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Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

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The four digit number might be the number your supposed to dial when you call into the centre, kinda like a buzz number for apartment bulidings. From what ive seen you need to redo application, P.T and Interview. The medical is what the documents are for i guess.

-Good Luck man
Heres my story:
Got medical rejection closed my file
x 2 weeks Got all applicable information (wheeze in my lung was just a chest cold) from doctor including PFS
X4weeks cleared medical
went to CFRC/E (for me) and they reopened file
HAD to redo the following:
Security Clearance
PT test (as it was over 6 months old)
Did interview
Now merit listed

I DID NOT have to reapply, however, my file was closed for only 2 weeks.  Hope this helps from someone who has this happen.
When I had my second kick at the can I had to re-do all tests save the CFAT and med part 1, however my file was closed from august to december.
QY Rang said:
Well, I finally got all the copies and tests, and doctor's notes, and recommendations down to the CFRC.   I dropped it all off at the medical section and they told me I would have to go to the main desk to reopen my file.   OK.   So I go to the desk and ask them to re-open the file, I told them that I was there a month ago to do the same and that I was told that they had my old file so I didn't need to submit a new application.    

The Sgt at the centre yesterday said that I did in fact need to submit a new application.   He handed me the papers and told me to go home and fill them out.    Luckily for me I still had all the paperwork from a month ago.   I drove the hour to my hometown and back, and the Sgt was quite surprised that I came back the same day.

The Sgt and I went over my new application and things were going really good.   He went back to his office, and came back out about 10 minutes later.   He told me that they would send my medical back to the RMO for re-evaluation and once that came back my file would be re-opened.   He also told me that I should expect to hear from them within 3-5 weeks, and left me his name and extension, and a four digit number that he said could be used to track my file.

So my questions are, this four digit number, is that a new thing?   Because they didn't have anything like that last time I went through the process.   It would almost seem like they are finally starting to sort some of their problems out.  

And second, in the time that I wait for the return from Borden, Can I do the P.T. Test and Interview? And more specifically, will I need to re-do the medical after it comes back?     Am I correct in my understanding that I will not need to complete the aptitude test a second time?   Thanks for your help guys.

CFRC will contact you about doing the TSI and CFexprss test.  It may be a while before they get a answer back from RMO on your file, and in some cases the information in the TSI and ERC may change.  So it's in everyone intrest not waste time and money by scheduling interviews that might have to be done again in a years time.  As for the CF Express Test., again they will have to await approval from RMO, is some cases to ensure you don't drop dead in the middle of it (don't laugh it's been known to happen).  Most times the express test is contracted out to a YMCA or someone like that, so there is some major insurance issues involved.  Not to mention it cost CFRC $30 for each test (This is why they only pay for one test per applicant).  Have patience, and check in with your CFRC from time to time.

I am wondering if anyone could help me out.    Here's my story........   I once diagnosed with a history of asthma. Brought on by exercise.   But this was 20 years ago and I was a Very heavy smoker back then, along with being overweight and out of shape.   I have not smoked for 16 years and I am now Very physically fit. I now swim, run and I am very active. I am also no longer over weight.   I have not had any trouble since I quit smoking.  

I passed the PT test.   In fact I did very well 42 sit ups 17 push-ups.   33.9 on the V0 2 max.   By the way I am Female and I am 40 years old.

...........Anyway to make a long story short, I was sent a letter stating that I   "did not meet the common enrolment standard. But my case could be reconsidered once a detailed current assessment from a respirologist is provided." Then it went on to say that as a recruit I may not have access to medication or medical support for an indeterminate time period.   And I should not require continuing or ongoing medical follow-up for a specific medical condition.  

I am not on any medication and have not been for 16 years.

Well I went to the Respirologist and obtained a report and a Pulmonary Function Test.   In his report he stated "I had absolutely no ongoing symptoms to suggest any ongoing problem with asthma" and he even went as far as to say that in his opinion I am a very good candidate to enter the military in terms of medical status.

So what I am asking is.....I have provided the Medical Officer with a this report from the Specialist stating that I am medically fit to be enrolled in the forces.   Can they come back and say that the specialist report is not good enough?

If anyone out there could help me out with this I'd really appreciate it.......

Or if you have a similar story............with the medical that is.........

Thanks.....RS :)
i had the exact same thing happen to me a lil while ago... "you do not meed the common enrolment standard"... and i was already halfway through my training..

it was with regards to my depression in the past and the fact that i had been taking medication for it.. they didnt like that

im currently in the process of obtaining letters from psychiatrists and other specialists.. but it happens to a lot of people unfortunately

good luck with yours.. hope everything works out  :salute:
I had the EXACT same thing happen.  Got the PFS test done and resent the medical and it came back GOOD  ;D now merit listed your PFS should be good enough was in my case!
Just an update:

My med file was sent back to Borden March 17-18.  Hopefully my results will come quickly.  The PA seems to think my chances are 50/50;  He feels that since they rejected me based on my last test (methacholine challenge) why would they accept me on this new one (fitness test) when the numbers are so close.  He also tried to tell me that asthma is asthma...and so on.

I informed the PA that Borden specifically asked for an exercise test because the PFT and methacholine challenge did not rule out exercise-induced asthma.  Nice to know there is a disparity between what the medical staff in the CF think.

However, it occured to me afterwards that Borden rejected me both because I had not done an exercise test, and because they thought I was on medication.  I made it perfectly clear that I can exercise without problems (as if the test is not proof enough) and I've not been on meds for a year.  Hopefully the fact that I was prescribed corticosteroids won't have a negative impact.  Anyone know about this?

We'll see what happens.  Wish me luck.  (I'm fully expecting to get another rejection letter).
I wish you the best of luck! They should really think of calling doctors to CFRC to approve the med files so one doesn't have to wait 1 month just for a approval.. it kinda sucks
Well, for me, I'm getting pretty frustrated with the staff here in Toronto.  I have tried to be patient, but I'm starting to wonder what is going on down there.  Apparently, (and I was told this by a friend of mine who works as a clerk at CFRC Toronto), my file is waiting for a CRNC (criminal record and name check?).  I was also told that the CRNC's take 2 or 3 weeks to complete.  Well this is the 7th week since they told me they were going to send it.  I called them on the 28th of February, and the gentleman that I spoke with told me sharply that my file was waiting for the Enhanced Reliability Check and that I would receive a call when they knew something.

I found out my friend was working there so I had him look into it.  He told me that my file had been sent for the check on the 28th.  So.. that is my first indication that things are going wrong down there.  He told me that if I hadn't heard anything by the 21st of this month that I should be surprised AND give them a call.  So I called them today, I was bounced around through 6 different extensions, and still told nothing.

I know there is not going to be a problem with my file because I've had the check done before, and that check was used by Connaught National Cadet Training Centre as grounds to hire me.  I can't conceive how this can be taking so long after jumping through so many hoops to clear up the medical issues I had last year.  I applied in November 2003, thats over a year now.  I'm not whining, and I'm definitely not going to quit, I just hope that someone who understands the recruiting system better than I do (kincanucks?).. 

If someone knows anything or can find anything out please respond or feel free to P.M.  Thanks.
well.. you're not whining but in your place I would surely whine a lot! What the fuck are they doing with your career?

The only suggestion I can make to you is to try to get a regular contact at CFRC. Go down there and talk to someone about the problem face to face. If they feel they can help you, get their contact information and ask if that person if they can be your main contact point. When you want something done with your file, call/email that person.

You put a face to the name, and they will probably be more willing to help you.

At the CFRC in Calgary, each applicant is issued a 'File Manager' who handles all aspects of your application. When I want to know something, I call or email my file manager. My file manager always is on top of things.

Perhaps that is a method other recruiting centers should look into.
Excellent idea pieman! I think I should consider doing this. In fact, each and every single time I go to the CFRC to get informations on my file, I never talk to the same person. Not that the service is not good, but that would make sense to me to get a "file manager". Very good idea!

Pieman, thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately, this is also a brick wall I've been running into.  The Petty Officer who handled my first application was very helpful, but..as my luck would have it, come time to re-open my file, he gets a new posting in Valcartier...

I have tried several times to have someone assigned to my file/have myself assigned to someone, and I keep getting the runaround.  The last time I was there I spoke with a Sgt. and he seemed very helpful at the time, he gave me his contact information and I though things were finally moving.  Well, I was wrong, I can't get in contact with this person, I've left  messages for him, and nothing heard.  It seems that I get better answers when I just call down and talk to random people.. (granted none of the answers I do get from these people match each other).

I would love to go down there in person except for the fact that A: I work day shift, B: I live an hour and a half away, C: I've already used up all my sick days running around trying to get doctor's notes and taking papers back and forth.  I'm spending $$$ on the bus to get there on these days, not to mention the money I lose from not going to work.  I have been spoken to by my superiors at work re: the number of times I've been away from work for the military.  As you might imagine, they aren't very accommodating when it comes to me trying to get time off to find a different job.

I don't want to lose this job just in case the process takes any longer.. I will roll with the punches, but someone needs to tell me what way to roll.  Thanks anyways.

QY Rang,

I certainly can understand your situation. They must really shuffle through staff at the CFRC in Toronto or something. Strange how you can't seem to maintain contact with one person.

Either way, keep at it and good luck. Perseverance always wins in the end.
I have my PFT tomorrow morning.
I have never been diagnosed w/ asthma. Only used inhalers when sick w/ a really bad chest infection about a yr ago.
I have no idea what is considered a pass or a fail for this PFT.

Can anyoine give me some stats to work w/ here?
What should I be asking the specialist or what numbers should I be looking for?

Don't quote me on this, but a PFT I think is to determine lung volume and whether or not you breathe normally or have some sort of airway obstruction.

I had two doctors and a technician tell me that the PFT does not determine asthma, but if it cmes back negative for airway obstruction, they use the FEV (basicaly the amount of air expelled) as a basis in future tests and they see if and by how much that drops in certain situations, i.e. reaction or exercise (this being done in a methachoine test or an exercise test).

A PFT in your case my be used to determine if there is still an obstruction or a problem with your breathing.

Don't take my word for it: I'm not a doctor.  But I've been through these tests, asked many questions and looked it up online.  Good luck!
WOOO!!!! Got merit listed today!! LOOONG HAUL, but it's over now, had update P.T. on tuesday, and the Interview today went great.. RCR here I come baby!!
I was upset when a recruiter for the US army told me I could not join the US army because I have asthma. I am a U.S. citizen. Is it at all possible that I can be in the canadian army and if so how could that happen? If not is there any suggestions of what else I might be able to do?
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