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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Helo is not a cylon.  he just looked at this from a human way.  Are we just in killing off the whole cylon race, that doesn't make him a cylon.

I don't think any of the 6 new cylons have been seen yet, and there waiting for the right time in the story line to add them.  Or maybe there will never explain who there are.. which would be even better.
Can you fix Halo to Helo please....LOL HELO folks.. Helo!  LOL

As an aside, Tahmoh Penikett is from the YT..yay for the hometown boy!
tlg said:
//NOTE: Hasn't anyone else noticed that this thread is spelt "Galatica" and not "GalaCtica"?

Apparently not.. 

I created the thread in haste to remind people the show was starting so
they should get off their computers and to a TV.....

I had no idea it would reach 12 pages of rumours, suspicion, and worst of all  total geekness.

The real blame goes to Mike Bobbit for not having Galatica in the spell check since the error
would have been caught.  Of course, I'm not passing the blame... just speaking the truth as
licenced by my faith group.  ;D
...is it blame or is the real question.. is Mike Bobbit a Cylon?  If he is, could he wear a long dark brunette
wig and a short skirt?  They don't have dark brunette haired female Cyclons in Battlestar Galatica.
The model six is often seen with dark hair (as she was when Baltar came across her dying on the base star).  Lord, I'm such a geek - we need a geeky smilie.
Bert said:
...is it blame or is the real question.. is Mike Bobbit a Cylon?  If he is, could he wear a long dark brunette
wig and a short skirt?
 They don't have dark brunette haired female Cyclons in Battlestar Galatica.

Ouch, ouch...ewwww, the mental image. Take it away...
Six was once shown with dark hair.  By the way, she is from Alberta.  Good Canadian girl.  So is Sharon.
Geek lesson over.
Man, I just read two pages of posts like they were a Pulitzer prize winning book.  I am such a geek
rmacqueen said:
I am such a geek

Have you checked out Gateworld forums galactica site? Now there are some geeks!!  ;D

I start basic this weekend. I'll have to get it AFTER I'm back for Christmas holidays(if I get them).
I missed last weekend's, could anyone be kind enough to PM me a short synopsis of what occured? Thanks :-\
It's all here: http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/

or here:


I love the song...New Crew..LOL