious school in England?
I thought they were a type of dog, like a little terrier type.
Oxfords are essentially parade boots that you wear with your DEU's.  Looks no different from a normal dress shoe.
nawk said:
Oxfords are essentially parade boots that you wear with your DEU's. Looks no different from a normal dress shoe.

Oxfords are not essentially parade boots - come on get it right.   They are low shoes.  In our case Black.   Officers will wear shoes with their DEUs, while the men will wear ankle boots.

Shoes, Low, Black.

"Illegal? Where do you guys come up with this nonsense? Spit shining your shoes is not illegal, no matter what some Cadet Cpl told you"

Actually My Reg Force McPl told me.  But thanks for assuming.

His point was that if the queen gives you a uniform to wear you shouldn't spit on it. 
I was just trying to answer a question, I did not expect to be belittled,  or shat upon.  But hey, I can always just leave the forum right.

Not everyone that knows how to shine boots are cadets, and if I was one would it make a difference?  I'm not.  I am sick of the few VERY negative persons here.  Unfortunately they seem to be overshadowing the good time that I have had here.   

I'm gone.  Thanks for the ride.
lostlittle1 said:
"Illegal? Where do you guys come up with this nonsense? Spit shining your shoes is not illegal, no matter what some Cadet Cpl told you"

Actually My Reg Force McPl told me.   But thanks for assuming.

His point was that if the queen gives you a uniform to wear you shouldn't spit on it.  
I was just trying to answer a question, I did not expect to be belittled,   or shat upon.   But hey, I can always just leave the forum right.

Not everyone that knows how to shine boots are cadets, and if I was one would it make a difference?   I'm not.   I am sick of the few VERY negative persons here.   Unfortunately they seem to be overshadowing the good time that I have had here.    

I'm gone.   Thanks for the ride.

Very well said. Apparently the majority of people on this site think that there opinions are right and that no one else's matter.  But to answer your original question:

There are a million different ideas and ways to do it, you just have to pick a way that works for you. I run mine under very cold water, wet my kiwi cloth, dab it in polish, and apply with TFC (tiny f**king circles as I learnt the term in 86).

I've heard that it's ilegal to spit shone combat boots, and rightly so, but not sure if it's true.

Highlanders wear oxfords because we wear lovett-hose and kilts, not pants that go over the ankle boots.
CHIMO!!!!! said:
Very well said. Apparently the majority of people on this site think that there opinions are right and that no one else's matter. But to answer your original question:


Chimo, lostlittle1

While I agree some here can get overzelous, including me, we have to draw the line at times. Rebuttals can often be put across with a little more discretion, but stopping misinformation is what we try to do.

I have never heard in my 36 year career, not including my cadet time, that using spit to polish your boots was illegal. It's not great practice, but it's not illegal. I also think anyone would be hard pressed to find it written, or a precedence for proving it.

We have a great policy here for backing up claims and "I heard\ was told by someone" stuff. If someone gets called out on something, they just have to provide "credible" reference to put the matter to rest.


lostlittle1 said:
Not everyone that knows how to shine boots are cadets, and if I was one would it make a difference?   I'm not.   I am sick of the few VERY negative persons here.   Unfortunately they seem to be overshadowing the good time that I have had here.    

I take exception to that, I have never been called a negative person and I myself don't believe that I am. I will not however stand by and not say anything when someone comes out and says something as ludicrous as "spit shining your shoes is illegal". I would hardly say you were shat on, I asked where you came up with that nonsense, I did make the incorrect assumption you were a cadet since that's normally where those idiotic statements tend to originate, so for the cadet comment, I offer my apologies.

CHIMO!!!!! said:
Very well said. Apparently the majority of people on this site think that there opinions are right and that no one else's matter.

That was hardly an opinion I stated, show me the QR&O that states it's illegal, or don't state it as such. I'm quite open to other people's opinions, with of course the exception of someone stating how things are that they have no experience with, such as how shitty the Sea Kings are when they've never even stepped foot in one let alone flown it.
There has been much discussion by forum STAFF on the matter of people posting false information on the site.  It is bad for everyone - bad for the person being "informed", bad for the informer (who needs to be taught that he is incorrect), and bad for everyone else on the site, as people can only judge us here by what we say - nothing else matters, not how cool our avatar is, how much experience we've put into our bio, or how catchy our sig line is.

Inch acted quite properly in this instance, and it is incumbent on the person being asked to provide a source for his statement to follow up.  He has chosen the door instead.  Bon voyage.  A third option would be to simply admit to a mistake and carry on.  It was his call, not Inch's.

Inch is every bit the valued member of this community and, I suspect, shall continue to be so.
BKells said:
I've heard that it's ilegal to spit shone combat boots, and rightly so, but not sure if it's true.

Highlanders wear oxfords because we wear lovett-hose and kilts, not pants that go over the ankle boots.

1.  Yup - last time I heard it from official channels, the rules now are that you're only supposed to "brush shine" your cbt boots - the logic behind this is that cbt boots are intended for use in the field, where if they "sparkle" they'll possibly give your position away - also, the new wet weather Goretex boots would lose their ability to breath if you coat them with too much polish.

2.  Some Highlanders still wear boots with their spats or puttees.