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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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If you use a proxy(pretend to have an American IP address) you can watch them on the sci-fi channel website. But its blocked to all Canadians for some reason.
Yea, just find a proxy server address (one you can "trust") and throw it into your proxy settings in FireFox (yes, that means for those of you that use IE - get FireFox). Though don't forget to remove it once you're done watching...
Since some people here on the site have already watched "Razor", would anyone care to guess what the hybrid human-Cylon "god" in the bathtub (yes, it's a friggin' bathtub) meant when he said "All this has happened before...and all this will happen again"? (Then he's stuck in a loop saying "again" like a broken tape recorder.) Is he talking about the original series when he means "All this has happened before"? Hehehe... ;D

perhaps we should avoid spoilers. 

But as for the phrase, it's been uttered many times throughout the show, going all the back to the miniseries.  It's part of their belief system that everything that has happened, has happened before and is destined to happen again.  Leoben said it numerous times to Thrace during season one's Flesh and Bone.  I suppose we'll find out more in the coming season, assuming of course the WGA strike doesn't kill the series (a very real possibility according to R.D. Moore)
So is there any one link that works better than others, or are you getting this off the SciFi channel?
(yes, Ima jonesin!)
Just hit up a torrent site for it. Though it does air tonight, I think, so I'll be watching again!
...Or is it tomorrow?
Sheerin said:
I suppose we'll find out more in the coming season, assuming of course the WGA strike doesn't kill the series (a very real possibility according to R.D. Moore)

I'm sure a lot of people NOT in the industry wouldn't mind writing for the series- I doubt you need a lot of screenwriting training to come up with a good story. They shouldn't let some writers kill off the series; was that what happened with the Jericho or was that a top corporate decision? Speaking of which, does anyone know when that other series will come back? The makers promised to bring back Jericho to at least provide some clean closure due to complaints by many fans.

As for the latest BSG flick, I was a little disappointed by the opening battle scene of Razor in Major Shaw's flashback showing the Cylon surprise attack on Scorpio shipyards. I was kinda hoping to see some massive space battle between Admiral Nagala's 50+ Battlestars against the Cylon fleet, when the Cylons simply "turned off" the power of many Colonial ships as described in the mini-series, but of course, they probably don't have the budget for something like that.  ::)

As for the latest BSG flick, I was a little disappointed by the opening battle scene of Razor in Major Shaw's flashback showing the Cylon surprise attack on Scorpio shipyards. I was kinda hoping to see some massive space battle between Admiral Nagala's 50+ Battlestars against the Cylon fleet,when the Cylons simply "turned off" the power of many Colonial ships as described in the mini-series, but of course, they probably don't have the budget for something like that. 

In the commentary for the Miniseries both Moore and Eick (sp) said that they chose deliberately not to show the battles as the miniseries was about the Galactica and not the rest of the fleet.  I suppose the same applies to Razor where it would have been cool to see the battles but they wouldn't really do much to advance the plot.  Perhaps they'll do another movie focusing on the efforts of Nagala... but I doubt it.


Hey guys just saw this link on msn.ca . It's about the writers strike and how it will affect the up coming BSG season four .
So I gather the strike is why there was no new BSG episode this week?  >:(

"BSG: Razor" was supposed to be a special spin-off movie that was supposed to tell the Pegasus's story before they met Galactica. It was not part of Season 4, which was supposed to begin this January. However, the link just posted Karl28 suggests that it may start in April instead, though I'm not sure whether this is directly because of the WGA strike.

Battlestar Galactica Razor is now out on DVD, with extra footage.
Here are some rumors I heard from various websites about what Season 4 holds in store for us:

-Adama and Roslin get (much) closer. (No Duh...)

-Lee/Apollo grows a beard and now works on an unknown civilian ship as a lawyer.

-Baltar now has the backing from a cult who believes he has some sort of special healing power.

-Roslin now has a new enemy: Kara Thrace/Starbuck. Roslin is convinced that Kara will spell doom to the fleet.

-Cally dies in season 4.


- It is hinted that Roslin will die in Season 4.

- Gina (the Number Six Cylon model seen in "BSG:Razor") is back in Season 4 as a clone called Natalie.

Would anyone here care to speculate which one(s) of these sound plausible, based on your opinions?

From the sounds of it, everything looks pretty plausible...We all know that Adama and Roslin are getting chummy, plus it's a story line for them...According to "Razor" Kara Thrace is the doom of the human race, bummer cuz she's such a hotshot pilot AGAINST the toasters...I hope they don't kill off Cali, she's kind of cute and adds a story line for the Chief...Having an entire BS group show up would be totally outside the show's premise of being the last of their kind {in that part of space, anyways}
Yet another clone of Six...well, there's a few storylines there!!!  Too bad they got away from the nude scenes with Baltar {lucky B&*^}
Q?  How come it's always the geeky guy who blows up the world and destroys all that is known, ends up with the hot chicks in nude scenes???
Well that's my 0.02 worth.
BYT Driver said:
According to "Razor" Kara Thrace is the doom of the human race

But if it was a Cylon Hybrid who said that, would the Colonials really want to believe it?  This is a tad of a stretch, but if you were the coach of a sports team and the other team's coach said not to play your star player (OK, a really big stretch), you would probably do the complete opposite.  Right?  :-\
Would anyone here care to speculate which one(s) of these sound plausible, based on your opinions?
Yes, actually.

Adama and Roslin get (much) closer.
Makes sense to me, the show has always hinted at a possibility for the two. Though if they make it one of the main story arcs
it will just interfere with the real matter at hand now: Kara and Earth.

Lee/Apollo grows a beard and now works on an unknown civilian ship as a lawyer.
I think that is a little silly if they do that with the show. He's a pilot, not a lawyer. Besides he did poorly during Baltar's trial, IMO.
And if I want something like that to watch I'll tune into JAG. :P

Baltar now has the backing from a cult who believes he has some sort of special healing power.
Also somewhat silly, but seems to be along the show's main drift - spirituality.

Roslin now has a new enemy: Kara Thrace/Starbuck. Roslin is convinced that Kara will spell doom to the fleet.
Makes perfect sense. Actually that would be an interesting spin since that would generate a whole new conflict. How can they go against
their top fighter ace? Can they trust the Cylons' prediction? (Hell no!)

Cally dies in season 4.
That would not be good, I like Cally, and has said, she gives the chief some depth and story.

I want some of this. We don't really know too much about the destruction of the fleet except from Pegasus'/Galactica's standpoint.
As far as they know the fleet was destroyed. When they Cylons attacked, they jumped away, hoping for the best. Who's to say
that another battlestar(s) didn't make it out in time? Wouldn't an entire fleet have more than just one shipyard?

It is hinted that Roslin will die in Season 4.
Not unlikely, she has cancer that has come out of remission. Unfortunate, I like her character.

Gina (the Number Six Cylon model seen in "BSG:Razor") is back in Season 4 as a clone called Natalie.
I need to rewatch Razor. I am still a bit confused by the hybrid cylon overmind character. Was he not the cylons' first step into
creating skinjobs? Why did they exile him?
Rice said:
I want some of this. We don't really know too much about the destruction of the fleet except from Pegasus'/Galactica's standpoint.
As far as they know the fleet was destroyed. When they Cylons attacked, they jumped away, hoping for the best. Who's to say
that another battlestar(s) didn't make it out in time? Wouldn't an entire fleet have more than just one shipyard?


BYT, Rice,

Apparently what you said could be right; there are more rumors from online that Galactica's fleet does meet another another colonial fleet with at least one other battlestar.

Also, if one watches the Season 4 preview shots in the youtube link above, you will see a battlestar-like ship suddenly blow up and then Lt. Gaeta shouts "Sir, we just lost Pyxis" at approximately 4:11 to 4:15 in the vid, at the end of which President Roslin suddenly says, "Oh my gods, Captain Tarley/Tarsus and 600 souls!".

It's also mentioned in the preview that the Earth they find could be in anytime between 10,000 BC and the year 2020 AD in development.  ::)
CougarDaddy said:

Also, if one watches the Season 4 preview shots in the youtube link above, you will see a battlestar-like ship suddenly blow up and then Lt. Gaeta shouts "Sir, we just lost Pyxis" at approximately 4:11 to 4:15 in the vid, at the end of which President Roslin suddenly says, "Oh my gods, Captain Tarley/Tarsus and 600 souls!".

Yes, but the fleet also has countless civilian ships. More likely it was a civvy ship that got hit.

...Ok I can hardly hold back I'm so anxious for them to get the show going! C'mon!!
PS: Writer's strike: end now damnit!