To my knowledge, none of us are aware of the specifics in this case. However, my argument is that the member's supervisors (regardless of the unit the member is posted to) should clearly be aware of where the member is. I don't understand what garb811 means by a CoC not hearing from a member in "far too long" (unless, again, that member is on sick leave or the temporary supervision of someone else, such as a training program, inpatient care, whatever - but in that case there is no expectation of hearing from the member, until member comes back from leave/whatever).
If a member is supposed to be reporting in, and isn't, the member is AWOL. The CoC should obviously look into why the member is AWOL, be it a medical reason or a non-medical one. There shouldn't come a point where the CoC just loses contact with their member for "far too long".