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Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

  • Thread starter Thread starter platinumfx
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Hello everyone.

I just found out I'm going to be COT'd to AVN Tech. This pleases me greatly. Fortunately I have some friends who've already transitioned to the blue side so I can gather intel on course life and Air Force Life in certain places in Canada.

I checked out the CFSATE DIN site and looked at the joining instructions, but found nothing reference the kit I'm going to require.

If Anyone has some insight for the kit list, please let me know. I know I'm still a LONG ways off of actually going on course from this point in time, But i'd rather plan early and make sure I have my stuff wired tight before I have to scramble for things at the last second.

Aries said:
Hello everyone.

I just found out I'm going to be COT'd to AVN Tech. This pleases me greatly. Fortunately I have some friends who've already transitioned to the blue side so I can gather intel on course life and Air Force Life in certain places in Canada.

I checked out the CFSATE DIN site and looked at the joining instructions, but found nothing reference the kit I'm going to require.

If Anyone has some insight for the kit list, please let me know. I know I'm still a LONG ways off of actually going on course from this point in time, But i'd rather plan early and make sure I have my stuff wired tight before I have to scramble for things at the last second.

The air force doesn't really do kit lists.  It is going to be a bit of a culture shock to you. You really need uniforms (all of them) and little else. But if you are concerned you can probably find the AVN course director's email on the CFSATE site and ask.
Aries said:
the kit I'm going to require.



Yea, Air Force kit list is basically just your uniform&DEUs. They will issue you a set of coveralls when you get on course and you will have to get steel toe boots from the QM.

Have "fun" in Borden when you get there. Hopefully PAT platoon has gotten better by then.
It's pretty much dependent on experience. If you finished school you'll have a PLAR done on your file at the recruitment center to determine your potential rank and pay grade. For me I finished school and applied for the military and they gave me a P3 promotion. They also shortened up my trade training down to 3 months.
The absolute hardest part is starting with private pay of course. Theres no negotiating pay like in the civvy world. When I joined I had no idea about this because as an AME I was making 50 to 60K a year. So be fully aware and prepare yourself financially before joining. Its very very tough especially if you have a truck/house/family.

I was an AME. At the time of joining, they weren't offering an incentive but this changes time to time depending on the CF's needs. I do hear stories of the CF handing out loads of cash with people that do have diplomas and many years of experience in civvy. But in my case, all i did was skip the training in Borden (only did common core), because I already had a diploma.I'll give you an time line to give you an idea how it all went for me.

May-Aug 2008 Basic training

Aug 2008 to Aug 2009 (only common core, but you have to wait a long long time for a course, so sit tight and keep you chin up)QL3 is your diploma from college

Aug 2009 got posted to a SQN (here you work with your guys on the aircraft, get to know the ins and outs. and they send you on a type course for your QL5.

once you get your QL5 and 4 years in the forces, you automatically get your Spec pay.
Oh yea, I forgot, none of the recruiters will tell you this.... after you get your MCPL rank, you will have more of a supervisor roll (most all of airforce trades). This means you don't exactly work with your crew on certain jobs on the aircraft. Which yes, is retarded when you've come from civvy. No matter how good of a tech you are, they will put you in a desk. within 6-7 years. Unless you decide not to be promoted. I see this in very large sqn's. I spend 95% of my time behind a computer now a days.

BE WARNED, if you've been working as an AME tech for 20+ years, and your very skilled with your hands and hate sitting down doing paper work everyday. DO NOT JOIN.

In my situation, I'll stick it through, paper work has its positives, cosy room without worry about freezing outside servicing.
I'm Ql3 qualified but not sure where to choose for postings. I want to go to  Trenton hoping that being the deployment hub it would offer lots of opportunities for experience and courses. But I also want to work on cormorants...and go east to greenwood or shearwater. Is Gander NFL even an option? Cause I'd go there in a heartbeat.

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emily_melnyk said:
I'm Ql3 qualified but not sure where to choose for postings. I want to go to  Trenton hoping that being the deployment hub it would offer lots of opportunities for experience and courses. But I also want to work on cormorants...and go east to greenwood or shearwater. Is Gander NFL even an option? Cause I'd go there in a heartbeat.

Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk

Hi :)

Not an AVN Tech. Not even in the Air Force. However, I think I can offer some advice.

Talk to your instructors and course staff. See where they have been and what they have done. Ask for their advice. They may have gone to Shearwater and hated life because of XYZ. Or they may know that Trenton doesn't get all the goes people say they do. Or whatever other insider knowledge they have

Cold calling the internet for one of the biggest decisions of your career thus far won't yield the results you're looking for. You have experienced people in trade that you see on a daily basis. I'm sure they won't beast you for asking a sincere question.

Just my  :2c:
Very true ....I plan on talking to everyone I can....but the more opinions/inside scoops the better..but in the end I have no say where I go anyways.

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Ask for whatever you want - don't ask, don't get. That being said, I was under the impression that CH149 maintenance was performed by a civilian contractor. I may be wrong, however, as I have never been part of that community.
emily_melnyk said:
But I also want to work on cormorants...and go east to greenwood or shearwater. Is Gander NFL even an option?

Saw this from 2007,

Avro_Arrow_1976 said:
Chances of going to Gander in AVN are 0. They only have Comorant helicopters and no AVN's work on them, only civilian maintenance, company called IMP.

See also,

Beginning life as an AVN-Tech
5 pages.

Aviation Systems Tech (AVN)

Questions about AVN/AVS Tech 
3 pages.


AVN Tech
Hello everyone ,

I had some questions , more like some unknown stuff that I wanted to check !

So I finally got done with all the requirements for all my trades , so I am currently merit listed for AVN / ATIS and ACS Tech ! ( yay me ! )

I was wondering , I did a 2 year stint in the Artillery Reserve , and I wanted to know like the main difference between those airforce trades course compared to my SQ + DP1. 

For example : my SQ + DP1 was only 5 weeks total , when the AVN course is like 14-15 months.  Is it the same type of environment ? like inspection every day ? PT every day ? are we housed in some type of barracks ? or do we have like "private rooms" ? is it possible to get internet , since my girlfriend will be in Quebec ( hopefully we will be able to apply for a PMQ ) ?

Those types of questions ....

Basically if anyone can fill me in what to expect there.  I did some basic courses ( BMQ . SQ . DP1 ) also did some extended courses ( PC Tech , Recce Tech , Driver ) and I also did some small tasking in Kingston and Valcartier with the artillery .... so I saw a lot of different type of places / environment. 


P.S. I did a search for AVN Techs , Life in Borden , and Course Life .... nothing really came out of those , but if there is already a forum about it , let me know !
krimynal said:
I did a search for AVN Techs , Life in Borden , and Course Life .... nothing really came out of those , but if there is already a forum about it , let me know !

This is our reading material so far,


Borden Thread- Merged 

Living in Borden.

Internet in Borden 

See also,


Congratulations on being Merit listed, by the way.  :)
AVN QL3 course is not 14-15 months. It's about 6 months plus there is a short 3 months course you do before Called Common Core. IT might actually be less than 3 months now. I believe they've cut out at least a week or two from the course. CFSATE has made a lot of improvements, particularly with getting students on course quicker. It's a lot better than it was a year ago where you'd be sitting on PAT for months. Most AVN techs are getting out of Borden in under a year now.

Air force life is a bit more relaxed. Currently there is only 1 inspection a week (when you're on course), and it's a dress inspection in your 3B's. While on course your staff MAY do a random room inspection, but it's easy to pass. As long as your room is neat and tidy and your kit is secured you'll pass. When you're on PAT you have the dress inspection and a bedside inspection at the end of the week. But it's easy to pass. They're really just making sure you're cleaning up after yourself and not trashing the place.

There are shacks. If you're not on course, you'll be in a room with 3 other guys. When you get on your #'s, they move you into different shacks where it's only 2 to a room. They offer more privacy and more storage.

PT is twice a week. When you're on PAT it's everyday.

You can get internet. Only Rogers though, but part of their "military" deal is there's not fixed contract. So you don't have to sign up for a year or anything.

You can apply for a PMQ, but it's doubtful you would get one. They don't like to let students get PMQs unless they are married and/or have a family.

hope this helps :) if you have anymore questions feel free to ask.
okay I know that on Forces.ca they are talking about "a little over a year" , maybe they changed it since ?

As far as PMQ goes , I got told that if you have to stay in Borden for more than 12 months total you can ask for a PMQ no guarantees to have it but you can still ask for it. I am also Common-Law with my girlfriend I've been told that this is pretty much like Married in the Canadian Forces eyes.

but thanks a lot for the info !

Could be over a year, but like I said, they've made a lot of improvements with increasing the number of courses they run, as well as increasing the number of students on course. It's not nearly as backlogged as it used to be.

You may be able to get a PMQ if you're common-law, but it will all depend on how long you're going to be in Borden. If it ends up being a long wait between courses, it's possible, but not guaranteed. Also, they wont cover the cost of moving your furniture & effects if you get a PMQ. So just keep that in mind. I'm not 100% sure why this is the case now, as I have known other students who got Q's or moved into apartments in Angus(small town just outside of the base, literally) last year were able to get that taken care of by the military. Could be a cost-saving issue since we're just students and only here for a short time vs members who are posted here for 3+ yrs.

I dont mind paying and moving on my own , that is something Ive did time and time again , but I guess Ill know more on the 24th when Ill do my paperwork and all the necessary information
stupid question ....

Is it possible to bring like a FULL Tower PC in the shacks ? Or only a laptop ?

Because if I cant bring a full tower regular computer , I will have to buy a new laptop ! lol
Define "full". Do you mean a regular tower, or the Monolith from 2001 that my older son built to satisfy his gaming addiction? It uses half of the electricity flowing into the block, strains the airconditioning in the house, and can probably run Skynet.