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Artillery Simulation Training?


Army.ca Veteran
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For those of you in Artillery, does the CF currently use any form of simulation or 3D computer environments for training?

I ask because as part I am currently learning OpenGL so I can integrate physics in to a 3D immerse environment.  I need a project to do this, and rather than build a video game that would be clunky, I figure I could build something that might be useful.

My idea is to have a simulation with very accurate ballistics, which would be integrated in a realistic 3D environment to scale. The 'player' would be next to an artillery gun, and targets (truck convoys, infantry units, etc.) would be placed somewhere in the terrain. The target position would be radioed to the player, and the player would have to adjust the gun and then fire, etc. Very simple set up, which is why it would be a good starting project.

I would want to make it true to life as possible in the end, so realistic gun that would be adjusted as it would in real life. Also realistic procedures, how target is acquired etc.

Does this sound like something you guys would be interested in having/using? Or is there already software like this at your disposal?

we have a system called the indirect fire trainer or ift for short , we can do any kind of missions on this system however it is not as good as the real thing. you can have multiple targets a long with that you can also use attack choppers or fast air along with navel guns now with the  mods on the program.
Hi Pieman,

For the CP part, a good aid would be a "random 11 orders generator", the DSs would like it for sure LOL ! Insert a print option and you are in business.   8)
we have a system called the indirect fire trainer or ift for short
I take it this is a large in house system. ie. you can't run the program on your home computer?

Mine would be a substandard version to the big training systems out there, but would be accessable.
I suspect if I made it good and fun to use, it could fill a need.

Do you have or use simulations on your home PC for artillery? If not, I might as well give it a shot.
There was a computer game made long ago... called "Scorched Earth" (Scorch for short)... not exactly a real life simulation, but the closest thing I can think of to an artillery simulator for the home user... pretty much the predecessor to "Worms".
I got an important question for you Arty guys: What is this gun exactly?


I don't know what gun this is, and I need to know to lay out the correct physics when it comes to firing.

Due to my lack of artistic talent, I had to use a AutoCAD Artillery gun I pulled off the net (Open Source). The 3D model was made by someone else, but I added textures, colored it and uploaded it into a OpenGL environment..not an easy task. It was the only gun I could find, and I have no idea what kind of gun it is.

If this picture is not clear, you are welcome to download a model view program I wrote for this task:

Model Viewer

This will probably only work on WindowsXP systems. You will be able to look at the model and rotate it in 3D using the arrow keys.

I am writing the program and it is progressing well. I have climbed over a lot of learning curves and I got a basic 3D environment going, that now has the capability to load terrain textures, and now animated models. I hope to have a pre-alpha version ready by the end of the week (I can only hope, anyway)

Due to my lack of artistic talent, I had to use a AutoCAD Artillery gun I pulled off the net (Open Source). The 3D model was made by someone else, but I added textures, colored it and uploaded it into a OpenGL environment..not an easy task. It was the only gun I could find, and I have no idea what kind of gun it is.


Let's see.......22 Cal Short round beside gun.  Civilian trailer hitch.  AutoCAD drawing of a .22 Cal Desert Eagle target pistol mounted on a model trailer with straws?????

LOL,  ;D

Thanks GW, I would never have realized. I thought the two barrels on it were a little strange looking.  :-[ Hmmm....will have to keep looking.

If I could find a file with a 155mm Howitzer geometry, I would be in heaven.
Yah the IFT is really good but it does take up alot of space. The FATS program ive only seen used for FOO Tecs. For gun teams I think the "Random 11 orders generator" would work great  ;D. As for a home computer deal. What would you really do?
  As for a home computer deal. What would you really do?
Not really sure just yet. I am getting the prototype (alpha version) ready which will be a landscape, one arty gun, and a tank moving off in the distance.

I will probably model the program after one of the large scale simulations out there. I have to do some more reading into it.
When I have the alpha version ready, I will post it and look for some input from people with experience. It would be great if I could create something that people would use, but it is my first crack at a full 3D 'game' environment, so who knows how well this will go.
I think if you involve one with the mapping and target aquistion aspect of it. It could work out
Is there any documentation on the Artillery trade you could point me to?

How does the mapping and target acquisition work as a procedure?
You can add my email if you wanna talk about this some more ( mark_biernacki@hotmail.com ). But if you want some good answers ask somone that works in a CP or a FOO perhaps. They make their job look easy. If you haven't already try to get in an Indirect Fire Trainer, the product name is FATS.

But if you make a game straight from the point of view from guns. If its indirect fire then all your going to be doing is, punching in numbers. If you make one from the FOO's point of view (which is exactly what an IFT is) it could possibly work.
Pieman said:
For those of you in Artillery, does the CF currently use any form of simulation or 3D computer environments for training?

I ask because as part I am currently learning OpenGL so I can integrate physics in to a 3D immerse environment.   I need a project to do this, and rather than build a video game that would be clunky, I figure I could build something that might be useful.

My idea is to have a simulation with very accurate ballistics, which would be integrated in a realistic 3D environment to scale. The 'player' would be next to an artillery gun, and targets (truck convoys, infantry units, etc.) would be placed somewhere in the terrain. The target position would be radioed to the player, and the player would have to adjust the gun and then fire, etc. Very simple set up, which is why it would be a good starting project.

I would want to make it true to life as possible in the end, so realistic gun that would be adjusted as it would in real life. Also realistic procedures, how target is acquired etc.

Does this sound like something you guys would be interested in having/using? Or is there already software like this at your disposal?

There is already a product created By Pheonix Sytems that the artiller uses right now. I know 2 RCHA uses it, and so does 30th FLD in Ottawa. They are based out of the UK. and are VERY expensive. 200 K last i heared. 3-4 years ago.
If you want to hone your indirect fire skills, the best way would be with the indirect fire simulator called flingthecow.com

try this out.  it is the current gun used by the regular force arty in canada.  the m109 self propelled was retired last week in a ceremony in cfb shilo.  this is all we got now. if you have any more questions I have experience with both the phoenix simulator and the new ift simulator.
Thanks for the link, that is lots of good info.

I have been meaning to come back to this thread for a while.

I have put this project on the shelf for a while. I just took a new contract position that is eating up all my coding time. The project itself was to learn OpenGL as applied to 3D physical environments. I achieved that in making the alpha version of this program.

I examined a little information on artillery simulations on the market, and I think for me to build something along the lines of what you are using would be too big of an undertaking. It is more of terminal interface, rather than a simulation. It would involve lots of GUI interface programming, something   I don't like to do unless I have to.

So in the end, what I made was more like the bare bone basics of an Artillery video game, and would not be very useful. But with a little work it could potentially be fun. I hope to come back to this project sometime toward the end of March when I got a little more coding flexibility in my time. If I end up with something that is fairly decent, I will make it available to anyone.

