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Boeing to offer P-8 as CP-140 Replacement

Sounds like something the Coast Guard could use?
The 215/415 always struck me as a 'nice weather' unpressurized aircraft. I don't know what's required/desired for aircraft used for open water flying, and couldn't find any specs but: de-ice? heated? austere runways?
I don't understand that decision, what was the reason for taking the hard points off? If you don't want to train operators for ASuW fine just font use them. Maybe someday you'll have a need for the hard points and now that is not an option.

Was the weight savings that significant to justify the removal?

Why not train for ASuW on the Aurora, seems like a good capability to have?

Weren't they also able to mount Ata missiles for self defense? I could see how that would be beneficial.

I'm asking because I'm truly curious as to the thought process behind this. I am sure the powers that be had a reason.

The 140 decisions to remove wing pylons etc were LONG before my time on the fleet so i won’t guess as to why but politics and money will likely lead you to the answer. I can state that, to limited point, they were reinstalled on at least 1 aircraft temporarily.

I always like to point out the French Navy enabled some of their ATL2s to designate targets/drop PGMs from their own turret/Bombay. 🙂

ASuW - still trained, we just aren’t “shooters”. Think of…a sniper team. 1 of them is the spotter; same as our tasking in Iraq and Syria. We can target, we can talk, but we currently don’t have a trigger to pull (aside from torps…or dropping bags of pennies out of the General Purpose Chute).
You are talking about the same Military that milled off the 12 O'clock rail off the .338LM C14 Timberwolf, because only DHTC at the time had inline clip on Night Vision and the Army didn't want anyone thinking it was a possibility.

We need a “sarcastic” insightful emoji…
I'm not underestimating the considerable effort that would be required to convert the A220 ACJ to an MPA (sensors, weapons, etc...), but it would be a made-in-Canada solution, and with a 5650 nm range, and good "tube" size, it certainly seems like it could be feasible. Probably better economics than the proposed A320 NEO MPA.

I'm not underestimating the considerable effort that would be required to convert the A220 ACJ to an MPA (sensors, weapons, etc...), but it would be a made-in-Canada solution, and with a 5650 nm range, and good "tube" size, it certainly seems like it could be feasible. Probably better economics than the proposed A320 NEO MPA.

How is Airbus a made in Canada solution?
I'm not underestimating the considerable effort that would be required to convert the A220 ACJ to an MPA (sensors, weapons, etc...), but it would be a made-in-Canada solution, and with a 5650 nm range, and good "tube" size, it certainly seems like it could be feasible. Probably better economics than the proposed A320 NEO MPA.

Why set ourselves up with another orphans fleet?

People discount the “common parts” aspect in Operations. One particular Det I was on, our Maint PUK arrived after we were in theatre. We’d had a very significant transit to our final stop, and almost as soon as we got there, we were EVACing for significant weather to another landmass. When we landed, the aircraft was U/S on the A check. Luckily, we were co-located with both Aussie and Kiwi P-3 Dets and the techs we had with us (we always take some on the Aurora on away trips) were able to beg/borrow the parts and tools we needed and we were serviceable again. A day later, the weather we were bravely running away from turned north towards us and we had to EVAC again to a second location. After that weather was gone, we were able to make it back to the DOB which was a fair distance away now. Most of that was able to happen because of common parts/tools.

In either of those situations, we would not have time for a MRP or parts mule to be put into motion.

Flyaway/pack up maintenance kit can’t contain absolutes everything when you’re limited by airlift capability (which the CAF is); being able to borrow from Allies in times of need is important, IMO.

Running from sig storms, getting sensors on an area, putting weapons in the water, conducting SAR ops…any of those things could NOT happen when really needed (the SAR piece isn’t made up, I’ve been on crews that were re-tasked off operational missions to a SAR mission).

Re one the links; Germany is buying P-8s to replace their P-3s. France upgraded their Atlantiques.

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In either of those situations, we would not have time for a MRP or parts mule to be put into motion.

Flyaway/pack up maintenance kit can’t contain absolutes everything when you’re limited by airlift capability (which the CAF is); being able to borrow from Allies in times of need is important, IMO.
Why set ourselves up with another orphans fleet?

People discount the “common parts” aspect in Operations. One particular Det I was on, our Maint PUK arrived after we were in theatre. We’d had a very significant transit to our final stop, and almost as soon as we got there, we were EVACing for significant weather to another landmass. When we landed, the aircraft was U/S on the A check. Luckily, we were co-located with both Aussie and Kiwi P-3 Dets and the techs we had with us (we always take some on the Aurora on away trips) were able to beg/borrow the parts and tools we needed and we were serviceable again. A day later, the weather we were bravely running away from turned north towards us and we had to EVAC again to a second location. After that weather was gone, we were able to make it back to the DOB which was a fair distance away now. Most of that was able to happen because of common parts/tools.

In either of those situations, we would not have time for a MRP or parts mule to be put into motion.

Flyaway/pack up maintenance kit can’t contain absolutes everything when you’re limited by airlift capability (which the CAF is); being able to borrow from Allies in times of need is important, IMO.

Running from sig storms, getting sensors on an area, putting weapons in the water, conducting SAR ops…any of those things could NOT happen when really needed (the SAR piece isn’t made up, I’ve been on crews that were re-tasked off operational missions to a SAR mission).

Re one the links; Germany is buying P-8s to replace their P-3s. France upgraded their Atlantiques.
Orphan Fleets for $500.00 Alex!

Cause that's the way we roll Canada!