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Bolivian-Chile Border dispute

Spirit of the Sixties

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Interesting article re the talks between Bolivia and Chile re a possible resolution to their  border dispute.

Some interesting background on the dispute is here.

Of course it will be interesting to see what if any role the US administration plays in this considering their prior involvement in the affairs of both countries. The assassination of Che Guevera in Bolivia in 1967 who was attempting to set up a peasant revolution.

And their part in the 1973 military coup that toppled progress Chilean President Salvador Allende

First there already is a thread on this topic, a search would have shown you that prior to wasting band width.

Second Wikipedia is really not the best source to be citing now is it.

Third and finally watch the tinfoil hat conspiracies. In case you forgot the little red box under your name means you're on the ramp.
Sorry I didn't see the other thread, could you point it out to me or move/combine this one.

As to the warning thingy, yeah I got the message on that from your colleague. I'm not sure I agree with being "slapped" just because I tried to offer a contrary opinion to some others here. That's what open debate is supposed to be right?

What is "on the ramp mean" anyway?
Piper said:
Che was a murdering commie terrorist, if the US played a role in his death, kudos to them.

Sorry for that, back to mods.

One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. it all depends on who wins, and gets to write the history books. The Nazi's called the French, Polish, Dutch and other European resistance movements terrorists.

Besides does that give another nation, especially a much more powerful one, the right to interfere in the internal workings on a sovereign nation, including assassination?
Sorry that should be "of" a soverign nation not "on"

It seems I can't edit or correct my spelling mistakes or typos because of my warning.
Is this not a case of "Revisionist" History.  All the major players of the past are long dead, so some academics are sitting in an Ivory Tower, rewriting history from some vague memories of the glory days and getting many of the facts wrong?
Piper said:
Che was a murdering commie terrorist, if the US played a role in his death, kudos to them.

Sorry for that, back to mods.
-Indeed he was , that and More, I'd add thug as well. Anyhow, he's dead a longtime except in the memory of revisionists.
I say we dig up Simon Bolivar's bones and put him on trial for all the suffering he caused and then hang the King of Spain to redress the suffering they caused.  8)