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Becoming a Sniper (merged)

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Im just wondering how easy it is to become a sniper once your in the infantry, I have gone hunting since I was 12 and can shoot pretty well for a civilian with a hunting rifle id say. Ive used many different actions and caliber my own personal rifle is a finlight 75 boltaction 308 Win. with a Leupold 10 times 45 mm scope. I know this isnt really relevant to the question just htought it might help. So how hard is it to get ito sniper school and just exactleywhat happens after you complete it?

The Sniper course has a bunch of prerequsites, 20/20 vison, recce course, comms plus a few more(although waivers have been given for ppl missing certain parts). Even though it shouldn‘t there is always slight variations in the ways that a training center will and won‘t allow.

But even though shooting is a big part of the sniper course, the biggest thing is stalking and cam and concealment. This is where most ppl fail the course. So being a good shot is a bonus but it doesn‘t mean you‘ll be a good sniper.

Once you‘ve got the course you could be sent to your units sniper cell or you could just rot away in a rifle company, not utilizing your skills(usually doesn‘t happen though due to the small #‘s of snipers per unit)
20/20 Corrected vision! Comms is not a prereq. Must be recommended by immediate superiors, screened and OK‘d by the CO. Must be a reasonable shot, with potential. So many other skills that you MUST develop and perfect. If successful you will either move on to the sniper cell or act as a coy sniper. Next step would be sniper det commanders‘ course followed by master sniper.
Well I have 20/20 uncorrected vision so not a problem, and i realise that shooting isnt everything I have read several true books about snipers including the semi-fictional War of Rats wich gave me an excelent perspective on what is required of a sniper I think. Well where on the topic what other courses are there? ive never heard of comms before or recc.

Comms = Communications: usage of radio and other communications devices

Recce = Reconnaisance: going on patrols and such to gather intelligence (among other tasks) on the enemy

Also available: Machine Gunner, Mortars, Basic Parachutist, Assault Pioneer, TOW (a big-*** missle-type device), Driver Wheeled (vehicles with wheels), Driver Track (vehicles with tread), and I‘m told at one point they even had a QL4 flame thrower course. There are lots of others around, but this is a simplification of some of them.
I am very new to the CF but I plan to stay in for the rest of my career. My hope is to eventually become a sniper. So far, all I‘ve pretty much been told is that I can‘t do it. I‘m wondering if anyone knows what it takes as in if you have to be in reg. or reserve and other courses you need before you can take it. Thanks.

J. Lightfoot
From what I‘ve read on this board, to be an official sniper, you have to be Reg force. I believe (I‘m not completely sure on this though), that Reservists can take marksmanship courses, and train on the standard "sniper" weapons. I believe it depends on the unit and what‘s available.
Don‘t listen to anyone but yourself. If you think you can become a competent sniper, then go for it. Just know that it takes a lot of patience, training, and a few years of service. I‘d suggest doing a short period with infantry to familiarize yourself with military life and combat techniques.

Also, talk to some people around here. There are some very intelligent and easygoing soldiers who will help you. There has been lots of sniper wannabes on this forum so might be a slight bias towards your questions. Think first, and ask with relevency.

Like patrick said you can become a sniper but i hope your dedicated and a hard worker. You do have to be reg force to become a sniper. you have to take advanced recce courses etc to become sniper qualified. i‘m not quite sure of the complete details but i think you need a referal from some higher ups.

just work hard in your time in and maybe some day you‘ll make it

being a good shot usally helps to haha
Hulk, use the search engine. there is a lot of info about Snipers on this board. I posted some in the past, as have other qual‘d Snipers... If you still have questions after that, come back and ask them.
I suppose anyone can become a sniper. However, this is one of the qualifications that you‘re selected for. The course is difficult, and even if you pass, if you don‘t measure up to what your unit master sniper expects of you, you can forget about it. Pathfinders and Snipers alike are pretty exclusive groups of professionals. If you don‘t meet the standards it doesn’t matter if you‘re qualified or not, you won‘t work in that role.
Hi, I always wanted to know this, and I figure someone here can answer my questions. So this is my question, can an Infantry Officer be Advanced MOC trained as a CF sniper. This is something I would like to know because I am planning to enter the CF with the direct entry officer program and I am interested in sniper training. If anyone wants to rant about how hard it is, then don't, I know, and I am confident in my abilities, so please keep it to your self. Thnks

     Pte. JB
     RCACC 2803 Engineers
It is highly unlikely that an officer will be offered the opportunity for sniper training, so the simple answer to your question is "no." Sniper positions in the battalions are filled by non-commissioned members.

You may also wish to review the sniper threads in the Infantry FAQ:

Welcome to the forum.
An officer wouldn't be employed as an officer and would therefore not get the course.  They are rarely in the same postion for 2 years.  If they had the course prior to being an officer then they would obviously have the course count.
Mike and CFL are right. This training would be wasted on an officer. An officer doesn't need to know how to be a sniper: he needs to know how to employ them. Cheers.
With smartass comments like that, Usman, my advice to you is keep your head down ...
well the last guy that was the co for the sniper school/det in gagetown was a WO, so I doubt that it'll ever happen.
I agree 110% with the comments regarding the NEED for ANY and ALL officers to know how to employ snipers.  That is something that has trobled many forces besides the CAF.  Even in the USMC some officers didn't use scout/snipers correctly.  Just as brining in Close-Air Support, Arty and Armor, all specialties should be well known and praticed by all officers.

I have to admit the best officers I met in the Corps where those that worked thier way up from enlisted ranks.

I have to agree to some degree about sniper triaing being a "waste of time" not so much a waste of time as rescources, as most of the time sniper training is the first to be cut and the last to get funds.  But Some sort of coruse, on the use and care of snipers so to speak should be run alongside full scale sniper training.  It would be of benifit to incorporate some sort of officer training alongside the sniper coruse.  Maybe a few weeks or a month for officers to observe and try the basics.  what better way to learn how to use them then to see thier training even if on a limiited basis.

In a perfect world our militaries would have ALL the funds necessary for ALL the training for enlisted and officers. And if that was the case inculde Officers into enlisted training.  Granted the US Navy Seals are a different organization, Officers go though the same training as enlisted.  I'm 120% sure they make better officers becuase of it.

In general the need for ALL men and women in the military, be they officers or enlisted, shooting a rifle should be the most important skill.  Sad to say in the "modern military" firearms training is not rated as highly as it should be.  Granted the senior enlisted and officers main duty is to lead men/women in battle, they should still know how to shoot well.

As far as I know, the closest an Officer would get is the Advanced Recce course, after which he may be posted as commander of the Recce platoon, where he would have several sniper dets under his command. It would be a waste of time and ressources to send an  Officer on a sniper course.