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BC Premier Gordon Campbell Steps Down.


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About time!
His income tax cuts were too little too late.
Presented earlier I suspect it might have been enough to patch the gaping hole in his public approval boat.
Now the question is who will replace him?
Have we lost the " the devil we know" and replaced him with the "devil we don't "?
I'm looking forward to the combination of his 15% tax cut with the elimination of the HST next September - double the savings!
Another Campbell idea backfires. Thanks for spending the $250,000 or so on your 30 minute primetime speech, Campbell. What a waste.
hold_fast said:
Thanks for spending the $250,000 or so on your 30 minute primetime speech

It ONLY cost each tax payer in BC .05 cents..  :P.  Thats his way of going out.  Blowing a few more bucks on something useless. Huge slap in the face.
No doubt this is only to save him the embarrassment from losing the election.

Is it sad that my fondest memories of him are getting arrested for DUI in Hawaii and looking like an idiot during the opening ceremonies with those red mittens?  ;D

:piper: :cheers:

Oh, happy day!
Oh No a Canadian said:
Is it sad that my fondest memories of him are getting arrested for DUI in Hawaii and looking like an idiot during the opening ceremonies with those red mittens?  ;D

I thought Harper was going to throat punch him during the opening ceremonies!  ;D
We out here on the west coast are currently rejoicing.  One bad decision after another from his office ever since the Olympics.  The editorials and public opinion after his 'last hope' broadcast were brutal. 

Unfortunately there are very few good choices for a new premier, and the only two I can think of who would be good replacements are still Liberals...

If I remember correctly, provinces which signed on to the HST were also required to stay on board for a period of five years in order to promote stability and spread out administrative costs. (Maybe this only applies to Ontario, can't seem to get the Google-Fu working today).

Regardless, I would actually support keeping the HST and making bigger cuts in income tax on the grounds that a consumption tax like HST is "better" in that everyone pays, it promotes less distortion in the economy (you can reduce purchases of course, but income tax causes economic activity to be shifted away from productive, income producing activities to those which do not attract income tax).

Regardless, Campbell always came across as a weasel, and I won't shed too many tears. If only his pal Dalton would join him....
RangerRay said:
I thought Harper was going to throat punch him during the opening ceremonies!  ;D

Ironically, Harper included how he'll always remember Campbell at those opening ceremonies, in his statement on Campbell's resignation:
""Canada and her athletes had no better champion, or more ardent supporter than Gordon Campbell. My enduring memory of Gordon will be with his arms raised cheering our athletes, his hands covered with those famous Canada mittens while passionately waving the Canadian flag," he said."

Greymatters said:
Unfortunately there are very few good choices for a new premier, and the only two I can think of who would be good replacements are still Liberals... 

The Federal Libs don't even like the Provincial Libs... they have a loose connection to one another. Generally, I've found that supporters of the Federal party don't support the BC Provincial party (from the Libs I've met here in Victoria, at least) whatsoever. On many occassions, I've heard the BC Liberal Party referred to as BC's version of the Conservatives.
Compared to the whipsaw politics in BC which preceded the BC Liberals under Campbell, I've been satisfied during his period as premier.  Refreshingly, a leader is resigning before losing an election - if the BC Liberals can choose an adequate leader I look forward to continuity and another two or three terms of relative political peace and moderation, and general political and economic stability all around.