Sophie87 said:
Just wondering if recruits can stay at the hotel with their families on the night of graduation or do they have to be back by a certain time?
The ceremony is approximately an hour long and is followed by a reception for the graduates, their families and their instructors. After the reception, with their instructors' approval, graduates can go out for the evening with their families, but will have to return to the School no later than 10:00 pm.
The evening prior to the Graduation Ceremony, from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, with their instructors’ approval, graduates can welcome guests at the main building entrance and shall proceed to the O'Mega Mess or the cafeteria. Graduates may be granted permission to have supper in town.
A few weeks before the Graduation Ceremony, candidates will be informed of the procedure to gain permission to meet their respective families and friends for the evenings before and after the Graduation Ceremony.
What happens after the course?
A few weeks prior to the Graduation Ceremony, candidates will find out when and where they will have to report to their next training establishment. In most cases, graduates leave the day following the ceremony. In some exceptional cases and if the conditions allow it, graduates may leave with their families after the ceremony if they have received permission from their instructors.