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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

I would like to ask people who have already completed BMQ some questions, my BMQ starts August 8th and i know there are lots of threads talking about what kind of person to be and what not but i want to know about any tips and tricks that BMQ grads wish they had known before they went, i want to be as prepared as possible.

So my official question; What are things that you wish you had known, or things you wish you would have brought/packed to BMQ before leaving? (aside from the fitness needs, i read up on those and am working out and running). [:D
kellar16 said:
What are things that you wish you had known, or things you wish you would have brought/packed to BMQ before leaving?

Chill out!
6 pages.

Kit List for basic training - MUST READ 
21 pages.

What Not to Do - no excuse 
8 pages.

no excuse (bmq tips)
17 pages.

Bring BMQ

BMQ Packing Questions 

Official Policy Change RE: Electronics during BMQ
22 pages

There is lots of BMQ advice and tips etc...,

OS(R) Hatfield, Marine Engineer 00367. who all here is coming from the Maritimes (Driving up from Saint John,NB)
Although I am from the maritimes  (greenwood Nova scotia), I will be driving from petawawa ontario, where my husband and I are currently posted.
curious of what everybody is doing to train? and is anybody happening to be leaving from winnipeg?
Mikey5241 said:
I will be flying in from Regina, Saskatchewan. Wish I could drive, but I didn't get the option.
call and ask your file manager, usually they limit your daily mileage or limit your hours of driving before a extended rest period
Might be a tad quiet for our first week, 1 BMOQ and 2 BMQ leaving the 25th and 3 BMOQ the week before that.
Congratulations to us all !
This is going to be an exciting and rewarding experience !

Leaving from Toronto, anyone else?

Feel free to PM and meet up at Pearson.

Cheers !
Congrats everyone! I signed up on this site just to respond to this topic.

I will also be joining you all. I will be flying out of Toronto on July 30th. My recruiting centre is Hamilton.

I am joining as an armoured solider - could not be more excited!

Feel free to pm me or shoot me an email to meet at the airport!!
Congratulations everyone!!

I swear in on the 20th in Hamilton, I'm sure I will see some of you guys there. I will be flying out of Toronto as well. I'll definitely send a PM to meet up at Pearson.

Take care,
kellar16 said:
curious of what everybody is doing to train? and is anybody happening to be leaving from winnipeg?

Hey! Not me, i'll be leaving from Toronto.

I'm curious about what everyone else is doing training-wise at this point too? I've been working on my push ups, they're definitely my weakest point still, so i've been working with free weights and doing planks too, to try to build up more strength in my upper body and core. Need to really work on that more though because my push ups are still bad. Also going for runs or hikes most days, and swimming at the community centre for a few hours once or twice a week.

I'm going to start shopping for/organizing everything I need for my kit list (that we need to bring ourselves) next week, too. Excited about that :)

So what have you guys been doing? Have any of you gone for your enrollment ceremony yet?