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BMQ June 2008 - ALL Locations

shlindz said:
I haven't received my info package in the mail yet, but my husbands list sure didn't have swiffer on it.
Anyone want to enlighten me as to what they are for?

Shlindz  ???

What would you use swiffer cloths for at home ?

They're not on the list but people on course have figured out all on their own that it makes life easier.
Cordovian as well, best polish for these new parade boots they issue.
oh, thanks for the heads up. I think you can find them at most shoppers drug mart stores.
HMCS Star, Naval Reserve Unit in Hamilton. Getting sworn in May 8th. Dunno when my BMQ will be, but since everyone else is going June 16th, it might be likely that's my date too. I'll know tomorrow, lol.
Anyone from Ottawa going to Basic in St-Jean on June 23rd? That's when I'm going!! Got the call today! I get sworn in on May 30th!!!!
Just went shopping and bought everything on the list (Annex B) at Target in America, total bill came to 146$, if anyone cares.  Thats including a 30$ watch that was marked half off so I bought that.  And six pairs of socks and three cotton briefs.  Not too bad, going to pack all that crap now and leave it in the bag for the next month.  Oh, I also already had a wireless iron, so thats also not including that.
Correction: BMQ's on June 28th for me at CFB Borden. Anyone else going on that date besides my unit's recruits?
Got a job offer for COMM RSCH today and I accepted. Swearing in at Toronto on June 11th, and flying out to St. Jean for BMQ starting on the 30th. I'm very excited and I look forward to seeing everyone there! If you're starting on the 30th feel free to give me a private message, I'd love to meet anyone ahead of time.
Got my callt oday, Gotta call the recruiting center to get my swear in date (since my BF didn't ask lol) but I start Basic on the 30th of June.  Can't wait to head out!
I got my call last week for June 16 BMQ in St. Jean. Anyone swearing in at Toronto on June 4? I'm going infantry BTW.  :salute:
I will be on basic in saint-jean on the 16th. going through for infantry. arrangements for a no-pants party in the megastructure are in order. be prepared. :cdnsalute:
No pants party eh?  Fair enough.  Count me in.

If anyone in the TO area wants to go running down lake shore or some other area, send me a PM and we can go.  I have a car until June 7th, when I am letting my insurance expire.
My Bmq starts on june 9th, i fly out from Saint John June 8th.. is there anyone else from the Saint john area flying out on that date? Right now im in Halifax anyone from around there? :)
Hey, from Victoria BC. Leaving June 28th for BMQ. Taking Comm research after..Anyone else in Vic, waiting to go in June?
I received my call a few minutes ago, and accepted an infantry position.  I fly to St. Jean on June 28'th for BMQ commencement on June 30'th.  I also swear in on June 19'th in London, Ontario.
congrats dude, Im going infantry my self, mabye I will see you there, How long ago were u merit listed,?
I first applied back in October of '07 and was finally merit listed 1 week ago.  It actually only took 5 "business" days of being on the list before I got the call.
thats excelent news then :P i got merit listed friday applied las may
By the way, if anyone else is starting BMQ on June 30'th, and flying out of London, Ontario on the 28'th of June....let me know. 
im also heading to st.jean for bmq on june 16th cant wait to meet you guys