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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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Centurions (and I assume raiders) cannot tell the difference between different copies of the same model, merely that something is (or isn't) a cylon, and which model.  I figure that raiders/centurions just had some hidden program that activates if they encounter one of the final five, though this also raises questions about why it didn't activate sooner.

None of the final five (unless it's Starbuck) is a fighter jock.  The others don't have any face to face time with a live raider until Anders (only recently a fighter jock)

Six did say she was programmed NOT to think about the final 5.  So I guess all cylons know who they are but for some reason
aren't supposed to discuss it.  So that leads to the theory of a split in the cylons to good and bad cylons, or at least 2 groups with
different agendas.  If thats the case, the all raiders do know as well as all models just the models are programmed not to react
while the raiders are programmed to obey.

I'm in for the theory Starbuck is dead and she's been cloned ;).  Worse yet.. I'm going to say Adama is a Cylon and his son is the first half cylon half human ;)

Apollo and Adama did have a conversation that said... What if your son, my brother (the one who was killed in a Viper accident) was a cylon.... would we love
him any less? Would we honour him any less?

Would make sense why Adama kept keeping Sol around him.. if they both were cylons.
Trinity said:
None of the final five (unless it's Starbuck) is a fighter jock.  The others don't have any face to face time with a live raider until Anders (only recently a fighter jock)

I think I remember either hearing from the 1st Season or just reading somewhere that Tigh had Viper experience in the 1st Cylon War as well, so he may have had face-to-face time with the older raiders as well if he had been replaced or inserted into human society back then as a prototype human Cylon.

Would make sense why Adama kept keeping Sol around him.. if they both were cylons.

That could be the reason or...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRsEBZCS6po ;D
Okay, even though I just read a few spoilers...thanks!
Where, oh where, CAN I find last nights episode online??   ??   ?? 
I taped it but frakked it up somehow   :crybaby:    :crybaby:    :crybaby:
I need BSG...must... have.... last... night's... episode
Cheers BYTD

Ummmm, never mind,,, my friend just told me it's on tonight... ;D
CougarDaddy said:
I think I remember either hearing from the 1st Season or just reading somewhere that Tigh had Viper experience in the 1st Cylon War as well, so he may have had face-to-face time with the older raiders as well if he had been replaced or inserted into human society back then as a prototype human Cylon.

I'm not sure how that would have worked. If the human Cylons were around that long, then perhaps the final 5 were the first 5? That means they probably have more programming and can better fit in. I don't know because then there is Anders. He's fairly young in the scheme of things. Then again Cylons don't age.

The whole process is confusing. The first Cylon war was when they were still fighting Raisers flown by Centurions. The whole classic BSG look. If you guys watched BSG: Razor, then you saw Adamas war flashback right? That makes you wonder if the Cylons had the technology to make human form ones.
Where have all you guys been.  The clue is in the first episode of Season 4.  Starbuck comes back in a Viper that looks like it came right off the assembly line.  No battle damage.  No patchwork repairs.  No Jerry rigged systems.  She thought she was gone for about 6 hours, while everyone else felt she had died two or three months earlier.  The "Space/Time Continuum" is what you are all missing out on.  Remember the lines repeated several times over in the last three years; "This has all happened before, and will happen again."  This story is cyclic, with little changes each time it is run out, perhaps the result of crossing dimensions into alternate realities.
The Prez is the last Cylon.  She insists on leading the fleet in the opposite direction to where Starbuck feels Earth is.  She's leading them to a final killing ground.  Either that, or Jimmie Hendrix' REAL farewell performance... ;D
George Wallace said:
Remember the lines repeated several times over in the last three years; "This has all happened before, and will happen again."

Yea, this definitely has some significance. Something, I think, is causing the events to happen again. Either in a very similar fashion, or right from where they started. Though I am hard-pressed to think that this show is going to be as simple as that. There's more to it. Time travel, hmm I don't think so. Something more spiritual, since the show leans very much in that direction.
...There's too much confusion.
Ohh. if they pull that "it all happened before" crap I will be SOOOO pissed.

After finishing Gunslinger series by S.King and getting to the ending.... i was rather pissed off. 7 books and it all ended where it started.
http://www.watchingbsg.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/how-to-spot-a-cylon.jpg  ;D

There is a whole range of them
zipperhead_cop said:
Hopefully she's a #6.  That would be awesome!

It's quite possible seeing as 6 seems to have multiple looks, especially if you watched BSG: Razor.
She's NewFoundland 6 I heard there was a Toronto 6 and Vancouver 6 floating around as well ;)
Vancouver Six must get around a lot haha. I live close enough that it could be her, I mean she moved in recently. Maybe we have to call her Greater Vancouver Six now hehe.  ;D
                    Wow I just watched the newest episode all I can say is what a shocker man oh man .  I wont say more than that for those that haven't seen it yet  .  :o
karl28 said:
                    Wow I just watched the newest episode all I can say is what a shocker man oh man .  I wont say more than that for those that haven't seen it yet  .  :o

omg  SO didn't see that coming.

Hey.. do you think Saul's wife could just be an aged version of 6???
Aww they killed someone cute.  >:D One of the rumors that I posted here before has been proven true.