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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Just a reminder new episode tonight:

Season 4, Ep 16: Deadlock
Ellen escapes from Cavil only to face a momentous choice regarding the 13th Tribe and the Final Five Cylons.
George Wallace said:
So?  Who thinks that the Daniel Series that was destroyed makes a mysterious reappearance?

Daniel was an artist.  Hmm, so was starbuck.  Starbuck is back from the dead... And if Daniel were turned into Danielle...
Daniel was an artist.  Hmm, so was starbuck.  Starbuck is back from the dead... And if Daniel were turned into Danielle...

Or.......Starbuck has a lot more to hide than we think.
George Wallace said:
Or.......Starbuck has a lot more to hide than we think.

Yeah, I doubt Starbuck is Daniel.  For her to be a simple cylon would be too easy.  My guess is that she is supposed to symbolize something about the future of humans and cylons, rather than the past (she was the one who found Earth, for instance).
...and seeing as they have now announced Ellen as the 5th.....Starbuck is probably the harbinger of death to both races...she does something by the end that either seperates the two or starts another war....
Who, cuty Starbuck with the wicked tattoes???  No anger issues there??? LOL
You could argue that she already brought the human race to their end by taking them to the Cylons on Earth. That being said, not doubt she still has a big part to play.

I have to say that I was surprised the Chief would want to leave the fleet, now that he has practically made Galactica into a baseship.
...la la la...not listening...missed last night but taped it...la la la la
{tried for a smily but no joy from work}
I am just wondering how they are going to wrap it all up in 4 episodes.
Damn, Chief, you got played. You got played...

Good episode. I like how Starbuck now has a solid connection to the final 5, and Hera's importance has been brought back to the front again.
So... that was her father there, the whole time, am I right?
Yep, that was my suspicion from the beginning, that Daniel was her father, and somehow his memories or whatnot got passed on to her. Then when he disappeared, that was because John killed him, not because he wanted to leave.

That was crazy that it was in her head the whole time though...

I wonder what John is going to do now that he has Hera?
...help me...help me...my mind is spinning and I can't get off........

  Wow I just got back into the Episodes as I don't have space at the moment . Was glad that I could watch them on the Scifi channel . The Episode with Starbuck and her father playing piano was decent cant wait to get season four on DVD than I can get caught up .  Plus it would complete the BSG collection I have on DVD
What?  the next morning and no traffic about last night?
I like the way they ended it all according to each person's story.  Didn't see Kara being a total angel...surprise!  Caprica Six and Baltar being angels throughout history is a gasp too!!!
And like an old soldier, Adama just rides off with his love and waits to die. 
Good Bye to a great show, it will live on in DVD and reruns and syndication.
Now what am I gonna do on friday nights :???:
OK so last night I rush home from work to go see BSG. Best hour and a half ever. The last half hour was OK. But the final ending...the whole moral of the story kind of thing. Well.hmmm nice . I did like the tall dude on the street giving Caprica six the eyes during the final walk off... you couldn't miss that.

But here is what I want to say.  The whole spacecast thing they did with the wrap party. It made me feel kinda bad. I like the show but the people in the background.....NERDS....did anyone see them. OMFG
The thirteenth colony in Vancouver was worse. The dude dressed up as the hybrid. WOW.
My girlfriend was calling me a geek for liking the show. And I felt like kinda a geek for watching it in my flightsuit.  (I just got off work. I don't have cable and she is nice enough to tape it for me or let me watch it at her place). But after seeing those duded on the TV. Well my geek status wasn't so bad. 
But WOW they were. Oh if you ever see a BSG fan offer to sell them your kit bag. I saw a lot of them on the show as props.
COLONISTS:  We're so tired of resource shortages, constant war, and bleak prospects for the future.  Let's settle here.
LEE ADAMA:  Great idea!  And while we're at it, let's cast off all technology and live as primitive tribesmen, thereby ensuring resource shortages, constant war, and bleak prospects for the future.

I was bitterly disappointed with the finale. I really liked the Greek polytheism in the series because it brought with it a rich history of dramatic storytelling, but at the end it just did a hardcore nose dive into modern, literal, monotheism. I am surprised the last episode wasn't sponsored by one of the big media savvy branches of Christianity.

I liked the symbolism of human history being cyclical, but again, the show went for literalism in ALL CAPS. Shirking off modern technology obviously wouldn't break the boom and bust cycle of civilizations be it literal or metaphorical. The implied universal abandonment of technology was a gross miscalculation in the understanding of human nature on the part of the writers of the show. I imagine the first action that separated prehistoric man from the animals was the first time one human killed another for no better reason than anger or jealousy. Those "peaceful" prehistoric humans they observed were likely already using their tools to kill each other, and its just plain idiotic to think that abandoning electricity, and medicine, and written language would somehow remove the anti social and violent tendencies which seemed abundant amongst the crew of BSG. And of course, advanced space traveling future/past humans would be naturally suited to go full stop and adopt a nomadic salt of the earth subsistence lifestyle with no tools or know how in a matter of hours.

BSG was an otherwise great TV show, but the last half hour of the series really did grievous damage to the integrity of the story, it was painfully apparent the "geniuses" behind the show had no plan whatsoever and wrote themselves into a corner and used religion as a cop out.

Also, was this the first episode to involve time travel? And lastly, it was stated that Hera died as a child, is that compatible with her being" Mitochondrial Eve"? Who did she mate with...as a child... I really don't think the very last bit showing the present was necessary at all.