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BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

thearmybrat said:
Now it's the Sept. Oct Nov start dates. im talking about regular bmq training

Nice try. Banned again.

The Milnet.ca Staff
Congrats and good luck... I have my interview/med check-up this Tuesday (7/17), I'm hoping to get on a September BMQ course.
I guess I'll be nice and knock this thread back on topic I just received my offer the other day and I will be starting my BMQ September 3rd at good ol' St. Jean.
Sulli where are you heading there from? I am headed out of Kingston, my husband and kids are gonna drive me. I can't wait!!! What trade are you going in for?? I am going Comm Rsch. Hopefully we see eachother around then at least we'll know someone eh! lol
Ciao for now
BUMP!! Common someone has to be going there! Both my buddies are going to St.Jean! :'(
KrissyJ said:
BUMP!! Common someone has to be going there! Both my buddies are going to St.John! :'(

St. John? New Burnswick?... think you meant St.Jean, Quebec.. sorry for nitpicking lol.
I am sitting next to my medical files as I type this post, I am heading out in the next hour to hand deliver my results. I had a delay, they found blood in my urine (results back everythings good) Then I had to get the surgeon who operated on my clavicle last year to sign a paper costed 40$ but it was well worth it (signed and good to go) Then I had to get the results of my open heart surgery operation from when I was three months old, from the hospital archives. (3 weeks later received and ready to go) So here I sit about to go hand my life over to the Canadian Forces.

Wanted to say, good luck on your trip, I will MSG you as to where I will be located when I get my offer.

Sincerely Joshua,  :salute:
- Future Infantry for RCR
Finally, I am sitting here with Medical papers in hand, on my way to go deliver them to the recruitment center, I will let you know as soon as I get my offer I am expecting to be there on the 3rd of September (fingers crossed) GOOD LUCK ALL. Talk to you soon. :salute:

jm_6412 said:
Sulli where are you heading there from? I am headed out of Kingston, my husband and kids are gonna drive me. I can't wait!!! What trade are you going in for?? I am going Comm Rsch. Hopefully we see eachother around then at least we'll know someone eh! lol
Ciao for now

I'm heading out from Vancouver my flight is on December 1st.  My trade is Marine Engineering Mechanic.  We should talk before we leave and I'll hunt you down when I get there.  Who knows we may even get put in the same platoon.  Anyways time for me to get outta here have to go renew my ID for when I get sworn in  :(  I don't wanna get held up just because of no valid ID
NJL said:
St. John? New Burnswick?... think you meant St.Jean, Quebec.. sorry for nitpicking lol.

LOL sorry I was in a hurry when I typed that a definate mom brain block, thanks for pointing that out!
After 7 months of waiting I finally got an offer and I'll be getting sworn in on August 22nd at CFRC Toronto and then heading up to Borden on the 3rd of September. I'm actually quite glad I'm doing basic at Borden so I won't be too far away from home. My trade is Combat Engineer.
Hey everyone,

I just received my offer for the September 3rd training at Saint-Jean too.  I hope I get the chance to get to know some of you guys!

Sulli, I'm heading out from Vancouver on September 1st as well.  Perhaps we can share the costs of a taxi when we land?  It would be nice to know someone heading in to training.


Mike Griffey

That works for me. I noticed you added me to MSN we'll talk more there. lol
Yep, I'll get in touch with you on MSN.

Anyway, looks like perhaps I'll know at least 3 people going in.  Comm Rsch is a pretty nice occupation to be working in JM.   

are you signed in as an infantry soldier? I have bmq in borden from sep 3rd - dec 7th as well. After that im off to petawawa.
when the guy called me i was half happy, half sad.
happy part - i got into the forces
sad part - i had a knee injury a few weeks back (iliotibial band syndrome) on the right knee so im VERY sketchy about it.
I am not infantry, Im going for RMS but I will still be there with you. I live in Petawawa so I guess I will see you around here too! Does your recruiter know about your knee injury? Is it severe enough that you may delay going?
My recruiter doesn't know about the injury. It's not severe that I have to delay the training. It happened from overuse, meaning I was training too hard too fast and I didn't listen to my body when it was giving signs to stop. My condition is called 'iliotibial band syndrome' and mild injury which I probably have takes about 3 weeks to heal. It's been 2 and half weeks and so I may try to run tonight to see how it is.