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Base life


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Hey I'm new to this site and am just waiting for an offer for the army. I was wondering if anyone could tell me a bit about living on a base? What it is like, is there much to do and are the accommodations nice? Plus anything else you can think of that would help. Thanks allot.
protege121 said:
Hey I'm new to this site and am just waiting for an offer for the army. I was wondering if anyone could tell me a bit about living on a base? What it is like, is there much to do and are the accommodations nice? Plus anything else you can think of that would help. Thanks allot.

Just out of curiosity, what did your recruiter out line for you?.
What do you mean? He said that I should be going no later then March. I picked to stay in the West. I've been looking on the net and in there web site but it sure dosen't say much about bases or what to expect. If you know of a site please let me know.

I have lived on base 90% of my life, in germany, gagetown, st-hubert, moncton and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I loved it. The tight base communities allow military families to make a large web of friends. In my opinion it's a great place to raise a family, there's usually plenty of base brats for the kids to make friends, wives find other wives to befriend and create cgroups of common interests and everyone knows eachother. As far as accomodations go, it all depends on the base at which you will be stationned but from my experience, they have always had nice surroundings and plenty of choices for activities on spare time. I'm not sure what else to say but if you have any specific questions or just want to chat about life on base I'd love to tell you everything I know. :D

thanks allot for the info, I'll get back to you if I have anymore questions,  thanks
protege121 said:
What do you mean? He said that I should be going no later then March. I picked to stay in the West. I've been looking on the net and in there web site but it sure dosen't say much about bases or what to expect. If you know of a site please let me know.


Your Recruiter didn't go into the how and why of things in the Army.  Give you a capsule brief of what to expect. Also the facilities that are usually available on most Bases. If they didn't, did you ask ?

Military Bases are like any Civilian Comunity with all the same amenities and facilities but with one exception !, the population all have a common bond, the Army and each other.

Try and find that on Civie Street, Good Luck and Enjoy.
Hey thanks fasteddy,
No they haven't givin me anything yet or I haven't asked. I'm still waiting for my medical to come back from Ottawa but I dont see a problem. But that is good to know that they will give stuff like that. Cheers
personally i was a big fan of living on base. i was in petawawa for 3 years, and besides the looooong winters i enjoyed it. if you are into the outdoors (as most army fellas are) petawawa is a great place, there are two rivers, tonnes of parks, trails for biking, lots of stuff.

its also nice that the majority of your friends live really close to you while you are on base, there were lots of times when everyone would go out, get wasted at someones house and it was easy walking or biking distance to home, same if you went into town.... although in the winters it was a hastle.

base life is what you make of it, do yourself a favour and go in with a positive attitude and it will all work out fine.
protege121 said:
Hey thanks fasteddy,
No they haven't givin me anything yet or I haven't asked. I'm still waiting for my medical to come back from Ottawa but I dont see a problem. But that is good to know that they will give stuff like that. Cheers

You havent been accepted yet ?

And the recruiter told you you would be somehwere in march and you feel its gonna be west ? am i getting that right ?

Because if you beleived all that as fact.........i have a fool -proof money making scam i would like you to get into !!
No all I am saying is that they say you can pick east or west. I will be accepted there isn't any reason that I see that I wouldn't. I know that I may not get my first choice but it dosen't really matter to me where I go. that is why I was just asking what to expect when I get there? Plus they said it could be as early as March is how things are looking.
Does anyone have any pictures of PMQ's or SQ from any bases? Even any pics you may have from any base, buildings, the grounds whatever, I would just like to get an idea of what a base looks like from the inside, thanks in advance