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Army Song?

Michael Dorosh said:
All well and good Mr. O'Leary, but where are the Slow Time march pasts?  hmmm?  HMMMM????

I posted the full content of the CFP annexes on marchpasts. Perhaps you need to take this up with DHH. Perhaps these marches of which you speak are not official. Then again, perhaps they've just overlooked Slow Marches.
If you look closely at the list, the authorized Slow Marches are there, just not highlighted as such for some less knowledgeable.  ;D

I am sure that if your Unit's Slow March is not listed, then with the proper documentation to DHH, it will be added on approval by the powers that be.  In dealings with them in the past, I have found that many Unit Traditions are "unofficial", a case in point is the motto that many RCD use to close their letters.  It really isn't a Regimental motto, as officially the Regiment doesn't have one.  This is the case with so many of our "traditions".

"Audax et Celer"  ;D
Michael O'Leary said:
I posted the full content of the CFP annexes on marchpasts. Perhaps you need to take this up with DHH. Perhaps these marches of which you speak are not official. Then again, perhaps they've just overlooked Slow Marches.

bah, google-fu does not impress me, I wanted to know why you didn't cut and paste them as well. :)
George Wallace said:
If you look closely at the list, the authorized Slow Marches are there, just not highlighted as such for some less knowledgeable.    ;D

I am sure that if your Unit's Slow March is not listed, then with the proper documentation to DHH, it will be added on approval by the powers that be.   In dealings with them in the past, I have found that many Unit Traditions are "unofficial", a case in point is the motto that many RCD use to close their letters.   It really isn't a Regimental motto, as officially the Regiment doesn't have one.   This is the case with so many of our "traditions".

"Audax et Celer"   ;D

It's ok, I still have no idea why you put sink cleaner on your celery, but I'm guessing it has to do with your visual purple and the night sights on a Centurion tank.

Edit - oops, sorry, that should have been the rank, not the tank.
Celer Paratus Callidus ....
err... how about: "Where did I park my Cadillac?"

or "what's my Cadillac doing in the celery patch"

:) (JK)
Lost_Warrior said:
So what does Celer Paratus Callidus mean anyway?

callidus, callida, callidum, - clever, cunning, shrewd.
celer, gen. celeris, - quick, fast.
paratus, parata, paratum, - ready.

Colloquially, "... it's a good idea to be quick about it when you stand to ..."?