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Book Recommendations - Canadian Experience in Afghanistan


Army.ca Veteran
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I'm planning a trip back to the homeland at Christmas, and wanted to add to my list of Canadian-centric reading materials.

I'm looking for recommendations for books written by or about Canadians about the Canadian military experience in Afghanistan from 2001 to present. Living south of the 49th, obviously books on the US experience in Afghanistan and Iraq are a dime a dozen, some good, some bad.

Over the past few years I've picked up several books on the subject, and was wondering if ayone could add to that list? I've gone through the literature topics and found a couple that list books for those heading over there to read for background, but I want to limit it to specific Canadian experiences.

Most of what I've read so far (that I can recall from over the years):

Outside the Wire by Kevin Patterson

Contact Charlie by Chris Wattie

15 Days by Christie Blatchford

Kandahar Tour by Lee Windsor

A Soldier First by Rick Hillier

There may be acouple of others that I can't recall as well. Feel free to make recommendations if you know any others that I can add to my list, or if there are ones that really should be avoided.

(Also, if anyone is looking for any suggestions on American-centric books on Afghanistan or Iraq let me know)
I recently finished reading "A Line in The Sand" by Capt Ray Wiss. Its a very well written, journal style book and I would definitely recommend it to anyone trying to get a better grasp on what Canadian soldiers are actually accomplishing. There is a strong focus on the effects our soldiers have had on the civilian population that is sometimes heartwarming, sometimes saddening and more often than not infuriating. Its harsh and honest and I loved it.

Might as well also recommend Capt Wiss' previous book "FOB Doc". I haven't read it but I hear its more of the same.
I May be raining on youyr parade but

"A savage war" is coming out on the 24th

Check a review in the G&M

High on my list - Not liekley to be a happy read

see also "The unexpected war" -
Kalatzi said:
I May be raining on youyr parade but

"A savage war" is coming out on the 24th

Check a review in the G&M
Couldn't find it through Google; dug my umbrella out for nothing

Edit: I stand corrected.

You beat me to it, Moe.

Two others -

Fighting for Afghanistan by Sean Maloney

No Lack of Courage: Operation Medusa, Afghanistan by Colonel Bernd Horn
Depends what you're looking for.  Most of the stuff out there is war porn, so take it for what it's worth.  "It was hot, we got shot at, blahblahblah"

I've read a couple attempts at serious treatments of specific parts of the campaign, but I wasn't really impressed by them.

I'm still waiting for something impressive to come out.

Kalatzi said:
I May be raining on youyr parade but

"A savage war" is coming out on the 24th

Check a review in the G&M

High on my list - Not liekley to be a happy read

If Lawrence Martin says it "sets the record straight", then it is most likely BS.

Clearing the Way - Combat Engineers in Kandahar
23 Field Squadron

edited by Major Mark Gasparotto
Two others I liked were "For Your Tomorrow", which was the life of Captain Jeff Francis, and "Sunray", which was about Captain Goddard.
dapaterson said:
What the Thunder Said by LCol John Conrad looks at CSS, primarily from his deployment as commander of the NSE, but also in the larger context of the CF.

Actually, I forgot about that one.  That is one of the very few I actually enjoyed and dog-eared.  It does a real good job of showing the logistical aspects of the mission while also exposing one to the larger themes and issues in Canadian military logistics.
Here's a list with Amazon.ca links - I can keep adding as we get recommendations...
I'll also sticky this thread to make it easier to find.

- edited to add links to Army.ca discussion threads for each book where there is one -
Thanks All.

I'll look for those and any others you may ad over the next few months.

Infanteer: Don't mind reading War Porn. I try and balance it out with more analytical tomes and backgrounder stuff as well where possible.

One interesting thing I found reading the various books that were put out after Iraqi Freedom, particularly those written by or about individual players was that everyone had their own spin on how things went and why.
Indeed, personal accounts are just that. It takes a longer view to try to figure out what happened. Unfortunately this often does not match all the perceptions, and away we go in a giant goat screw. Thus most historians leave themselves lots of wiggle room, which satisfies no one.
Yet another book coming out this week (added to list above):
When he arrived home from a seven-month combat tour in Afghanistan in October 2008, Ryan Flavelle was overwhelmed by the kindness of Canadians. People lined up to shake the returning soldier’s hand, wanted to do him favours, and thank and praise him. “We were heroes,” he says. Yet he was angry. As he wrote in his diary: “They have no idea, they have no context. I hate them .... I had a hard time dealing with the fact that no one around me had any context of dealing with my experiences,” he says. So, Mr. Flavelle sat down and started writing about what he had been through. “We have an oral tradition in the military,” he says. “We always have and we always will. We propagate our stories by passing them on. “One of the benefits of that is that I and anyone who has been in [the armed forces] for any reasonable length of time become very good story tellers, because that’s what we do. We get together and tell stories. “So, I just started to write down some of my stories. I just wanted to navigate through the emotions that I was having which I didn’t understand.” The result is a book, The Patrol: Seven Days in the Life of a Canadian Soldier in Afghanistan, which will be released on Wednesday ....
National Post, 22 Oct 11
For an Afghan-centric view (also taking very tough shots at the NDP and our lefites) see Terry Glavin's Come From the Shadows: The Long and Lonely Struggle for Peace in Afghanistan:

Mr Glavin has a nice blog post on the book's reception here:

MarkOttawa said:
For an Afghan-centric view (also taking very tough shots at the NDP and our lefites) see Terry Glavin's Come From the Shadows: The Long and Lonely Struggle for Peace in Afghanistan:

Mr Glavin has a nice blog post on the book's reception here:

Added - thanks!
Depending on how good your French is....

Added to the list above:
The MP for Ajax-Pickering, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Defence, and former Canadian AMbassador to Afghanistan has written a tome, released a few days ago.  I have yet to read it, but thought I should post it here for future reference.

The Long Way Back: Afghanistan's Quest for Peace
