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Benefits Cut...

CDN Aviator said:
I am aware of what my responsabilities are but thanks for comming out anyways.

Responsibilities. Coming. There is a spell check button.

You are not the first person who used this term in a financial context about a CF member.

And your welcome.

ObedientiaZelum said:
I foresee the kitchen services taking a huge hit to their incoming cash over this.
I can't imagine many people previously on IR choosing to pay the ridiculous amount 'Rations  charges people.
I wonder if they will raise the cost of what members are paying now to make up for the losses.

Rations rates are set by D Foods.  Current policy has R&Q linked on most bases - that is, if you're in quaters, you must be on ration strength.  Most quarters on base are not set up to permit pers to cook their own meals - there are food safety, electrical safety and pest issues that would have to be addressed.

cdnnvyguy said:
Responsibilities. Coming. There is a spell check button.

And your you're welcome.
If you're going to be a pedantic dick towards a site member, try not to screw it up.
cdnnvyguy said:
Responsibilities. Coming. There is a spell check button.

You are not the first person who used this term in a financial context about a CF member.

And your welcome.

Grammar.  The difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you`re shit.

Just saying.
Tony Manifold said:
Plan better is all well and good when you have a choice.

I am single parent so IR is never an option. "Plan better" is not just some random words i throw around, i have to live by it.

Tony Manifold said:
Plan better is all well and good when you have a choice. Just to use my case as an example, I was prohibited posted one day before I left to go on what was supposed to be a TD course. At no time was there any other option given. I know a fair number of people who have been posted with a couple of weeks notice. You can't sell a house in that time frame. If your spouse is a professional of any kind a month's notice to find a replacement is considered the norm.

Yes people abuse IR. But rather than kill everything at once with no notice how about just administer it right? In the past week I have talked to a bunch of people who will not be able to feed their families if this goes through without amendment. I personally couldn't afford it for more than a month or two without seriously destroying what little financial health I have.

Unfortunately the problem is systematic in our society.  We just don't plan better at all.  Everyone always says to have funds saved up to cover three months salary, put away 10% and pay yourself first etc etc.  People buyng homes with mortgages they can't afford if something goes wrong, own vs rent, raking up credit debt etc etc.  I know, because I was once like that.  I know someone that would rather starve than cut his expensive sports cable package and then complains that he's broke.  Sorry I can't feel sorry for that.

Also, this has been coming.  It's been rumoured for a while and given the economic climate people could have been better prepared.  But some people don't stay informed, read the paper or follow anything that isn't beyond their own personal workspace.  it's like a variable mortgage.  people like them because they normally have lower interest rates.  All of a sudden the rate goes up, even one percent and people can't handle it.  They couldn't have known that was going to happen, even though the markets may have indicated a possible hike.  But they also didn't prepare fopr the eventuality.

It isn't just about being prepared for this particular thing, it's about being prepared for any type of economic issue.  We, as Canadians, just aren't.
dapaterson said:
Rations rates are set by D Foods.  Current policy has R&Q linked on most bases - that is, if you're in quaters, you must be on ration strength.  Most quarters on base are not set up to permit pers to cook their own meals - there are food safety, electrical safety and pest issues that would have to be addressed.

Why wouldn't they allow a member to stay in quarters and not pay for rations? They must figure members won't be able to resist being a food terrorist and cooking up food in the shacks.
ObedientiaZelum said:
Why wouldn't they allow a member to stay in quarters and not pay for rations? They must figure members won't be able to resist being a food terrorist and cooking up food in the shacks.

Problems that occured when R&Q were delinked included unsanitary conditions, safety hazards from hotplates and other cooking systems, and unhealthy eating habits.
Towards_the_gap said:
So you joined because it was the last resort?

Was the length of your course, and the fact that you would be posted restricted until completion of said course, never mentioned to you? Did you not expect that, upon joining the CF (as much as it was the last thing in the world you wanted to do apparently, there was nothing else left right???), that some sacrifices would have to be made, and that, despite your BMQ certificate of military achievement, you are actually a very inconsequential part of a very big machine? You haven't done any tours, deployed anywhere, you aren't even qualified to do your job, yet believe that you deserve the same benefits and entitlements as those of us who have deployed, who have been in longer that 5 minutes, that have made the same sacrifices you are making, over and over again? When I joined I received no allowance to travel home, no special perks, no seperation expense, no rations at public expense, no mileage allowance when I was posted during basic and trades training, no LTA, and my family was 3,000 miles away. I accepted this because I made the choice knowing full well I was on my own if I wanted to see anyone from my family. Quite frankly, it's part of the job.

I'm not trying to have a go at those of you in the training system who find yourselves in this situation, but I do not have sympathy for you. You should have made yourselves aware of all the potential implications of your career and trade choice, and as one poster said, not counted on IR benefits, particularly when you are at the start of your career.

Great recruiting speech.

I, for one, am concerned to hear these anecdotal reports from some of our junior pers on trg, or awaiting trg - particularly given the relatively short notice.  It's not like the affected members can do anything about it now, nor were most of them likely aware the change was coming. 

And those rations rates ... not sure whose budget is being pacified with those, but it's not the food & sustenance budget of the troops eating the meals. 

If the CF is that concerned about IR abuse, I go back to the recommendation of a 1-year max.  That would give some time to those who need it - but don't tell them to plan better, while pulling the rug out from under their feet. 
Wainwright currently allows troops that have chosen to live in the shacks to de-link and just pay quarters.  They are allowed to have the bar fridge and microwave that come with the room.  Those of us here on IR are currently seeking clarity whether this applies to us as well, or if we will be required to pay the monthly rate $540.

Edmonton apparently has a 2 meal/day  5 days/week plan and we are trying to get Wainwright to offer something similar.

A month isn't a long time to try and get anything done however.
ObedientiaZelum said:
Why wouldn't they allow a member to stay in quarters and not pay for rations? They must figure members won't be able to resist being a food terrorist and cooking up food in the shacks.

Was that not why they started allowing 1/2 rations, because of the cost vs the usage?
dapaterson said:
Problems that occured when R&Q were delinked included unsanitary conditions, safety hazards from hotplates and other cooking systems, and unhealthy eating habits.

Ahh, understood.  That stuff still happens and people still get dinged for it when their caught. 

GAP said:
Was that not why they started allowing 1/2 rations, because of the cost vs the usage?

I'm unsure, I've never heard of half rations before.
ObedientiaZelum said:
I'm unsure, I've never heard of half rations before.

My son was living in the shacks and had the same complaints about the high cost. I assume enough people were complaining (I don't know the real reason) that they instituted 1/2 rations, which made eminently more sense, at least in his case....
Crantor said:
Unfortunately the problem is systematic in our society.  We just don't plan better at all.  Everyone always says to have funds saved up to cover three months salary, put away 10% and pay yourself first etc etc.  People buyng homes with mortgages they can't afford if something goes wrong, own vs rent, raking up credit debt etc etc.  I know, because I was once like that.  I know someone that would rather starve than cut his expensive sports cable package and then complains that he's broke.  Sorry I can't feel sorry for that.

Also, this has been coming.  It's been rumoured for a while and given the economic climate people could have been better prepared.  But some people don't stay informed, read the paper or follow anything that isn't beyond their own personal workspace.  it's like a variable mortgage.  people like them because they normally have lower interest rates.  All of a sudden the rate goes up, even one percent and people can't handle it.  They couldn't have known that was going to happen, even though the markets may have indicated a possible hike.  But they also didn't prepare fopr the eventuality.

It isn't just about being prepared for this particular thing, it's about being prepared for any type of economic issue.  We, as Canadians, just aren't.

Maybe it has been rumour but I didn't hear about it. Besides, rumours are rumours. PLD has been rumoured to be ending for 5-10 years. As for being prepared, I would love to be able to eat this and to have savings but life isn't always like that. You don't know the personal situation of a lot of people. Maybe their spouse lost their job in the downturn, maybe they have personal issues that are making money tight. The fact is that the people who will be hit the hardest are the privates/ocdts/2lts who are sitting on Pat platoon waiting for course (which is likely not running for a while because of budget cuts) and are not given a chance to decide if they want to move their family.  I don't care about IR. I mean it sucks for people who were told IR was good to go and are now getting screwed. But when the military is not allowing your to move your family with you, you should get compensated for the fact that you now have to pay for two lives. Your bills don't go away just because you aren't there, in fact they often go up if your spouse now has to pay to have someone do all the handyman stuff around the house. And if you want to have something of a life while away, you are going to have bills. For example, I am paying two internet bills right now. One here and one at home.  I have to take taxis everywhere because I left my car at home. My monthly grocery bill at home for a family of 4 is less then CF rations for one. I have to eat at mess hours or pay retail prices because I can't just whip up a sandwich like at home so that adds to the expense.

I know that we need to save money but there are better ways. Like how about not keeping guys making 50 grand a year stay on pat platoon doing nothing for 2 or 3 years. I know a large number of guys doing that. It is just an example, but taking it out of the soldiers pockets is not the way to do it. For those of you that remember the 90s, wait for it. I forsee it being a lot like it was back then and that is what pisses me off the most.
Well, i just called Rogers to cancel my cable TV and internet service. I was on a 1-year contract and bailing out early as i am posted again.

"No problem Sir, you are on a fix term but we will not charge you since you are military and don't have a choice"

One more IRP change calamity averted, eh !!
CDN Aviator said:
Well, i just called Rogers to cancel my cable TV and internet service. I was on a 1-year contract and bailing out early as i am posted again.

"No problem Sir, you are on a fix term but we will not charge you since you are military and don't have a choice"

One more IRP change calamity averted, eh !!

That is actually pretty good of them.
Tony Manifold said:
That is actually pretty good of them.

Yup. No connection fees for Hydro at the other end too. 2 minutes of being nice and polite on the phone.........
Strike said:
Or a Porche, which I have seen in the Qs here in Edmonton.  ::)

I don't know what this is supposed to mean.  Fellas in Q's can't own nice cars?  Not everyone living in PMQ's is financially retarded.

For some living in the Q's is a choice, like myself for example.  I moved up to Comox from Victoria, sold my house there, made some serious money, we could have purchased up here but we decided to rent (knowing the posting here could be somewhat shorter).  We ended up in a fully (rebuilt from the ground up, they also added an extension on both floors) renovated PMQ, two full bathrooms, sure it is smaller than our previous house, but it works for us right now.

Our decision not to buy here was for various reasons, the main one was that we don't have to mess around with selling when it comes time to move, and now with the upcoming changes I am glad we don't. 

Dolphin_Hunter said:
I don't know what this is supposed to mean.  Fellas in Q's can't own nice cars?  Not everyone living in PMQ's is financially retarded.

Nothing wrong with owning "nice" cars BUT when there are articles about CF soldiers at food banks, maybe a "nice" car is too much.

Don't expect the taxpayer to pay for your "nice" car.