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BMOQ Regular Force 2014 - 2017 [Merged]


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I'm just picking up everything on the list of stuff to bring, and I was wondering: do I unwrap everything here, or bring it all in box with receipt? Does it matter? Things like my Iron and Alarm Clock, do they need to be new in box? Do all my socks need to be unopened in the bag?

Or is it just "Make sure you have these items" with no regard for the state they are in?

I think they dont care xD Personnaly I will bring my iron in his box because is new but my old alarm clock no xD
They don't care. Just bring what's on the list. If it needed to be new in box with receipt they would specify exactly that and still expect five or six per platoon to screw it up. You're there to learn how to be soldiers, you will have enough minutiae to worry about without self generating silly nonsense to worry about.
Haven't seen a lot of action as far as DEO offers go on the "selection dates" thread but now that some more are starting to pop up, who all is slated for the upcoming Jan 19th BMOQ? Perhaps we can use this thread for general discussion.
Heading out on the 17th for BMOQ January 19th. I swear in on Dec 10th. Has anyone sworn in yet?
I will be there too, DEO Nursing Officer, my swear in is January 6th in Montreal.
flatlander13 said:
Ill be seeing you there. I enrolled as a student, which was about a year ago.

I'm a little unclear on this. If you enrolled a year ago as a student, are you ROTP? I didn't realize they mixed ROTP and DEO BMOQs. I was under the impression they were different lengths.
Rotp students who attend RMC have a shorter BMOQ, but civi students do the 14 week course. Im done school now, but did not have enough time off from my program in the summer in order to complete BMOQ then. If that clarifies...  :)
flatlander13 said:
Rotp students who attend RMC have a shorter BMOQ, but civi students do the 14 week course. Im done school now, but did not have enough time off from my program in the summer in order to complete BMOQ then. If that clarifies...  :)

Makes sense!
I'm heading there from Toronto. Fly out on the 17th.

What trades is everyone going for? I'm in for pilot and my serial is L0050E.
Pharmacy, same serial as flatlander13 (E).  My swear in is Jan 15, then leave from Halifax on the 17th.
I'm coming from London, swearing in Jan 7th. I'm in for pilot as well and I have no idea what my serial is.
Coming from Petawawa, don't know yet which platoon! I am swearing in on Dec 8th, I assume that's when I'll find out.