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BMQ ideals...


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So far, I know you have to be more physically prepared then mentally, not to expect what is on the site, just it can help for a mental aid but from what I gather you will never know until you are taught the right way.

Buy little, take what only you do need. Shut up, leave your ego at home. But sense of humor in tact. Everything you need is there. Always ask if you do not know, say how more then why because I would imagine it can be annoying to mcpl's and sgts.

Team work is essential and plainly admit you don't know a damn thing about anything what is written for basic? I am yet to start and I must say that what I have absorbed is Grey to me. I just want it to start. My question is..

Has basic changed a lot? In terms of how the drill instructors react? Or does it depend on who you get? My BMQ starts Oct 19th and I admit I do not know a thing, all of which is just on paper or digital writing from these forums. Its all practical info and every little bit does help but I suppose its more a mental preparation then anything.

First rule of what I view as basic, shut up and admit you know nothing. Second rule, never speak of BMQ. Its earned through brother hood.

*I know its heavily teamwork regarded and trust me I am a fighter to a extent where I wont give up, and I suppose I wont let that happen to my fellow recruits.

Well I await healthy criticism.
I have read, printed. Noted. Listed reads below:
(Printed info on common law, C7 rifle functions. Check list of what to bring. I generally know keep it simple, less complicated which makes it harder on oneself. I have nothing but time at the moment lol.)

20 meter Beep Test: (helps improve on running skills, if you got a month this will easily help you prepare for it before hand!)

Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength ): Info on being in more proper shape even if you are already not.

Military Swim Test: (Gotta have lungs like a frog!)

For those joining - New PT test rules at CFLRS:

no excuse (bmq tips): The brief version of this post

Hansol's Guide to BMQ: *A more direct BMQ tip posting on what to initially expect

Offical Item List to bring to BMQ:

The official transcript:
So ?

What's your point?  Am I missing something here; or do you just like to hear yourself talk (in an internet kind of way) ?
Phew. Nice to know I'm not the only one confused by this thread.  Is it just an collection of threads that are already existing and stickied?  ???
Apparently post # 2 is a copy and paste from a discussion thread in the Facebook Group - Canadian Forces (FB). One of the FB members, James Thayer has mined Milnet.ca for the above threads and posted them as the authority for recruiting tips. Note: I am not suggesting that silentspanky is the same person as the one in FB.

I would think any additional threads discussed here would eventually end up being posted to the Facebook group.
kratz said:
Apparently post # 2 is a copy and paste from a discussion thread in the Facebook Group - Canadian Forces (FB). One of the FB members, James Thayer has mined Milnet.ca for the above threads and posted them as the authority for recruiting tips. Note: I am not suggesting that silentspanky is the same person as the one in FB.

I would think any additional threads discussed here would eventually end up being posted to the Facebook group.

Am I the only one that thinks "james thayer" is taking it way too seriously?

Granted I was worried about my physical shape before I went to BMQ, but once I got there, and I saw the other people, I laughed and realized I was going to be fine.

Now I'm sure teamwork makes everything a WHOLE lot easier, it is not required on a platoon scale. Just you and your fire team partner will do fine. On my course, our platoon had no teamwork what so ever. When there was a easy way or hard way, it always ended up being the hard way.

The list of what to bring is wayyy too much stuff. Just 2 sets of clothes for the first week (alternate days?) and toiletries would've been fine. Seeing as you go to the store (canex) with the platoon to buy other stuff anyway.

***And George Wallace, yes you are correct, he loves the sound of his internet voice. I pray that his platoon will be patience with him.
Spanky, you my friend, have one textbook case of nerves. You sound just like the voices in my head before I compete in any event, change careers, enter unknown situations, whatever. If you're anything like me, the fact that you'r questioning everything about what you're about to do, means you're ready to do it. Relax. As Richard Pryor would say, " have a Coke and a smile, and shut the f*ck up."
Thanks VIChrs.

Best advice, in Richards case have a beer smile and sleep.

But yeah due apologies to everyone. Consider this a closed or deleted thread? I got over myself big time and that wasn't the impression I wanted to give.
silentspanky said:
So far, I know you have to be more physically prepared then mentally, not to expect what is on the site, just it can help for a mental aid but from what I gather you will never know until you are taught the right way.

Buy little, take what only you do need. Shut up, leave your ego at home. But sense of humor in tact. Everything you need is there. Always ask if you do not know, say how more then why because I would imagine it can be annoying to mcpl's and sgts.

Team work is essential and plainly admit you don't know a damn thing about anything what is written for basic? I am yet to start and I must say that what I have absorbed is Grey to me. I just want it to start. My question is..

Has basic changed a lot? In terms of how the drill instructors react? Or does it depend on who you get? My BMQ starts Oct 19th and I admit I do not know a thing, all of which is just on paper or digital writing from these forums. Its all practical info and every little bit does help but I suppose its more a mental preparation then anything.

First rule of what I view as basic, shut up and admit you know nothing. Second rule, never speak of BMQ. Its earned through brother hood.

*I know its heavily teamwork regarded and trust me I am a fighter to a extent where I wont give up, and I suppose I wont let that happen to my fellow recruits.

Well I await healthy criticism.

I'm commenting specifically on the bolded part.

It's good that you have motivation, but don't make claims that you haven't proven. You don't know your limits yet, and you haven't seen anything yet.

PT long (a jogging suit) is not listed on the list for items to bring to Basic training but is included in what should be kept in your kit bag! Do you buy the jogging suit at Canex?

If it isn't on the list, then don't worry about it.

If I am correct, St Jean still issues Recruits a Track Suit.
yep you'll ge issued all your lovely pt kit in the first week.  Bring something you can do your express test in though, you don't get the grey shite until later
Indeed they do still issue them. It's a very sexy, gray, formless, heavy (weight-wise) track suit. You will look like a big huffalump when fully suited with the top and bottoms.  :nod:

armychick2009 said:
Indeed they do still issue them. It's a very sexy, gray, formless, heavy (weight-wise) track suit. You will look like a big huffalump when fully suited with the top and bottoms.  :nod:

Bah! Those track suits are the most comfortable set that I have ever owned. I just wish that they were included in the items that you can order replacements for via Logistik Unicorp.
gcclarke said:
Bah! Those track suits are the most comfortable set that I have ever owned. I just wish that they were included in the items that you can order replacements for via Logistik Unicorp.

Just got mine on friday, and I feel the same way. As good as any of the big name brands I've worn, and I'm guessing even if bought through Logisitk Unicorp, much less expensive.

Armychick, if you're serious, and have a medium set, I'll take it.
VIChris said:
Just got mine on friday, and I feel the same way. As good as any of the big name brands I've worn, and I'm guessing even if bought through Logisitk Unicorp, much less expensive.

Armychick, if you're serious, and have a medium set, I'll take it.

Too late  ;D
A wide belt is required for basic training is there a certain belt perferred? Also, are you allowed to bring books or reading materials to basic?