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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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niner domestic said:
Wait one, are you saying that if I like BSG and ST, I'm a geek and a nerd? 
Hmmm, that extremely rare breed, the geeky nerd.
Bassman said:
Didn't mean to start a fire fight, oh well, more ammo! 

ok.. enough of the stupidity.....

thank you (or not) for telling us nerds (or not) about the trek

Back to BSG convo  svp.
niner domestic said:
So does this mean I *don't* get my pocket protector back? *frack*

At least you said FRACK.. and no.  No pocket protectors in BSG.
Me thinks
that star is going to go super nova and destroy the base ships while Galactica with Baltar on board somehow jump right before getting wiped out, and due to the explosion and some weird bug it jumps right in our solar system.
That circly thingy chief was looking at looked a stylized version of a super nova.
Sorry to have not read the whole 20-page long thread, but does anyone here any idea what kind of Earth Galactica will find? Will it be like the 1980s/20th Century Earth like in third installment of the Original Battlestar Galactica Series? Or an ancient one?

Or will it be a crossover with another Science Fiction show? Such as Babylon 5 or another series whose very mention is blasphemous in this board...which involves Galaxy Class Starships and Captains with bald heads or female Borg crewmembers...hehe

Here's another fan member's prediction of what could happen- look up "Journey's Fate" under fan movies in


It's too bad Apollo wasted the Pegasus and it would have never have seen Earth as in this fan's movie.

Somehow, this maybe quite a remote hope- I hope BSG the new series will be an excuse for a crossover and a resurrection of the short-lived "Space and Above and Beyond Series".

I am prepared for all the FLAK to hit my way.... :o

It would depend on whose rights they can buy up.  I am sure that Star Trek and Star Wars are out of their price range.  Space Above and Beyond may be an option.  B5 may be a possibility, but more pricey than SAaB. 

I have a feeling that we are going to see Starbuck deserted on the planet with a Cylon Centurion like in the Classic...... ;D  (to find a 'eternal' or whatever like in the Classic)

The Fleet will never find Earth.......or it will mean the series end.
Well George,

When Starbuck was stranded for a while on that gas planet with that dead Cylon fighter in the first season of the new series, I thought that was the parallel to the original series episode where the original Male Starbuck and the Centurion are stranded.

You did watch the third installment of the original series, right? Galactica 1980 I think it was called. The new series' Galactica and her fleet have to find Earth eventually.

BTW, you mentioned Star Trek! Blasphemy! BLASPHEMY! hehe ;)
Yeah!  Sorry about that.....just thinking about SAaB and I wonder if there is too much commonality with BSG in the way of Uniforms, Equipment, et al......perhaps that would be a good thing.  That or we could go through a Worm Hole and land up facing the Scarrans or finding Atlantis.  ;D
No, no you've got it all wrong.
It's the Original Battle Star Galactica (with the BIG hair thing going) meets Bucks Rogers (with the BIG hair thing).  Cheesy storylines, frumpy acting and nice 'n tight female costumes. 

Which leaves the women with visions of men in tights...I don't care what they say, men should not wear spandex in merry ol'England, 2006, in the 24th century or EVER! (what were those costume designers thinking of?)