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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

Bullit said:
4 courses for iap on the 28th
this is a pilot course on a new course

good luck and take care of your feet
Great we're the pilot courses... ;D...wonder what's new...who's on i0083e...not long now...woohoo!!!

Yay! Me , Josh and Pawich are all now sworn in and ready to go! 11 Days and a Wake Up!

And some good pictures to go!
I will be "affirmed" as it were tomorrow... ;D


OMG I am no longer going to be a civi  ;D
We will be members of the Canadian Forces this time tomorrow... How awesome is that!!! And two weeks from today we will be starting a new family and trusting one another with our future... Good luck and congrats to everyone who swears in tomorrow (and those who did today, you know who you are)!!! 
Well, good luck to everyone who still has to get sworn in.  The whole thing is pretty short and boring, but AWESOME!  Me and Amy just got sworn in yesterday.  I'm looking over all the paperwork right now, and they all say PTE. Meilleur.  I love the sound of that, PTE. Meilleur.  And it has my service number too.  I'm finally in the Army!
Good Luck to those signing the line today, and congrats to those who did so already!

:salute: :cdn:
Yes! Good luck everyone whos swearing in today. It sounds corny but repeating those words .. felt really really good :)
Congrats you guys enjoy becoming apart of a large family, thats how the CFRC explained it to me when I got enrolled!
So I am a officially a member of the family now  ;D

Mud took pics so I will post one later...so you can see me swearing  :D

The nicest thing happened after my swearing in...Mud took me out to dinner and when we went to leave the waitress told us that a gentleman, who wanted to remain anonymous paid for our dinner, she said to thank you for what you do...

Mud and I were both very touched by the gesture...thank you to the stranger your kindness won't be soon forgotten..

Welcome to the family of Officers!  Now comes the hard part, the responsibility for others and your country.  Where it well.  I know you will!
Hot Lips said:
... and when we went to leave the waitress told us that a gentleman, who wanted to remain anonymous paid for our dinner, she said to thank you for what you do...
Um, by "when we went to leave" did you mean to say "when we went to pay" :D

(just bugging you)

Congratulations, and welcome to the collective!
Thanks BBJ and vG...let the ribbing begin...love it
Oh vG..."we" weren't paying...Mud was treating...so I guess he made out all right...I told him he could take me out to supper now  :P


Hot Lips said:
Oh vG..."we" weren't paying...Mud was treating...so I guess he made out all right...I told him he could take me out to supper now  :P
Good for you.  Just because someone else paid, don't let him off the hook :D

Heres some pic-a-roos  ;D

One of me getting sworn in.
One of Ghost Snake being sworn in      >:D Ha ha sucker.
And one of Me , Pawich ( Sworn in last week ) and Josh , A good platoon A'head'.
Awesome!!!! Looks like a good time, mine's coming up in 10 days!!!! Can't wait!!!!

Happy for all you guys.  Give it hell.
Exactly vG...
Oh another great thing that happened today...my MCC who fought tooth and nail to get me in and had transferred out of the recruiting office just before my offer came through...came back to the CFRC to do my swearing in...he ended up doing everybody's but a Bombardier who was looking after my file told me it was supposed to be a surprise for me...I was so touched I almost cried...can't be doing that now... ;)
Great day...not one I will soon forget  :)
