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Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

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I am currently a journeyman aviation tech up in cold lake, i like it so much that i am going back to the infantry.lol  good luck with it.
Krazy-P said:
the airforce sucks.   just personal opinion.

and mine is that a bad day in the air force is better than any good day i have had in the army.......
Krazy P if you can't elaborate a little more than that, I am sorry I asked.  I was looking for an intelligent answer...talk to you later.  I am guessing the airforce is similar to anything else in life it is what you make of it.
Sorry for lashing out, was having a bad day.lol  the airforce isnt that bad, you actually have to use your brain, not just brawn.  i have learned quite a bit in the airforce, it just isnt for everyone.  that and the location sucks, i am in cold lake. 
Hey K-P,

Thanks for your last reply. I think it is important for people to remember that we all different strengths, aptitudes, and preferences. Just because a certain individual doesn't fit a particular mold doesn't necessarily mean that either the environment sucks or the individual sucks. Sometimes it is just a matter of a poor match.

The same can be said for the relationship between some people and their jobs - look at me... I'm still looking for a job that I can do half decently!!!  ;D That's the great thing about the CF, you can try something new every few years. Sooner or later you are bound to find something that is a good fit.

Hey Sam,  very true, i to will eventually find a trade that i like.lol  after a tour or two with the infantry, i think i will be looking at another trade. maybe hulltech, comms research, theres a few that peak my interest. but while i am still somewhat young(29), i will get all the fun stuff out of the way.
After 4 yrs as an avn , avs or acs you can OT to NDT. NDT is spec 2 pay after completing 5 tickets...thats another 4-5yrs of ndt-- on the job training. I cant wait,  I have few more years until I can OT.
Sam69 said:
That's the great thing about the CF, you can try something new every few years. Sooner or later you are bound to find something that is a good fit. 

Well, it used to be that way.  I just had the new Terms of Service brief, and with respect to voluntary OT's you'll now owe 2 years over and above the time it takes to get qual'd in your new occupation.  Scary prospect, so plan your future wisely.  Can anyone elaborate more?


Just a question for AVN Techs...

I'm still in the application process, but just curious...

Someone (not an AVN Tech) told me you have to provide your own tools, and if they need replacing, they will be replaced by the CF.

Is this accurate? Thanks
dk said:
Just a question for AVN Techs...

I'm still in the application process, but just curious...

Someone (not an AVN Tech) told me you have to provide your own tools, and if they need replacing, they will be replaced by the CF.

Is this accurate? Thanks

There is no truth to that whatsoever.......
Thanks aesop081. I thought it sounded kind of weird.

At what point did you and your course mates learn that you would be going to Cold Lake?  Are you all going there or are there exceptions?  How is your course going?
also for any other avn techs if you had to chose where would you like to be posted and why?  Are some of the wings better than others as far as facilities are concerned? 
a few are of us are going to cold lake and the others are going to helicopter units and herc world. I would say how many to each but due to a little security i wont. Really this course is designed for the F18 world. Even though all we got to do was look at the F18, we worked on the tutor mainly with some helicopter theory on the Lab's and an old twin Huey. But you could tell the main focus was towards F18's. Only the future will tell as to what and how the course develops. We technically finished 2 weeks ago and  now carrying out training to which we never did due to lack of training aids at the time. I wont say what we are actually doing as their are prying eyes on here that don't look to kindly to me posting about them. Needless to say when i use to kick the Gun box it was similar. 
I think as for postings and such if you actually get a choice in the future then it all depends on what you want . I mean most of the east coast guys want to go their and same for the west coast. A lot of the ex army guys want to go to Tac Hel. as for facilities. go to the bases web pages and look for your self. Depends on what you like doing and your style of life choice. I mean if you are into huge bars and raves cold lake or Pet may not be for you.
thanks for the info.  As far as facilities I was referring to the shops and equipment for your trade.  How far into the 16 month course are you aware of where you are going after or can you talk about that?
I am finished my course now and awaiting to go to Cold lake. Some time In July.
Just curious to know what the chances of being posted to Halifax / Shearwater would be ? .. Wouldn't mind being attached to ships east for a few years.
funny you mention that, it is my worst fear.  I don't want to be away from my family for that long at a time.  It is nice to see others with the desire to do it.  If I was 18 again it would be great but not now.