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Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

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...with the overriding factor likely being 'needs of the Service' thrown in there...

So does the split for SigOps between radio and IT has been confirmed yet? And when will existing members be able to put in their preferences?
Yes, the split is confirmed.
As for the second question, I am not 100% on that. Personal preference and past experience is considered though.
Well ... PteBloggins here ... just thought it was time to chime in ...

One thing I think everyone is overlooking is the amount of recuits who will not sign up based on the merger.... I have a 10year background in Computers(networking/repair stuff) and I guarantee that if my recruiter told me I had to be an operator first, I would have either up and left or gone AVS.

Also I assure you that as a private LCIS currently I will VR if they want me to retrain as an OP... it's not what I signed my contract for... this may sound kind of sandbox behaviour, but its the facts, I signed up for a career as a tech and then I got to basic and heard the 'soldier first' motto.

This old story where recruiters promise all these great things and soon as you sign "POOF" it all changes is getting old fast.

ok end of vent session...
My college diploma in the same field comes in quite handy for me as an Operator. I think it was stated before that if you're already trained, you get grandfathered in, unless you want to OT.
There is not an Armed Force out there where personnel are not "Soldier First". The likelyhood of some having to use the basic skills taught are unlikely in a lot of cases, but it still applies to everybody...why is this such a revelation at this point?
Comment removed as it was purely trolling.

This is a warning to cease and desist comments like this one.  Three rebuttals below this one also removed as they were simply troll food.

Harris - Milnet Staff
As a civvy on the outside still awaiting my thumbs up on BMQ at St Jean, I am looking at the prospect of being herded into the Sig Op field simply due to understaffing and attrition. But with the sounds of the changes going on and people already in training are the chances of getting placed in Sig Op still high for someone like me yet to hit BMQ ?

Well it's happening. Had someone posted in, WO called him into the office asked if he wanted to go line, guy says yes. Off he goes to the line det awaiting next lineman course. He was a sigop btw.
I just read some paperwork on this, and they are looking at turning the static positions into civvi contractors (commcens, line, pbx .....) and moving those pers into field units as  the sig ops and lcis are undermanned.  this would bolster the field force for deployments and the like.  dont know what they plan on doing on maintaining skill sets though...
radop215 said:
I just read some paperwork on this, and they are looking at turning the static positions into civvi contractors (commcens, line, pbx .....) and moving those pers into field units as  the sig ops and lcis are undermanned.   this would bolster the field force for deployments and the like.  dont know what they plan on doing on maintaining skill sets though...

I'm still civvy awaiting thumbs up for BMQ, but was offered SigOp, how will or does this affect me or will i notice anything by the time i get through to the end job?

you wont notice anything, its still pretty uncommon for a private to go static off his 3s.
radop215 said:
I just read some paperwork on this, and they are looking at turning the static positions into civvi contractors (commcens, line, pbx .....) and moving those pers into field units as  the sig ops and lcis are undermanned.   this would bolster the field force for deployments and the like.  dont know what they plan on doing on maintaining skill sets though...

Just what we need...more civies running the show.  If you don't think it f**ks it up, try a posting to MARLANT N6...you'll see.
Snafu-Bar said:
I'm still civvy awaiting thumbs up for BMQ, but was offered SigOp, how will or does this affect me or will i notice anything by the time i get through to the end job?


You won't notice anything different, as it will all be different to you. You will probably (most likely) be posted to a Sig Sqn or the Regt. The only difference is the carreer path that will be open to you that was not available to us that joined years ago.
radop215 said:
I just read some paperwork on this, and they are looking at turning the static positions into civvi contractors (commcens, line, pbx .....) and moving those pers into field units as  the sig ops and lcis are undermanned.   this would bolster the field force for deployments and the like.  dont know what they plan on doing on maintaining skill sets though...

we had an information group with the trade brass and he said it was in the works. at work we are getting surveys on different stuff (if we would stay in, why, if) things like that. the wheels are moving and everyone in field units soon. i wonder why because im in a field unit and work with static when were not on exercise. but overseas its all static work... so wont I be losing so much experience considering i would not be working with equipment i have seen since my 3's or 5's?
I have a funny feeling this is going to come back and bite the C&E branch in the a**...

Guess who is going to apply for all these shiny new DND public service jobs? It will be the uniformed incumbents, who are already fully trained and security cleared. And they will get them, as they are the most qualified, and have the inside track on the hiring process. It is already happening where I work. It will cause a huge bleed-off of experience when 45 year old Sgt Bloggins gets told "sorry about your luck (and your house, and your spouse's job, etc), you are going back to Pet again", and he looks at his CM and replies "actually no, I just won the PS competition for my present job as a civvy, so here is my release. Have a nice life..." Multiply this by hundreds of cases, ranging in rank from Cpl to CWO and it will make FRP look like a small blip...

And until the issues of spec pay and mobility between sub trades are clarified, it will be very difficult to get bodies to stay in the non-tech side of the house.

If this branch wants to retain people, it is going to have to start holding out some carrot, instead of stick... Anyone's thoughts on this?