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BIG Mistake!

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Flatspin said:
.......perform duties in aid of the civil power, in the form of RSP and disposal of explosive ordnance and improvised explosive devices, provide assistance to civil authority, participate in peacekeeping operations, and fight as infantry in an emergency.

You might want to re-think that expectation.


I don't know what you were in your previous life, but all members of the CF are expected to  and fight as infantry in an emergency.
After that, he told me he had to "flag" my file and suggested that I think about joining the regular forces since the unit is  looking for people who will stay in for the long haul and they are not a testing ground for the CF.  It all makes sense since they have to pay to train etc.  Needless to say he told me not to get discouraged, because they will still consider me..

Any suggestions out there?  Should I just jump into it and join the regular forces?  Or wait it out and see what happens in the next few months?  Is it possible to call the recruiter and have them change my application to full time, or would i have to redo the entire application, along with references?  

I have 2 very young children and I don't know how they would handle me being gone for such an extended time.

I am !

I'd say go reserves, do that for a few years. If you find you really enjoy the military go for a CT over to the regular force. I was originally applying for the reserves in my area, and in all honesty wish I had gone that route before deciding to go fulltime. I think that contract can vary in length now from four years to six years if I'm not mistaken, I know that all of the engineers on my course signed five year contracts.

Quote from: windsorftw on Today at 21:59:34
At least Ammo Tech I wouldn't be in the direct line of fire, which is a bonus for my wife/kids.  Only time will tell I suppose.
Thx for the info

From the DND recruiting army site (Ammo tech):

They will perform duties in aid of the civil power, in the form of RSP and disposal of explosive ordnance and improvised explosive devices, provide assistance to civil authority, participate in peacekeeping operations, and fight as infantry in an emergency.

You might want to re-think that expectation.

Personally, I think that no matter what trade you should always be prepared to have to go into combat, after all you never know what situation you might face overseas, whether you be infantry, air force, clerk, etc. That'll always be my attitude while I'm in, even if I only make the CF a job for the next three years.
George Wallace said:

I don't know what you were in your previous life, but all members of the CF are expected to  and fight as infantry in an emergency.

At no point did I say they weren't, just re-enforcing the point.

After all he wants to join the Army, nobody should have the expectation that they won't be in the line of fire. I'm sure it was put in the trade description for a reason.
I know you initially wanted Pilot, but now have decided on Infantry.  Have you considered Aerospace Control Officer?  I have been one for 26 years.  I am currently in recruiting, but will soon be an instructor in the AEC school in Cornwall.  If you need any info take a look at my profile to the left and email me.
Thanks Gazoo, I will definately look into it, and message you later.  I'm kind of strapped for time at the moment.

And yes, I know that I would have to potentially fight as an infantry soldier at a moment's notice, when I stated I woulnd't be on the front lines, I meant I wouldn't be leading a charge into enemy territory lol
Being in the military, I would expect everyone to be on the ready for combat, that's why no matter what trade you get into, everyone has to do the same BMQ courses.  You never know when you might need to shoot something!
Well, it appears I have nothing to worry about.  I wrote my CFAT yesterday, and the recruiter wanted to give me an interview and a medical shortly thereafter!  Unfortunately, the paper work was still at the reserve unit in question, sitting on a desk under a pile of stuff.  It's all good though, got an interview next Thursday.  Gives me a little bit of time to prepare for it anyway. 

All the worry for nothing, lol!
Seems like I'm talking to myself in here lol
I'm more pumped up now than ever, had my interview today.  The officer told me I am highly competitive and very suitable for the position, and after a lengthy discussion she too suggested I join the regular force, but not under DEO (I don't have my degree yet argh) but suggested I take a look at the other entry plans for officers.

Now comes the difficult task of deciding to switch to Reg or stay in Reserves for a time before component transfering into the Regs.
Any suggestions?
windsorftw said:
Seems like I'm talking to myself in here lol

Now comes the difficult task of deciding to switch to Reg or stay in Reserves for a time before component transfering into the Regs.
Any suggestions?

You are, and here's the reason.

Quit looking for someone else to make your decisions for you. It's your life, you decide. If your this wishy washy during your upcoming career, you'll make a lousy officer and an even worse NCO. How's that? Get on with it.

And try reading the reems of pages we already have on the subject. I can't believe this one slipped by for as long as it did.
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