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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Intelligent Design said:
You do know that Sharon is a Cylon right? She had a child. Tyrol is a cylon, he had a child with Cali. So it is more than possible for Cylons to have kids.

You're missing the point.

Cylons can't have children with OTHER Cylons.  It's their one flaw.

Hence the Col. shouldn't be able to conceive with Six yet that is what the show is alluding to. 
Ah see that wasn't what Karl28 said, he just said that they couldn't have children in general, but I agree they can't have children amon gthemselves. Perhaps the final 5 are special in that they can reproduce with other Cylons then?
Techy said:
Pst, hey Tigh: the baby's not yours.

and who's would it be then?  The only one who's been with the 6 is Tigh, and one of the 5 who are different and are able to reproduce.  Baltar has not been with the 6 and this is a recent development, which rules out Baltar even more.
radiohead said:
and who's would it be then?  The only one who's been with the 6 is Tigh, and one of the 5 who are different and are able to reproduce.  Baltar has not been with the 6 and this is a recent development, which rules out Baltar even more.

Immaculate conception anyone?
Maybe she's slept around with others who have yet to be mentioned??
I mean, c'mon, she's a hottie...toaster or not!  She must be playing the field  8)
umm, just my 0.02

But the twist of Adama retiring and then waiting in space for Laura to come home with only a book and some underwear sounds off the cuff...Cylon Tigh as the new leader of the humans {TWIST!} Sharon killing one of her own to protect Hera...I can't keep up...let me off...

oh look, a butterfly

the 5th cylon IS THE BABY

It is Tigh's and Six's baby..  The 5th Cylon IS THE CHILD!!!
It's just far fetched enough that it would make an increadable twist! We have all the viewers scrutinizing their favourite characters, and it could be a baby that hasn't even been born yet. That would be a shocker.
Trinity said:

the 5th cylon IS THE BABY

It is Tigh's and Six's baby..   The 5th Cylon IS THE CHILD!!!
Now Trinity,  :D  no talking to the Hybrid..or that guy upstairs with all the answers...no fair... ::)
Wouldn't Hera, being a half breed, be the the fifth?
Nope, but I was just trying to muddify and obfuscate the padre's logic....  ;D
Kat Stevens said:
Nope, but I was just trying to muddify and obfuscate the padre's logic....  ;D

I don't even claim to have logic...  ;D

just a hunch
Intelligent Design

    Sorry about the confusion  I know that Cylons can have a baby but only with a Human partner  .  Like Helo and Sharon , or  Tyrol and Calies baby .       


  The Doc already told Adama that it was Tigh's DNA in the the baby  in that episode .  That's why  Adama and Tigh had there little tiff in  his quarters  before Adama promoted Tigh .

     But in regards to last nights episode it was amazing the space battle with  Human, Cylon troops taking out the  Resurrection hub totally cool , but didn't they state that in the first season  the Cylons had a homeworld of their own in the first season  so couldn't they have a second  Resurrection hub there ?  It wouldn't make sense to have only one Resurrection hub I guess we will see how that plays out in the rest of the season .
I was actually wondering that as well. Whether the resurrection hub that was in space was just there to provide mobile fleet resurrection capabilities for the Cylon fleets as they moved around, and that there might be an even larger complex on the Cylon homeworld. We just saw the Humans double cross the renegade Cylons, so perhaps we are about to see that the Cylons were not telling the truth about that hub's destruction stopping all resurrection permanently. Also, couldn't the Cylons build a new hub eventually?

There is a lot going on that leaves much to be explained and I'm ever so sad that there is only one episode left for this year... I hate it when they break the seasons into two parts just to build suspense...
Intelligent Design 

      I agree with you completely it will be interesting to see how the rest of the season goes .  Like you said though it will suck big time that we have to wait  cause they split the season up  drives me nuts when a show does that . 
Ex-Dragoon said:

for my fellow fans. :)
Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

Damn it! Why did Boomer decided to join that anorexic 'see you next thursday' hilton? She looked waaaaaay better a few years ago.

But I am disappointed that the Earth they found is in ruins. I could swear that the remains of one of the two tower supports for the Brooklyn Bridge was behind Starbuck in the final fadeout scene.
CougarDaddy said:

But I am disappointed that the Earth they found is in ruins. I could swear that the remains of one of the two tower supports for the Brooklyn Bridge was behind Starbuck in the final fadeout scene.

Thanks a bloody lot buddy...  >:(