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August BMQ- 2009

I'm hoping to get on this August 10th course date...I was merit listed a bit over a week ago, and I should be getting an offer this week, so maybe I'll see you guys there.
I'm coming from Sarnia, Ontario and going Infantry!
Got my call this morning for Aug 3rd BMQ. Started application on Apr 1st, and was merit listed on May11th. Excited to start. Going in as cook.
Haha good if we are on the same course and out doing training, volunteer to be a cook so I don't have to :P haha
Hell ya I'd cook in the field...unfortunately we'd just be dishing it out :) Might see if I can cook on the weekends..lol...cant lose my knife callous, took me 15 years to build it up :)
I havn't received my paperwork yet, they said it will be mailed to me...i assume my course number and other relevant info will be with that.
Hey all, just got the offer and will be on the Aug. 16th course; going in as Comm. Research Op, with any luck.

Just think - all you Aug. 10th guys will look like seasoned vets when I show up a week later, lost and confused.
Cook! Beans and Wiener specials? I like my steak mooing and still bleeding please. .

All joke's aside congrats on getting a quick acceptance.  I started my application last November.

There's hoping we will be seasoned vets 7 days later.  :salute:  Hopefully we will be able to pass on the knowledge quickly enough for it to do some good. Team work is the language folks.
Yes yes I was.
  I know that in 7 days in our minds at the time we've learned more then we ever could again. But In reality it is not much. It's just a small step into a big world.

  Happy Canada Day army.ca!! :cdn: :yellow: :dileas:
Hey, if anyone on August 3rd ( or any other dates) BMQ wanna keep in touch add me on msn: plevak_alex@hotmail.com or Email plevakalex@gmail.com

I check my email 15 times a day and go on msn rarely, but I can always make exceptions for those who wanna chit chat bout bmq.. :) Does anyone have their enrollment ceremony on july 8th in toronto?
Hey Ruski!
I am on the August 3rd BMQ as well, I don't know which course number although I will let you guys know asap. Also, I swear in on the 8th as well, just in Halifax haha.

ah dam hehe :) yeah find out and we can keep in touch - my name is Alex... if u cant tell my msn - -but anyway  - let me know asap and than itl be awesome.
Hey Alex, I am on Aug 3rd BMQ, But swearing in is not on July 8th, are you driving or taking train. Because you have to go right by where I live in Port Hope.  But I will email you
Will be on the plane to BMQ on August 16th. Anyone else leaving from Halifax?
It's official!
I will pick up my joining instructions tomorrow.
August 10th.
Super psyched.

I'm going to spin some Slayer... and Motorhead.

What are we listening to?

Hey everyone I called the recruiting office today and they said i was merit listed yesterday, should get my offer next week, and BMQ is most likely in august but could be sooner cause im going med tech.  ;D
Im on the Aug 10 basic course 0275. Any other Sig Ops on the course send me a message.