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Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

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Thank you very much for the Info. So I guess i'll have to put in for greenwood then maybe thats pretty close to Newfoundland.. Again Thank you for your time in replaying to my post..


AVN wanny be...
Spent 8 years in Goose- had a ball.

Small, close knit community. Not much going on anymore (lost the fighters). Excellent winters- 16+ feet of snow per year, unreal snowmobiling. Great hunting, fishing like you wouldn't believe. If you go, bring a 4 x 4 truck (not an SUV), a long track snowmobile, and an 18 foot aluminum boat. Buy a tent and woodstove when you're there.

As my wife pointed out: "27 stores, and one of them isn't a sporting goods store".

I didn't know we had 27 :)


So I'm looking at applying to the regs (Currently a sig op resevervist) as an AVN tech, or an AVS tech.

I was wondering how much lee-way AVN techs generally have as far as choice of postings go? As I'm looking to get posted to the east coast, working with helicopters, preferably tac hel, but sea kings/cyclones/whatever I'm happy with... just looking for helicopters and the east coast...

Further, does anyone know how transferable AVN/VS tech trades are to the civvie equivilant? I've heard tales of civillian companies hunting for ex military AVN/AVS techs, then paying them peanuts...
Not sure right now, but tommorow afternoon i'll ask some of the guys at 408 Sqn, when I get to work.
  I can't give you much info regarding walking on to civvie street, it seems that everybody who makes the jump has a different experience.  The guys who settle for mediocre coin with civvie employers are usually content to remain where they are (geographically)and use their pension to top up their salary, as an alternative to getting posted.

  For postings, it seems to depend on the year.  A few bases are consistently short bodies, and need top up.  Others are year to year, the career managers will fill holes where they appear depending on the manning priorities of the different units.  Historically, Tac Hel has been a really tough gig to get when you're new to the trade, not that it doesn't happen, but it seems to be rare.  I wish I could give you a more definite answer, but it's tough to predict.

  Any other questions about the trades, feel free to pm me.
Avro_Arrow_1976 said:
Chances of going to Gander in AVN are 0. They only have Comorant helicopters and no AVN's work on them, only civilian maintenance, company called IMP. Your chances of getting Goose Bay are very slim. 444 Squadron is small, they fly the Griffon. It is an isolated posting, and won't have the personnel to do training that will be required. No matter what they tell you in Borden, you're not ready to be qualified on a CF aircraft for some time.
103 has no AVN techs???? I know of 2 for sure, should I go tell them that they dont exist? They dont work on the Cormorant but they are still needed.
Those two are prob posted at 103 SQN in the ALSE shop working on life support equipment, or some sort of AMCRO role. For you non aviators, AMCRO is the Aircraft maintenance/records section. There are no AVN techs that actually work on the Cormorant helicopter, that is done by IMP technicians (most are former AVN, or AVS air force techs). But as I said there could be techs working on ALSE equipment. The chances of a new tech being posted there would be 0. You need to learn aircraft systems, and get experience as a journeyman before one of those postings.
Just a small bit of info here...  I'm in Borden, 4.5 months away from graduating the AVN program...  We've been keeping track of who's going where and here's what it seems to be at:

Cold Lake:  You want to go?  You probably will.  Don't want to go?  You probably will anyway.

Bagotville:  same as above.

There have been a few lucky people go to Comox...  Shearwater's been a big one lately too.  They've accepted a couple people in the past few months to Petawawa, as well as a couple to Winnipeg, one to Edmonton, and some to Gagetown. 

The trend is Cold Lake, as we all know, they need tons of techs out there. 

And the weird thing has been that the top students are not necessarily getting their choices.  Some classes, almost everyone gets one of their three choices, another class, no one gets what they pick.

I hear back on my choices in a few weeks, I'll let you know how it goes with my class.

Also, any questions on the AVN course, either the new one or old one, ask away...  I'm on the pilot (ie: experimental) course that's getting half of each. :P
Sparkplugs said:
And the weird thing has been that the top students are not necessarily getting their choices.  Some classes, almost everyone gets one of their three choices, another class, no one gets what they pick.

Perhaps it's a new approach to promoting Teamwork?? Only the top class gets their posting choices??  :-X
Most likely you will end up in Cold Lake, we spent almost 18 years there! And where did I ask to go when I was on my remuster engine course? Greenwood! I asked for Greenwood for years but I stayed in Cold Lake.

They send you where they need you, remember you signed up for the Military! If they have a hole out there that needs plugging they plug you in it, they do the politically correct honourable thing by "asking you" where you would prefer to go then they give you the opposite of what you want. Cold Lake is once again a very popular hole to be plugged up for some strange reason, having been there done that I have full knowledge of what is going on................

BTW we were pretty happy with having lived in Cold Lake for such a long period of time.
I was looking forward to it. Its my favorite joke now that I joined to see the world and I got Greenwood instead.  ;D
But im not bashing, love it here and wouldnt wanna be anywhere else right now.  :salute:
pteosborne said:
But im not bashing, love it here and wouldnt wanna be anywhere else right now.  :salute:

Wait til you go somehwere else...anywhere else.....

God i hate the ditch
Well, just got my posting message today, and to no one's surprise, it's 1AMS in Cold Lake.  Same place as 9 of my classmates, and 10 people from the graduating class two weeks before ours. 

Only 4 people didn't get Cold Lake, and they had special circumstances, such as service spouses who can't get posted elsewhere, etc.  Even the people who knocked up their wives on course who are due around grad time got no sympathy.  The Warrant told us that as of now, everyone who gets Cold Lake starts at 1AMS, rotates around there, and then gets posted to a unit.

So I guess this is just to provide current trending info.  Oh, and just for reference, the Top Student put Bagotville as his choice, and he speaks french, and he still got Cold Lake.  The last 7 top students have not gotten their choices. 

I'm not sad about it.  I'm young, single, and female, so Cold Lake might be a bit of fun.  Plus, I get to see more of the country on my drive out there than I ever have before, hehe.

Has anyone ever been posted there?  How did you like it?  Can I harass you for information?  ;D
Sparkplugs said:
special circumstances, such as service spouses who can't get posted elsewhere

Usually, this is not considered "special" circumstances.  They should consider themselves lucky as it doesn't always work out that way.  The CF attempts to post service spouses together but it is not always possible.

That being said, good on you for having a great attitude about your first posting.  I know nothing of Cold Lake so I can't give you any advice, however, you're sure to learn lots!  Good luck and congrats on your grad!
Never been posted there but i have flown out of there for MAPLE FLAG, WOLF SAFARI and MAPLE GUARDIAN.

Its your typical small town. Very isolated. Theres a very good staekhouse there ( Outrider steakhouse IIRC) and the pub at the Canex isnt bad at all. Not much up there in the way of entertainment. Most of the pubs there stink of cigarettes so as a non-smoker it realy sucked. Theres the usual places to shop. Buy a truck, the streets look like they were bombed with anti-runway munitions. Stay at the best western if going to a hotel....all the others arent fit for human habitation. The area looks good for outdoor activities.

And the "camel's toe" bar is no longer called that  :'(
You've got the right attitude in any event.  I've only spent a few weeks there on TD; lots to do if you're into the outdoors, and lots of friendly people.
I've worked with a number of techs in Greenwood and here in Comox who left Cold Lake kicking, screaming, and dying to go back.  With your positive outlook and enthusiasm I'm sure you'll have a great time up there.  Congratulations on nearing the end of your course and good luck in the cool pool.