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BMOQ 2018 - Regular Force

Hey guys,

Heres a link for a Facebook group that was created for us to get familiar with each other before Jan 15.

NBNurse2015 said:
Hi everyone ! I received my job offer yesterday for Nursing Officer ! I am on the March 12/18 BMOQ, anyone else ?

On which serial are you loaded (I don't have access to the DWAN at the moment, otherwise I'd check to see if there are multiple running at that time)? I received confirmation this afternoon that I'm loaded on Mod 2 (the second half of BMOQ to start 23 Apr).
gazorpazorpfield said:
Any offers out there for May 2018 BMOQ yet? :whistle:
I'm waiting for my offer for armd officer and a bmoq for May. Hoping for the call any day. I was put on the competition list over a week ago.

What trade were you selected for?
unicornteacher said:
What trade were you selected for?
Not selected yet, just looking to see if some people are getting their offers around this time. Have you been selected and are just awaiting your offer?
gazorpazorpfield said:
Not selected yet, just looking to see if some people are getting their offers around this time. Have you been selected and are just awaiting your offer?
I'm also awaiting an offer.
I asked because I saw that you had armoured officer listed as one choice. I wanted to see if that's the one you were sitting on the competition list for also. I didn't know that we could be on the competition list for more than one selected trade.
unicornteacher said:
I wanted to see if that's the one you were sitting on the competition list for also. I didn't know that we could be on the competition list for more than one selected trade.
I originally applied as a Bioscience Officer but I was told that my application was not competitive enough so I was encouraged to choose 3 trades. Right now I'm sitting on NWO for selections but I'm not sure if I am currently being considered for ARMD as well; though I am qualified for it. Haven't heard of anyone getting their offers for May BMOQ yet so im a bit curious.
Yes you can be competition listed simultaneously for 3 trades. In fact, I don't think you can be put on the competition list for only some of your trades, because when I added Armour and Artillery to my original first choice (Infantry) I was taken off and put back on again when I was approved for all 3 trades.

Assuming people were selected on March 28th, they won't find out till next week at the earliest as it takes time for the info to travel from CFRG to the individual detachments, which then pass on the good news to you.

Projected selections seem to have been delayed multiple times earlier in the year though, so no guarantee that it did happen on March 28th without further confirmations. We still need someone with actual ties to recruitment to confirm, that or for actual offers to be given out. 
I looked at threads from BMOQs from previous years and most people were getting their offers around this time. So i am a little curious why i havent heard a peep from successful candidates if offers have been going out. I mean i wont shut up about if i got in. So i bet we'll definitely get news next or no later than April 14. 
gazorpazorpfield said:
I looked at threads from BMOQs from previous years and most people were getting their offers around this time. So i am a little curious why i havent heard a peep from successful candidates if offers have been going out. I mean i wont shut up about if i got in. So i bet we'll definitely get news next or no later than April 14.

You are DEO and have been merit listed less than 3 weeks. Look at what time of year it is: the priority for offers right now is likely to be ROTP candidates who need to accept offers from civilian schools. That's the reason why there's lots of offers out around this time.
Highly likely. Plus i admit the timeframes never coincide year after year. Just speculation mixed with wishful thinking on my part; hopefully i can fish out some news.😁
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hey guys just got my job offer I was told I would be starting bmq on April 28 2018. just wondering if anyone else has been logged onto the same date
jacobcastt99 said:
hey guys just got my job offer I was told I would be starting bmq on April 28 2018. just wondering if anyone else has been logged onto the same date

This is a BMOQ discussion.

Finally after two years of patient waiting I have been finally given an offer for AERE (which I enthusiastically accepted). I will be starting BMOQ on May 14th. Anyone here going to BMOQ for May 14 - Aug 03?
Hello, I got my offer for ACSO a couple weeks ago. I will see you on course starting May 14th. Based on the joining instructions am I to understand we are expected to be at CFLRS St-Jean on the Saturday preceding the course?
H55LY said:
Hello, I got my offer for ACSO a couple weeks ago. I will see you on course starting May 14th. Based on the joining instructions am I to understand we are expected to be at CFLRS St-Jean on the Saturday preceding the course?

Congrats! I am sure you are really excited to start basic training. I can only tell you what I was told. I was told that I am supposed to report at St Jean on 12th of May no later than 8 PM.