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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

I'll be at St Jean for Sept 8. My travel day is Saturday, Sept 6, I suspect by train from Oshawa ON.

Finally got the call for Combat Engineer.

Will you be holding a sign or anything?
Ill be there as well, on the French platoon starting on the 8. Got the call for Artillery Soldier  :salute:
Yeah, they offered me firefighter, up in the Yukon right now but I'll be wrapped up by mid August. You'll probably be able to tell who I am by the look of me. See you guys there.
I'll see you boys there! Infantry recruit reporting Sept. 6th, out of Ottawa. I'll be the tall guy.  :cdn:
I also just received the call. I am heading out from Edmonton as a musician.

Excited to be on the course, see you all in just over a month!

Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Musician
Trade Choice 2: -
Trade Choice 3: -
Applied: October 1, 2013
First contact: October 3, 2013
Audition: November 19, 2013 (Passed)
CFAT: January 14, 2014 (Passed)
Medical: January 16, 2014
Interview: January 16, 2014
Merit Listed: April 9, 2014
Position offered: August 6, 2014
Enrollment/swearing in: September 5, 2014
BMQ: September 15, 2014
Received my call yesterday! Swear in 27th August at Hamilton ON. Excited to see you all there!
I'm heading for BMQ starting Sept. 1st, graduation date is set for November 20.. It is my understanding that I will be off to Meaford for 4 weeks afterwards for BMQ land and then back to Kingston for training for ACISS.. my question here, when will I be in Meaford?? When they say immediately following training in St. Jean, do they mean graduate on the 20th, then get to Meaford the next day?? And will transportation to Meaford be my responsibility?  And finally, will there be time off for xmas?
Yes, you will travel to Meaford (usually the next day or the day after) and transportation will be arranged. You will be on Personnel Awaiting Training (PAT) Platoon until your course(s) start if it doesn't right away, basically PT and shit jobs like brass detail, cleaning shacks, polishing parade markers.

You will have block leave for Christmas.
Experiences may vary on this one, especially depending on your trade. For ACISS, what I have NORMALLY seen happen (this doesn't mean that it WILL happen), is that you will be pushed to Kingston to sit on PAT (essentially what RedcapRemuster said was accurate here). Following that, you will eventually be loaded onto BMQ-Land, and shipped out to Meaford via bus (unless you take your own vehicle). How long in between is completely up to the system, however.
I have a pretty good feeling that I will be off to Meaford immediately following BMQ, that would bring me right up to about a week before xmas... cold and wet is what I have been told to look forward to when I get there lol. "the place where dreams go to die" seems to be a common phrase as well  :o  regardless, my family lives in Arnprior and I know I will be given more details before that time comes of course, just looking to give them as much notice as I can so they know how long before I'm back.
mrbill said:
I have a pretty good feeling that I will be off to Meaford immediately following BMQ, that would bring me right up to about a week before xmas... cold and wet is what I have been told to look forward to when I get there lol. "the place where dreams go to die" seems to be a common phrase as well  :o  regardless, my family lives in Arnprior and I know I will be given more details before that time comes of course, just looking to give them as much notice as I can so they know how long before I'm back.

That statement is accurate. You will become accustomed to tank ruts and the Meaford weather machine as well.
mrbill said:
I have a pretty good feeling that I will be off to Meaford immediately following BMQ,

Based on what? I know a lot of ACISS pers who have taken their BMQ-L elsewhere. You may end up taking it in Wainwright, Shilo or Gagetown. Based off the experiences of the newest guys to be posted in to 1 CMBG it is hard to know where you are going until you get a course loading message. Additionally, Kingston sometimes sends people to wait out on PAT or to extended taskings on any of those bases plus a few others.

Generally, although there are always exceptions, you will not be course loaded for one course until you pass a previous one. Why load you on BMQ-L when you may fail, get re-coursed or be hurt on BMQ? That takes a spot from someone who needs the course at that time, to fill it with someone that potential doesn't. After you pass BMQ you will be posted, somewhere, your paper work will catch up to you and you will be told when and where BMQ-L will be. I wouldn't get your hopes up to do it before Christmas.

If your new staff are switched on and there is a critical mass of instructors/students you may get your LSVW (little army truck) driving qualification before Christmas.
Ludoc said:
Based on what? I know a lot of ACISS pers who have taken their BMQ-L elsewhere. You may end up taking it in Wainwright, Shilo or Gagetown. Based off the experiences of the newest guys to be posted in to 1 CMBG it is hard to know where you are going until you get a course loading message. Additionally, Kingston sometimes sends people to wait out on PAT or to extended taskings on any of those bases plus a few others.

Generally, although there are always exceptions, you will not be course loaded for one course until you pass a previous one. Why load you on BMQ-L when you may fail, get re-coursed or be hurt on BMQ? That takes a spot from someone who needs the course at that time, to fill it with someone that potential doesn't. After you pass BMQ you will be posted, somewhere, your paper work will catch up to you and you will be told when and where BMQ-L will be. I wouldn't get your hopes up to do it before Christmas.

If your new staff are switched on and there is a critical mass of instructors/students you may get your LSVW (little army truck) driving qualification before Christmas.

This is, by my experience, accurate. You will be posted to your home station (Kingston) and once there is a spot on course (could be days, weeks, or in my case 2 years) you will be course loaded.
Hey everyone! I just got my call for Nav Com im from Winnipeg and wanted to see who else is going to be at BMQ with me :) congrats to everyone by the way!
Well, my son just got his call for Aircraft Structure Technician. He'll be there for the Oct 20 BMQ :) Proud mom, bitter sweet time for me, but his future is bright and I am so proud of him!

Good Luck to you all!
You and me both achel!

How has everyone been doing for preparation, such as collecting all the required items to take along, and planning travel arrangements?