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Benefits Cut...

Pat in Halifax said:
We keep referring to the $500/mth for Jr ranks-Keep in mind, ALL Officers and Snr rates are grouped together at a little over $900/mth. For a young SLt(N)/2ndLt who gets paid about the same as a OS/Pvt, that is a true kick in the cookies.

Charges for rations are based on standard of 'service' (cafeteria or table svc) however, not the rank structure.  I messed at the Officers, WOs and Sgt's mess at CFLRS at there was no table service, so in that case, the rations charges would be $543/month (full meal plan, cafeteria).
It's too bad that they didn't have some sort of "double declining balance" for the messes like that you find at a university.  At least that way soldiers could pay as they go and have some sort of say over their matters. 

Bird_Gunner45 said:
It's too bad that they didn't have some sort of "double declining balance" for the messes like that you find at a university.  At least that way soldiers could pay as they go and have some sort of say over their matters.

Regarding "Pay as they go".

Some interesting points were made in the "Rations and Quarters merged thread" ( reply #38 ).

"Really practical on paper.  Doesn't work in Real Life.":

mariomike said:
Regarding "Pay as they go".

Some interesting points were made in the "Rations and Quarters merged thread" ( reply #38 ).

"Really practical on paper.  Doesn't work in Real Life.":

I read that thread, and still dont really see why a university can have a system like the double declining balance card where you can eat at any of x cafeterias or the campus pub, fast food, etc with your card, but the army can't.  The cards would only be for those on the meal plan, ie- those already on the meal plan who just pay a flat rate.  Gets rid of the double payments for those in quarters who want to eat out while still allowing people to pay if they just want to go. 

What I dont see working in real life is the current system of food management... how much money do we waste on hayboxes that someone might eat 1/3 to 1/2 of, or box lunches, etc.  Or just the messes and the shear amount of waste. 
interesting.  this talk of university meal plans and R&Q makes me question what will happen to a unit like Ceremonial Guard based out of Carleton University, where ALL members get three meals a day regardless of being on TD or being local.
Crantor said:
interesting.  this talk of university meal plans and R&Q makes me question what will happen to a unit like Ceremonial Guard based out of Carleton University, where ALL members get three meals a day regardless of being on TD or being local.

Maybe the ceremonial guard can be made up of people in Ottawa on IR... LOL
Donny said:
Whats TD?

Temporary Duty - which normally comes with free rations and quarters, sometimes in the form of hotels and a meal allowance, as well as incidental expenses.
thank you,
From what i understand after reading, they will no longer be covering rations and quarters when you are on TD right? I called my RC few days ago to ask about this but they said they dont know. I just dont have the time to get down there until resign from my present job.
Crantor said:
interesting.  this talk of university meal plans and R&Q makes me question what will happen to a unit like Ceremonial Guard based out of Carleton University, where ALL members get three meals a day regardless of being on TD or being local.

Very interesting; thanks.
Donny said:
thank you,
From what i understand after reading, they will no longer be covering rations and quarters when you are on TD right? I called my RC few days ago to ask about this but they said they dont know. I just dont have the time to get down there until resign from my present job.

No, the benifits cut are affecting meals while on IR....meals while on TD are untouched. Two different things.

(and yes I registered after being a long time lurker, JUST to nip this one in the butt)
Donny said:
From what i understand after reading, they will no longer be covering rations and quarters when you are on TD right?

That's incorrect.
Wondering mainly what the difference is between IR and TD.

Did some searching, found a blog of a army wife who went into some details about IR and the cuts.



"IR is where the military member moves to the new location and leaves the family at the old location."

TD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporary_duty_assignment    (It says US army, assuming it means about the same.)

"A temporary duty assignment (TDA), also known as "temporary additional duty" (TAD), "temporary duty travel" (TDT) or "temporary duty" (TDY), refers to a United States Government employee travel assignment at a location other than the employee's permanent duty station."


How do these changes effect BMQ / SQ / Trade school then? It sounds like it is being considered IR.

Let's say I am posted to 1st battalion of the Upper palm panel regiment in Saskachewan. I got on the 3 week advanced widget inspection course in Gagetown NB and then go back home, That is going on TD.
John_NL said:
K, so is it related to the length of the course at all?

TD is not only for courses but the length is, generally, short , and you return home. There was nothing changed to TD in this CANFORGEN.
Okay, that's what I am trying to work out here. I am a currently merit listed with a family, so I am mainly trying to let my wife know we are going to be fine until pay picks up.

What about trade training after BMQ / SQ? Which is that considered?
John_NL said:
Okay, that's what I am trying to work out here. I am a currently merit listed with a family, so I am mainly trying to let my wife know we are going to be fine until pay picks up.

What about trade training after BMQ / SQ? Which is that considered?

You won't be TD while on BMQ, SQ, QL3. You'll be Prohibited Posted which falls into the IR category (it shouldn't, but it currently does). Stay tuned for updates.
Thanks Armyvern and CDN Aviator.

From here I guess it is just a matter of waiting to see how it all goes.